

This is a story of kina Shaw and Denny Stark who were in a relationship for more than three years, due to bad decisions and circumstances, kina Shaw started dating other guys for money while still having Denny even though she was tired of him she didn't have much choice because he refused to let her go why he was also struggling to make money so she wouldn't live him because of the love he had for her, he wanted to give her everything she wished for but he wasn't financially ready to do that, Money and wealth became a barrier in their relationship it was no longer stable, eventually, Denny lost Kina to wealth, and he couldn't get her back even though he tired all his best, he just couldn't. Four years later he was no longer the Denny he used to be he became powerful, famous and extraordinarily wealthy, his wealth was known all over, his playful aura changed to something indescribable, he didn't show interest in anything and was always stoic and expressionless, He changed, everything changed, his love for kina has turned to hatred, his possessiveness towards her turned into obsession and revenge, Everything changed yes, except for one, and that is kina, he still wanted her, he needed her not for love or affection but for something else... REVENGE revenge was all he craved and he'll get it no matter what. Read this story to know what really happened between the both of them, even after everything kina did to Denny, why does he still want her, How did he come back so powerful and wealthy, where does his wealth come from.... This is my second book, I wrote the book THE DEVILISH CEO VS HIS SECRETARY, but I lost that account and couldn't finish the book, I'm writing this new book, but stayed tuned because I will also publish my unfinished book here once I've gone far with this book, Please support me with this book readers under the age of 16 is strictly restricted... Contact me on: https://discord.gg/eTnDrSQm

Lexi_Love23401 · Fantasy
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About a week later, Max finally got information about Kina's hospitalization,

"what?" Denny shouted after seeing the report,

It states that Kina was three weeks pregnant and that she had some complications that's was why she was rushed to the hospital but after everything she and the baby are both fine,

"how can this be max, I thought you said she wasn't seeing anyone"Denny said throwing things around in the office,

" I think I made a mistake, from my findings it seems like Prince Wills is the father of the baby "Max said as he was bending down so as not to get hit by the things Denny was throwing at him...

" Kina cannot be Pregnant for someone else, I disagree, book me an appointment with Prince wills I would like to see him" Denny said

"okay" Max said as he left the office calling someone to go arrange Denny's office.

In a VIP room sited Denny opposite Prince Wills,

"how may I help Mr Stark," Wills asked Denny checking him up and down,

"I'll go straight to the point, was with you and Kina?" Denny irritatedly,

"what kina are you talking about, don't tell me a big shot like you know my fiancee.."

"your Fiancee since when?"

"Mr Stark I don't know why you are asking about her, our relationship is our personal matter, who is she to you?"

Denny was cut off guard by that question, who was she really to him?, he didn't even know the answer to that question, he couldn't possibly say her ex boyfriend it'll sound foolish and again they are not even dating now...

" Did she tell you anything about Denny her..."

"oh you mean her stupid boyfriend Denny, do you know him, according to her he was someone she had wanted to get rid of for a long time she was very happy when he left on his own, she didn't like him at all, he was only forcing the relationship on her" Wills said looking straight at Denny, if you look closely at his eyes you see a shiny glint in it.

"is that what she said about him" Denny asked feeling his blood boil from anger, he had come to know what was going on between those two and had wanted to put an end to it, only for him to hear that he was nothing more than stupid in Kina's eyes, and he was dreaming and praying to God to let him be with her,

"so to her, I was only forcing her in the relationship" Denny said in his mind, he felt thousands of knives tearing his heart into pieces..

"yes, she told me he would always force her not to go anywhere with her friends, he would shout at her friends and they will cry away, he would force her to wear cheap clothes and the her to cheap places, I wonder what kind of an overbearing boyfriend was that, but thank God he left her, I wouldn't have had the chance to court her and be with her now, the most sweetest thing is that we are expecting a child so now we are planning on having a wedding, we'll definitely invite you "Wills said trying to agitate Denny more,

Denny couldn't bare it anymore he abruptly stood up and walked out from the hotel, living behind a smiling Prince wills,


I'm actually very happy today, I actually managed to fool the Denny Stark a business champion, he thinks I'll allow him come between me and kina never,

Six months ago when Kina told me about Denny I wasn't very happy about it, although he had left her she still thinks about him all the time,

Each time I take her to places, she'll tell me how Denny did this and that making me frustrated...

I've been trying to woo her for the past five months now she didn't agree to it, saying she was waiting for Denny that he'll come back for her,

The whole thing got me frustrated that I began searching about this Denny after seeing a picture of him on Kina's phone, after my findings it turned out that he was a son of the great Harry Stark, I knew from there onwards that if he came back for her I wouldn't have any chances as kina loves him a lot. I can't bare it so I started getting more information about him, I knew he was keeping tabs on her and I just let it be like that, I had other plans up my sleeve I was just waiting for a good opportunity and that was exactly what I got, two weeks ago I found out that Kina was taking to the hospital I rushed there immediately only to hear that it was appendix,

I never knew she was suffering from appendix, when the doctor asked me who I was to her, I told her she was my girlfriend and the doctor told me about her situation but she said Kina doesn't want to go on with the operation and If she doesn't go through it she'll suffer in the future,

At first I didn't know what to do but I later agreed for the operation to commence, even with Kina's stubborn the operation was successful two days later I took her home, I even called her company to file for a sick leaf for her,

Given her condition she couldn't stop me from coming closer to her and I was happy about that,

Due to her condition she became dependent on me I know that very soon she'll have to agree to me being her boyfriend,

I paid the nurse and doctors to hide the fact that she had an appendix operation, and that if anyone came to asked it should be said that she was pregnant, I was sure that he'll be devastated after hearing the news,

When his assistant came to book an appointment for him I quickly left everything I was doing and came to see him,

Seeing him living like that today, felt very satisfying, he was sure he would go and drink today,

Now I'll have to look for a solution before he finds out that she isn't pregnant at all.

I thought Harry Stark would give birth to someone smart like him, but this Denny is just to easy to handle.

I should go see kina now, the woman I've set my eyes on, she thinks I'm nice and sweet not knowing I have other things I'm also capable of, I'll get to show her little by little...

My dear sweet Kina here I come.....


Hope you love this chapter,

This is our first 1st person POV,

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