
Mafia Boss's Secret Promise: You're Mine

Have you ever wondered how fate is a huge joke? - I mean it, like a literal clown trying to make people laugh at cold jokes that not many would understand.  Ivy Hui-Clover was told at a young age that she can live up to 25 years old. And the only way for her to survive is to find her Mr. Right and... - well that's for another time to continue.  "Is it wrong to want to sabotage my own blind date?" Ivy slurped her boba milk tea and focused intensely on chewing the pearls. As she savored the sweet flavor, her fraternal twin, Chloe answered her question. "What do you think?" Compared to her, Chloe had it easier when it came to looking for a partner.  "Then being a savage, it is." Ivy cupped her cheek, clearly in a good mood from having her favorite drink in her hands.  -- "Ivy went where?!" Selina's high pitched voice made her husband, Jason cover his ears. Rereading the note that Ivy had left behind, her left brow twitched unhappily. "Who told her Chloe was going there?! Nuh uh. No way! I need to send someone to get her back." She slammed the note against the table. At the same time, fate played a twist on Ivy.  After roaming around the unfamiliar mall, she finally purchased a new laptop for herself. Her clumsy friend destroyed her old one in the most peculiar way anyone can ever imagine. As she walked out of the store, she bumps into a young man, causing her swirled glasses to fall. The stranger gasped when he saw her face and she quickly took her glasses from his hands before heading off the opposite direction. Not long after, she found herself surrounded by guards in suits with a weapon in their blazer. "Don't move and follow us," the guard said. "Interesting," Ivy smirked at his challenge. -- "How did you get here?" His voice was so deep, causing ripples in her chest. It sent shivers down her spine, making her tighten her legs around his waist. Mark Williams was told that the girl he's been looking for might be found - his friend had run into her in front of the electronic store. However, she ran away like a frightened bunny. It was a game of tag at this point, and he had a time limit - to catch her before she leaves this mall. In the midst of looking for her, he found a girl flying towards his direction - yes, flying. He caught her, and one of her mustache swirled glasses lens fell off, revealing her energetically innocent puppy eyes. 'It's her' His heart beat against his chest rapidly. "I flew here." She replied. And this was the start of their twisted fate. What would happen when she learns about his profession and realizes he wasn't who she thought he was? Yet, it brought her such excitement as it dragged out her crazy fantasies from her private library of Mafia Romance books?

Sweetflowlips · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


YEAR 2018

Crickets screamed in agony as the scorching summer heat rose. Shades of green decorated the leaves as it busily latched on to the tree branches. Some trees already showed signs of balding as the season began to shift. 

A warm, yet considered passable refreshing zephyr swept its way through the shades to eavesdrop on a conversation. Two young teens were caught having a private talk. The dancing leaves stopped rustling, and the wind that just passed by also took a halt. 

"Can we not go? If we separate now, we won't get to eat the pudding from the cafeteria. You promised you would eat cake with me for my birthday. And And-" At the age of twelve years old, Ivy Hui-Clover, who had always lived a happy-go-lucky attitude and caused whatever havoc she liked was now facing one of the most difficult tasks in her life. 

Her cheeks turned pink from the constant tear wiping friction. As soon as her tear stains were wiped away, she would sadden over the thought of their separation. 

She looked down to their feet and pouted disappointedly. 

"Little Pumpkin," Mark Williams called her name. When she didn't respond, he repeated her name again. 

They met when Ivy and Chloe first arrived at the secluded village. This place is only known to those of high, mysterious status. Everyone in this place had to follow two rules:

Rule #1: Do not tell anyone your real name and your address. The master assigns a nickname for every person in the village. 

Rule #2: Never disclose your family's origin because even your closest friends here can be an enemy. 

"Little Pumpkin, listen..I also don't want to go..but-" His throat was clogged by his words. He also didn't want to leave and part with her. However, he had no choice. 

"Then we both don't leave! We can eat cake and play together...We can stay with master..." Ivy's tears broke loosely free. Her fringe stuck to the side of her cheek from all the salty liquid that was drowning it. 

"Don't cry. I promise you. I will be back. I will come back to find you." He cupped her cheeks and gently brushed away the water stains. 

"But you don't know where I live. After my parents come to pick us up, you can't find me anymore." She knew this would be a goodbye between them.

Mark combed her slightly disheveled hair. "We are not allowed to give out our address. But master never said we cannot just share the place we live in. It doesn't count if you tell me the place you live in."

Like the sunshine that usually comes after a storm, her smile warmed his soul. A glittering spark reflected in her eyes, one that is brimmed with excitement. His hand paused as his gaze locked with her mesmerizing ones.

Her left dimple added on a trace of cuteness when she stretched her frown to a bright smile. The summer rays continued shining its presence through roasting them alive, yet all he could hear now was his heartbeat.

"Then when you find me… I will be your girlfriend!" She raised her right hand as if she was answering a question in class. Her palm spread flat out like a fan, waving sideways in the air. At the age of fifteen, he was a few inches taller than she is. Her fingers barely reached the top of his head.

"Haha, Little Pumpkin, do you even understand what a girlfriend means?" He couldn't help but laugh at her innocent suggestion. The seconds of heart race faded, and he once again felt it was probably another summer heat wave attack just now.

"I do! It is when a boy and girl eat, play and live together!" Her hands pressed against her hips as she explained her definition of being a girlfriend to him.

"Oh? Then you sure you want to be my girlfriend in the future?" He'd have never thought that one day in his future, this would come true. This was purely a friendship to him.

"Yes! Or else don't let me find you or I will kick your tooshie as punishment. You have to promise me." Ivy caught sight of a group of familiar faces arriving at the entrance. She knew it was almost time.

"Alright, then you need to promise me to be a good girl. The next time we meet, I will treat you to all the food and dessert you want." He also realized time was up.

"Words are useless! As a man, you need to do it like a real man!" She made a fist and pointed up her pinky.

"Whoever doesn't do as promised will be the rotten pumpkin!" She declared.

"Haha, alright, but Little Pumpkin should remember that you're the only one named after pumpkin here." He reminded her of her nickname.

Her quick-witted mind jumped out with a last second idea. As she tightened her pinky around his, she said, "then when I become your girlfriend, you will be my boyfriend. This makes you Mr. Pumpkin! So, you can also be a rotten pumpkin." She swung her arm carefreely while laughing at her awesome idea.

"Alright then, Little Pumpkin. Where do you live?" He heard footsteps approaching from behind. Before leaving, he must find out where she lives.

"I live in Sidne-" Before he could finish listening to her words, he was forcibly taken away by his family. The master also appeared at that moment to hold Ivy back from chasing after him. From a child's point of view, she only cared about her friend.

However, the master lived long enough to know that his background was not simple.

When the master released his grip on her shoulder, Ivy asked, "do you think he heard me?"

The master looked at her and only said, "when one is fated to meet, it must have its reason. And only time will tell. Come, Chloe and your parents are waiting for you at the hall."

Ivy took his hands and followed him. Every few steps, she would turn her head to see if Mark would come back to bid goodbye. But there was nobody each time she turned around.

Welcome all readers!

Whether you're new to my novel or came from my previous novel JTMY, WELCOME~

I hope you enjoy this journey :)

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