
Chapter 101 Claud Is Nothing!

In the chairman's office of the Peace Group.

Claud, Stephanie, and Diana returned.

"Stephanie, why are you going back to the company? It's so late. Are you still going to work?" Claud asked.

"Since I am going to leave the Carr family, I have to sort out many things and transfer my power to Damien and the others. I have to call up the higher-ups for a meeting. There are many things to do."

Stephanie sighed.

"Diana, stay and deal with it with me tonight."

"No problem."

Diana also got busy.

Claud shrugged and sat on the sofa casually.

"Stephanie, according to my investigation, you've been managing the Peace Group for many years and contributed a lot, or it wouldn't be able to gain such achievements. How can you transfer it to Damien?"

"I've left the Carr family."

"The Peace Group is different from the Carr family. Let's put the transfer aside for now. Even if you insist on it, you don't have to rush it."