

This is a story of kina Shaw and Denny Stark who were in a relationship for more than three years, due to bad decisions and circumstances, kina Shaw started dating other guys for money while still having Denny even though she was tired of him she didn't have much choice because he refused to let her go why he was also struggling to make money so she wouldn't live him because of the love he had for her, he wanted to give her everything she wished for but he wasn't financially ready to do that, Money and wealth became a barrier in their relationship it was no longer stable, eventually, Denny lost Kina to wealth, and he couldn't get her back even though he tired all his best, he just couldn't. Four years later he was no longer the Denny he used to be he became powerful, famous and extraordinarily wealthy, his wealth was known all over, his playful aura changed to something indescribable, he didn't show interest in anything and was always stoic and expressionless, He changed, everything changed, his love for kina has turned to hatred, his possessiveness towards her turned into obsession and revenge, Everything changed yes, except for one, and that is kina, he still wanted her, he needed her not for love or affection but for something else... REVENGE revenge was all he craved and he'll get it no matter what. Read this story to know what really happened between the both of them, even after everything kina did to Denny, why does he still want her, How did he come back so powerful and wealthy, where does his wealth come from.... This is my second book, I wrote the book THE DEVILISH CEO VS HIS SECRETARY, but I lost that account and couldn't finish the book, I'm writing this new book, but stayed tuned because I will also publish my unfinished book here once I've gone far with this book, Please support me with this book readers under the age of 16 is strictly restricted... Contact me on: https://discord.gg/eTnDrSQm

Lexi_Love23401 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


"Prince wills that b*****d" Denny said through gritted teeth,

Prince wills is one of the reason it's hard for Denny to forgive Kina, yes Prince wills is Kina's boyfriend not ex, and if he hadn't travel out last two months ago it would have been very hard for him to have married Kina.

Apart from him the only boy Kina has taken seriously and has dated for more than a year is this Prince wills guy, they've been dating for two years now they haven't even broken up yet,

He knew because since he came back two years ago he had his eyes on Kina's every moment and she always seem to be with Prince will most of the time.

He drops her at work every day and also brings her back home from work,

He has a lot of pictures of them being together on different occasions the amusement park, Restaurants and many more,

Call him a maniac for being so intrusive in their affair but he was curious and jealous because during his date with kina she always seem to get angry at anything he does, when he takes her to those places she didn't have that calm and smiling expression she has in the pictures with this prince will,

He had decided two years ago to see her and forgive her for everything she did to him, because he knew she hadn't been with anyone else since she broke up with Damien that scoundrel and was happy to see that she has change from her ways and no longer going out with guys for over a year and five months, he couldn't contain the Joy he was feeling.

But on the day he had plan to see her, he saw her going into a restaurant with Prince Wills, apparently she had agreed to date him on that day because they came out holding hands and smiling at each other,

Heaven knows how he controlled himself to not wipe that smile of their faces, he regretted coming back to see her, and just focus on his company and business hoping they'll break up as always but even after a year they still seem quite serious with each other, he couldn't endure the pain in his heart, that he'll drink himself to stupor seeing those pictures...

He wanted to be the only one that could cause her pain but at the same time make her smile,

He used to be her only reason to smile, but those stupid friends of hers who were nothing more than sluts influenced her and introduced rich guys to her,

The one thing he regrets in life is ever born poor, his kina wouldn't have had any reason to live him, if he had known before then that his father wasn't dead and that he was a rich fellow he would have been very happy and go to him so he could be able to cater for Kina.

And even after coming to his father, the stupid man made a deal with him,

*After he left four years ago *

"Why are you crying my son what happened, come come to mama"

His mother called for him seeing him running inside crying,

Even after being consoled by his mother he still couldn't stop crying, he knew yes he knew that Kina was going to see a millionaire prince Damien, he heard it when Roseline and Stella were discussing it, he felt hurt in his heart,

His own girlfriend, his love was going on a date with another man but he couldn't do anything to stop it he did not have the money to stop her, she wanted good things that he couldn't afford and it pained him the most..

"mom.. It hurts, it hurts here..." he said pointing at his heart and his mother embrace and hug him, he could see how redden her eyes were, it was filled with tears for her twenty two years old son crying over a woman,

The son she knew was stubborn and strong, even when he was given injection when he was still little he would bare it without even frowning his face,

He'll say "mom look I've taken it and it's not painful"

Even when he'll get into fights with boys twice his age he'll always remain strong and would just laugh and say

"mom it doesn't hurt, in fact you should have seen how I dealt with them even though they are bigger than me I'm strong"

She remembered when the principal of his school called her to the school saying her son beats his class mates, he was only six years old then...

"did you do it Den?" his mom asked him

And he kept quiet the look on his face told her what the principal said was true but why, her son never fights in school not to talk about injuring them...

"why Den, why did you do it?"

Seeing his mother hurt expression he couldn't help but told her everything..

"mom during break hours I was sitting under a tree reading my books when one of them threw a ball at my face, I didn't say anything I continued reading but another one came to meet me talking about how I didn't had a dad that who will come and save me in school, and still I didn't say anything because I knew it was through after all it wasn't my fault that my father died, but then the other one started insulting you, saying you gave birth at of wedlock that your husband left you for anther,

He said he heard his mother saying that you were cheap and you met with a rich man who already has a wife"

"I could not bare to hear all of the insult rained on you, so I pounced on them,"

"it's okay my child calm down but please don't fight again, promise me you won't do that again even if they insult me"

"No.. No mom I'll beat them again and again if they talk bad about my mom I'll break their arms and legs" he said seriously without blinking his eyes...

And now that strong son of hers is crying because of a woman she couldn't bare it not at all

"it hurts mom... Why.. Does.. Love hurt so much why..." he cried in his mother's embrace

After listening to her son's story she decided that if he loves her a lot and truly wants her it is best she told him about his father, he was the only one who could help him.

" I thought my father was dead, you lied to me mom, you told me that lying was bad but you did, I thought we never hide anything from each other how could you do this to me" he shouted at his mom staying away from her,

He had always thought his father died just like what is mom had always told him, but she lied to him..

After listening to his mother's story about she and his father he couldn't believe his mother really fell in love with someone else's husband, although his mom never put it that way but it was the truth, he didn't have a father before but all of a sudden he had a father and two younger siblings he was short of words

"there isn't a time when your father doesn't call for you but I always never want him to talk to you, I didn't want him to take you away from me believe"

"ahh!!.. Mother, you've always seen me complaining and suffering in doing so many odd jobs just to support us, your restaurant isn't working that well, but not once at least once have you ever mentioned my father to me, I hate you mom I hate you" he said stomping out of the house,

He didn't know what to do, he was barely putting all the blames on his mother,

Later that day he went back home, seeing his mom talking to someone inside their house, upon closer look he knew he was his father, they were carbon copies of each other no difference, only his skin was more paler compared to his father's and his abs well well built due to too much hard labor that made him bigger than him and more manly...

"son" his father called for him after sighting him...

He did not know how to respond he just walked up to him, but the man pulled him into a tight hug, like his life depended on him,

"I've missed you so much dear, I hope you will forgive your father for not coming to see you up until now" even though his father was trying to take the blame he knew it was his mother who had made it impossible for him to not see them..

"hmm!! Father.." he said, as if he wasn't sure if himself but his father pulled him into another exciting hug before letting him go,

His mother already told his dad everything and had decided for him to go with his father, as it was right I got a father's feeling, he wanted his mother to join him but she refused saying she didn't want to live restaurant but he knew very well that it was because his dad had another woman at home..

He didn't pursue it further and wanted to live this place as soon as possible away from all his heartaches...


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