

The next day early that morning at sanjuns refinery sirens of police cars sounded as they passed by while news casters looked around and asked questions as they took pictures of the burnt building

Hey..hey a police officer who was in the burnt building screamed ''iI found a body'' he said and the other police men present rushed over to him

The body is too damaged i'm not sure anyone would be able to recognize it the man who discovered the body said and they all sighed in pity and the investigation carried on as reporters continued to cast their news

few hours later a detective walked into the crime scene...Hey please get back an officer ordered

i'm detective blanc the man said and then showed the officer his card; there after the detective began to look around

What was so valuable here that they had to rob the detective said to himself a little bit loud but sadly he was heard by the police man who stood beside him

what do you think this is a refinery there are many this here to steal the policeman said

i know there are a lot of things to steal but the security guard who was present said when he noticed them they where in the C.E.Os office they didn't even go to where all resources where kept

well I heard he had a huge safe in his office, only him knew the pin and only him had access to it

hmm.....blanc chuckled as he stroked his chin

who ever did this is skilled i mean ...there are no traces or clues that can lead them to us the policeman said

maybe for you i have been following these people for a while now ...true they are skilled, calculative and careful but i know i'll place my hands on them sooner or later....i always do blanc said with some kind of weird look in his eyes

The investigation took long as the detective was there all day damn it blanc screamed as he hit a table hard out of frustration ...I haven't found a clue not even a little that could lead me to anything

I think you need rest and so do I why don't you come back tomorrow the policeman suggested and blanc stared at him for a long time contemplating on if to go or not but eventually blanc and the police officer left

Later that day at night ,three beautiful women where spotted in front of the all so famous lavender club they where all beautifully dressed

The lady who stood by the door wore a black louis vuitton gown which was directly below her ass. The gown was a sleeveless one which she rocked with a black leather long boot which was at the lenght of her knee and her bloned hair swayed freely behind her back

The other lady wore a black gucci gown which had a long v pattern neck shape, the v pattern exposed her neck and all the way down to her chest leaving a small view of her boobs ,the back of the black gucci gown was also exposed down to her waist leaving a beautiful view of her nicely shaped back she rocked this amazing gown with a simmi london silver heel as her thick dark long hair was tied up into a bun

well the third lady wore dior collection gown, it was a very short black gown hers was simple none of her body parts where exposed apart from the fact that the gown where some inches below her ass and it was also sleeveless she wore this simple gown with a white zara collection heel as her long dark red hair was parked beautifully

They all looked very beautiful and classy as they stood by the door while lights continued to blink on them

you ready to have some fun one of the ladies said and the three ladies screamed

but I still don't get why we didn't go to our usual club the lady who wore the simple dress, drussilla said

well all the men there look like old famers , but in here there are a lot of hot and cute guys here ohh i could even smell them already the second lady, tacha said with happiness

well cute or farmer i'm just here to have fun and remember where her to have fun no work duties attached the lady who stood by the door imelda said

whoa they screamed and grabbed each others hand lets go get some guys to fuck tacha said and they all giggled as they walked into the clubs

When they got into the club different colours of light shined and they became the lovely center of the club as all eyes where on them as they walked slowly

ugh...I just love being the center of attraction tacha said and they found a sit which was close to where the strippers dance

The best spot, no joy like watching strippers dance tacha said and all the ladies giggled again

i'll order for drinks drussilla said and left the table

i feel so alive coming here with you and drussilla imelda said

I know we've been so caught up with work tacha replied, and in no time drussilla came with some drinks

Lets take some shots tacha screamed and began to pour the drinks into their glass as they took pictures and continued to take shots and they got a little tispy

Hey a fine young man walked to their table

Hey....daddy they greeted him

You all look so pretty he said

you think tacha asked

i'm sure, from the moment i and my friends saw you girls , ohh trust you became everything the man said and the ladies giggled

Hmmn.. here are your friends imelda asked and the man pointed to their table where he and his friends sat, his friends waved as they noticed the stare from the ladies

ugh.. forgive my manners the young man brought them back, my name is Ethan he said an the ladies grinned your forgiven imelda said and the next moment she stood up come on girls lets go to ethan's table she said and dragged tacha and drussilla with her as they drunk walked to their table while ethan just followed behind

When they got to the table they each walked to whom they thought was cuter

tacha was went to her cute guy and sat on his lap, hey daddy she then said seductively

While imelda also picked her cute guy and seduced him as drussilla was with ethan

Few moments later they began to romance them as they danced all over them twerking and doing al kinds if things while the men just sat there enjoying was the ladies where doing to their bodies they also had more to drink making them more tispy

While drussilla was kneeling in between ethan's, legs romancing him as he groaned lightly, he then grabbed her by the chin making her look up at him

You like to dance huh, he asked as his hot breath touch her face

yes i love to drussilla answered lightly

Well, you know i would love to see your moves he said and drussilla smirked seductively

Fine i'll show you my moves she said and got up as she walked to the dance stage

When she got there all the strippers on the stage left leaving her and the poles there

While tacha was having fun with her cute guy she noticed drussilla on stage and slowly a devilish smile wore on her face

I'll be back she attempted to stand up from his lap but was cut in her track as her cute guy drew her back to his lap and this time closer to his body

