
Mafia Boss's Little Trouble Maker

After a disheartening break up and betrayal from the two people she considered as family, she makes the greatest mistake of her life by getting involved with a notorious and influential mafia mastermind who has the whole of Tael at his fingertips. Is that the end of her or the beginning of something new? ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NOVEL BILLIONAIRE'S BLOOD BAG (BB)

Luv_Freek · Urban
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14 Chs


Kaima stood hesitantly in front of Mr. Brent's office. She knew why he had called her. She was hesitant to face Mr. Niven especially after finding out he saw that video of her. She felt like she had no power to choose what she wanted.

Suddenly, the door opened, and she saw a messenger right in front of her.

"Just the person I was asked to call" he said.

"Miss Ellis, Mr. Brent has called for you twice now" he said.

"Yeah, I know" she said.

Fully aware that they knew she was at the door, she walked into the office to meet the expectant eyes of Mr. Brent and Mr. Niven.

"Good day Sirs" she said trying to cover up her anxiousness with confidence.

She knew she had gotten into a big mess with someone so dangerous. A man who could get hold of her sex tape and black mail her with it was not someone who should have been messed with.

"Miss Ellis, you must be aware of the reason you were called" Mr. Brent started.

"So what's your decision" Zain asks impatiently.

Kaima was silent for a while, she knew how serious this decision would affect her life. She had two options, to choose to be haunted by this deadly man or to be stigmatized throughout her entire life. She knew either of the two may likely lead to her death, the only difference was she was either going to be killed by him or by herself.

"Mr. Niven doesn't have all the time to waste," Mr. Brent said impatiently. "You already had the whole of yesterday to thing it through."

"I...I accept" she said still unable to look Zain in the eye.

Mr. Brent's face brightened up in happiness and excitement.

"You accept?" he said.

"That's wise of you" Zain said with a slight smile.

That smile didn't look suspicious to anyone but Kaima could decode the message behind it.

"So, you two would take it from here" Brent said. "I can give you her employee records."

Kaima felt helpless, this was the first time she felt so weak. She didn't know how to react, all she knew was she couldn't say anything.

"Mr. Brent, today, I've been feeling really sick, could I take a leave" she asked.

She didn't want to be in such an environment at least for now. She wanted to go home to mourn her freedom as she knew this wasn't going to be the last time he'll use her video on her.

"Well…You should be asking Mr. Niven and not me" he said. "He's your boss now"

The thought of it gave her the chills, was she really under the orders of this handsome monster?

"Umm… Mr. Niven, Could I take a leave for today?" she asked trying her best to avoid looking into his cold eyes.

"No" he said almost immediately.

This made her feel a bit frustrated. Just because he was boss didn't give him the right oppress her, she thought. But of course, she couldn't express her anger: one; he was her boss, two; he had something that could ruin her life forever.

"But Sir…" she said before she was interrupted.

"No leaves for you" he said. "We'll be leaving for the office now"

"Now?" Kaima and Mr. Brent exclaimed almost at the same time.

"You have any problem with that?" he said shooting a cold glance at Mr. Brent.

"N-no, I don't" he said sheepishly.

She knew this was just beginning of her problems. She had made up her mind to either survive or die in the devil's cave. At least it would only be hell at work and nowhere else but if that video got out, the whole world would be a place of torment.


Kaima stepped out of the luxurious Jeep grand Wagoneer, onto the bare floor. Even if she didn't like her boss, she loved the comfort of his car. The car had stopped in front of a huge skyscraper. If that was his office then it must have been more the five times bigger than her former workplace. She was really shocked as she never knew a person could have been that rich.

She walked behind him like a faithful servant as reporters out of nowhere had started to cluster up. There were some men in black probably bodyguards who held them back. To her, it felt like she was walking on a red carpet. She was starting to feel really nervous as she hated attention but he seemed really composed.

"Miss, miss" a voice said from the restricted crowd.

She turned her head in the direction to see it was a reporter.

"Are you Mr. Niven's new girlfriend" the reporter asked.

She felt weird with the question, how could she a girlfriend to monster like him? She thought. She was about to reply when Zain said to her in a composed manner.

"Ignore them."

"That's easy for you to say" she murmured inaudibly.

Her nerves all calmed down as they got in the building. It was safe from the pesky paparazzi.

As they walked into the reception, she could see so many people's eyes on them.

"Who is she?" she heard someone whisper.

"Is she the boss's new girlfriend?" another person whispered.

"She doesn't match with him, just look at the way she dresses" another person said.

"She doesn't look like his type"

"I thought boss's taste was better than that"

Kaima felt really annoyed at the comments. Couldn't a girl just stay close to someone without unreasonable judgments and insults? At first no one really cared about her clothes and how she looked but now she was with Zain everyone was going on about her appearance. That was one of the reasons she never wished to be related to a celebrity in anyway.

Zain ignored all the greetings and walked passed like no one was there. How could he be so rude? But yet no one seemed to be offended they rather looked relieved whenever he passed by. The truth was, his aura was a really dangerous one.

She wasn't the only one walking with him. She was right behind him while his body guards where behind them both. He walked passed the receptionist who gleefully greeted him. Well… that was what she was meant to do, greet with a smile, even if you didn't mean it.

He walked into an elevator and of course was followed by the ignorant brunette. Only two bodyguards this time had followed him into the elevator. What was he so scared of that he couldn't move without a bodyguard? Kaima thought. She was supposed to be the one scared of death especially when she was around a murderer.

She was so scared to say anything to Zain as a result of the incessant stare given to her by one of his bodyguards. To Kaima, it seemed like a long time before they got to the last floor in the 80 floors skyscraper. Though it was just few seconds it seems like hours, the piercing stare was not making it any better.

Kaima kept wandering what they really needed eighty floors for? She was finally relieved when they got out of the elevator. At least, the weird body guard wasn't watching her so eerily.

They approached a giant polished wood double door with ZAIN NIVEN engraved on it in gold. She could tell it was real gold, just by looking at it. She never imagined in her life that someone could be this rich.

To her relief, the bodyguards didn't go in with them. His office was elegantly designed in such a way she couldn't explain. If his office was like this, she wondered how his house would be. She was so stunned by the elegant interior that she was staring unwittingly.

"It's obvious you've never seen riches" Zain trash-talked her.

This angered Kaima as she was a hot tempered woman but she suppressed her anger by biting her lips and fisting her palms tightly.

"Don't think of attacking me as you know what the consequences would be" he said in an offensive manner. "But just so you know, I'm way stronger than you in terms of physical power so don't even try to attack me"

Kaima was so frustrated at his new attitude. A while ago, he was cold hearted and all that stuff but now he was behaving like an annoying teenager. She wondered how it was so easy for him to change characters.

"Mr. Niven, if I may ask, what is my new job about?" she asked.

"From now onwards, you would work as my personal assistant" he said in a professional manner.

"Personal assistant?" she exclaimed.

Her bad dreams had already turned into nightmares but now, her nightmares were getting worse with every step.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Niven but I cannot accept this unfair treatment" she said in frustration.

He wobble his phone to her and she got what he meant. She kept mute instantly and kept wandering how long this would go on.

Suddenly, an idea came to her mind, maybe it was a good thing she was going to be his personal assistant. This would surely give her an upper hand on his belongings. She could try to delete the video from his phone entirely then, she would be free from his threats.

Hi, so this is another chapter in MBLTM, hope you liked it . I really worked hard on this one. If you enjoyed it and want more don't forget to add to your library.

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