

Warning: Mature content. This is a story mainly about Farah Gilbert ( a young girl from Asia---) who comes from a very conservative family which do not believe in love before marriage yet she found the love of her life in a Mafia leader Ryan Carter. But can be they together when her family comes between them. He slowly came near to me and sit next to me on his bed, took my hand in his hand, and my heart stopped beating for a sec. Ryan: I know you also love me, Farah, please don't deny it because of my profession please my love. I don't know what I will do, I saw Ryan's eyes, there are some tears and my eyes are also full of tears. He is so sensor, he really loves me but how can I go into his world, my family will never understand my love for a criminal, oh god what will I do. I was just thinking when he reduced the distance between us and pressed me with my back touching the bed and my chest pressed to his Chest. And he said to me a little louder. Ryan: tell me Farah you love me, tell me, Farah! He said this continuously to me until I said to him Farah: yes! Ryan, I love you, I love you. Read the full story to find out their love story. Warning: short chapters.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Ryan carter's pov:

Today I and my twin brother Matt carter joined dad's business. Our dad is one of the big Mafia leader in the Country and our business is not legal, it includes illegal things and killing is also part of it. I don't like violence much but it is important in our field. People fear us because our Gang Night Angels is the most feared Mafia in the country. As soon we were 19 dad suggested we should join him in business. But today he announced it clearly in front of our whole gang. Matt is not only my brother but my best buddy. I and Matt have this twin connection. We can do anything for each other. We know each other like no one else. But still, we have little difference in ideas and habits like my brother is a very social person but me, on the other hand, am non-social. There are a few others in our friend circle and they also joined our gang known as Night Angles as their family is also part of our gang but those are not so close to us as we are to each other.

My dad wanted us to join Washington's great college but I am not interested as I know it is no use, in the end, we have to be in our father's business so why waste time my brother wants to study, it is very shocking that he is interested in studies when all he wants to do party. Matty's grades are always higher than mine. I never understood how he manage to get so good grades. I am also good at studying from the beginning but not good as Matt. I was never interested in them. Matty (Matt) was also good at studies and he was very much interested in it. We both and our other friends took admission in College. Now in a few days, college was starting due to Dad's connection we didn't need any registration and paperwork, it was already done by college, As you know in the world money you don't need to do anything. I and Matt had already seen Campus, so we don't need to have a tour of Campus.

My brother is a playboy he used to date girls for one night stands and leave them before they woke up in the morning from his very early teens, this is another difference between him and me because I am never interested in girls, let alone having one night stand neither I never dated anyone before, don't get me wrong but I was never interested in these kinds of stuff and I never found anyone that could change my mind in this case. I am not a slight bit ashamed that I am a virgin. If in the future I will ever have anything it will be serious not just for fun. I hate the word meaningless sex. I want to have something special with my partner, not just sex. I know girls come to me desperately but none of them change my mind regarding this thing. While Matt thinks that having fun is better dating and he has also not found anyone that could change his mind regarding this matter.