Where are you going he asked as his hot breath touched her neck and he used his long pointed nose to go up and down her neck as he continue to lay hot breaths on them. Tacha was loosing it as she wanted more of what he did to her body and then his warm hands began to touch her soft breast

Well this bitch wants to show you what she can do with her ass and body she said and then moaned lightly..... or don't you want to see

You know how much i'd love to see that he said and then let her go and she immediately ran to meet drussilla on stage and then on imelda hurried to join them on stage

When they where all on stage they each grabbed a pole with tacha and imelda at the back while drussilla was at the front part of the stage and then music began to play [money by cardi B], and the three beautiful ladies began to strip

ohh.... they stripped well with their nice bodies as they displayed different moves using the pole.... They strip better than the strippers tacha's cute guy said

After some few seconds their cute guys went on stage as they threw money all over the stage....They had alot of fun with their cute guys on stage as drank and danced

After hours of dancing , drinking and having fun they each left the club with their cute partners both drunk as each party drunk walked to the nearest hotel ...When they got to the hotel their cute guys booked a suit for each of them and then they drunk walked to their various suits as the ladies held their shoes in their hands

When they finally got to their suit tacha , imelda and drussilla drooped on the bed and dived into the sea of sweet sleep they where so drunk that they didn't even have strength to sand so the ladies slept as their partners slept beside them

The next morning the sun rose and shined very bright, It was a beautiful but sunny morning and none of the ladies had woken up while their cute guys where getting ready to leave, But drussilla began to moan and then turned , it looked like she felt uneasy while ethan just sat on the sofa next to the bed and watched her .After she moaned and turned she began to open her eyes slowly and when it was opened fully

tsh...she moaned in pain as she placed a hand on the side of her head and ran the other threw her hair ...she sat there for a while with her eyes closed

shit....she screamed and opened her eyes in shock and then she ran out of the bed

oh....i'm late ,God i'm dead she paniced as she began to take off her clothes

Good morning ethan finally spoke and when drussilla tppk note of the the manly voice she heard she looked over to where she heared the voice from and then a loud scream was heard immeditaely she had set her eyes on ethan

What the fuck... drussilla said with rage you where here and you let me undress

i'm sorry but before i could speak your zip was down and then your dress dropped

well you should have just stayed quiet and quietly leave when i'm in the bathroom

well i'm very sorry ethan said apologetically and drussilla replied with a nod

for my apology ethan said as he placed his hand in his back pocket and brought out a card, here is my card he said and handed it to drussilla call me if you need anything you need ethan said and drussilla looked at the card

ohh police...so your a cop and you didn't arrest the waiters, strippers and guest last night drussilla said mockingly

I was off duties ethan replied

or you where on an under cover mission drussilla challanged

well maybe ethan said with a naughty tone and then began to walk to her slowly and when he was directly in front of her he bent a little and looked deep into her eyes as if trying to look into her soul through her eyes

Even if i was on an under cover mission or not i'm glad our paths crossed he said but with a low voice

well i'm also glad i discovered not all cops are nasty and old drusilla said and ethan laughed out and then drussilla brought her hands out for a shake

Doctor kim drussilla she said and ethan accepted the hand shake

Guess i discovered not all doctors are nerd and obviously not baddies he said and drussilla chuckled

i'll surely take that as a complement drussilla said wth a smile

i should get going ethan said and walked out of their suit

when the door was jammed she ran to the bathe with the sheets on

after she had her shower she got dressed and rushed down to the receptionist office

hey drussilla greeted her with a smile

um,,,,do you remember the two women i checked in at the same time i did last night drussilla asked

yes the receptionist replied , could you give me their suit numbers drussilla asked

hm.... the receptionist hesitated and when drussilla noticed it she dropped twenty five dollars on the desk

the rooms are 105 and 108 the receptionist saide

what about the men they checked in with , are they gone

yes ma'am they felt some minutes ago along with the man you booked with and immediately when ran up to suit 105

When she got to the suit, she knocked three times but thre was no reply so she just walked in and saw imelda still asleep and then drussilla rolled her eyes and walked to the bed where imelda was and she started to tap her

elda,elda come on , its morning wake up .... where late drussilla said continuously while imwldae just moaned and rolled over can't i just sleep for even a minute imelda said lazily with her eyes stil closed

if we don't get there in the next hour where fucked....so get your ass up drussilla said and spanked her in the ass a little bit hard and thankfully that was enough to bring her back and then she stood up from the bed and walked lazily to the bathroom before she walked into the bathroom ''Get me lemon juice and a coffee '' imelda said and she finally walked inside the bathroom

When she got out of imeldas suit her ran to tachas ....When she got there she didn't bother to knock , because she knew that taha will still be asleep so she just opened the door and walked in she went to the besides table where there was a jug of water and she carride it and walked over to where tacha was sleeping at and then she poured the water on her face and tacha immediately got up

What the hell.... she screamed with absolute anger

well i'm glad that worked drussilla said and smiled

you should have just spank my ass tacha complain

as if that will be enough for you to wake up drussilla said and rolled her eyes

Anyways, get ready we have an hour left , and you know what happens if we are a second late drussila said and tacah went to go have her shower

while they where getting ready drussilla had ordered for their lime juice and three iced americano coffee

when they where all done they walked down the hall and to the elevator and when they got to the last floor their car key was handed to drussilla and they walked to the parking lot with their juice and coffee in their hands and whn they got to their car they drove off