

Warning: Mature content. This is a story mainly about Farah Gilbert ( a young girl from Asia---) who comes from a very conservative family which do not believe in love before marriage yet she found the love of her life in a Mafia leader Ryan Carter. But can be they together when her family comes between them. He slowly came near to me and sit next to me on his bed, took my hand in his hand, and my heart stopped beating for a sec. Ryan: I know you also love me, Farah, please don't deny it because of my profession please my love. I don't know what I will do, I saw Ryan's eyes, there are some tears and my eyes are also full of tears. He is so sensor, he really loves me but how can I go into his world, my family will never understand my love for a criminal, oh god what will I do. I was just thinking when he reduced the distance between us and pressed me with my back touching the bed and my chest pressed to his Chest. And he said to me a little louder. Ryan: tell me Farah you love me, tell me, Farah! He said this continuously to me until I said to him Farah: yes! Ryan, I love you, I love you. Read the full story to find out their love story. Warning: short chapters.

_Farah_Fareen12_ · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Gabriel carter's pov:

Sim: I know you don't want to do it but I know what our sons are doing is wrong. They are hiding everything from them and I didn't get the impression they are going to tell them anything soon. So we needed to do it before everything is very complicated. They are the future of Night Angles. I don't want them to lose everything because of girls.

Sim is right but what if they will accept them under all circumstances it's not our place to tell them, we should talk to Ryan and Matt first.

Gabriel: What if we talked to our sons first. Maybe they accept them even after knowing the truth. Sim don't you think we are making mistake. Our sons had got their happiness in them. If we tell them, maybe they will feel betrayed and don't give our sons a chance.

Sim: Gabriel I know that but I don't think they are planning for that. So we have to do it so that what we have made is not finished.

Sim and I are very sensitive toward business but today I felt sim is making a very quick decision. But maybe she is right.

The next day I was waiting in the cafeteria when girls approach me and sit in front of me.

Gabriel: Hello my name is Gabriel carter. I am the father of Ryan and Matt. You must be Farah and you Elena.

I addressed them pointing fingers at them. They nodded and greeted me. They are really nice, I have already got this impression in the hospital. My sons had really made great choices.

Gabriel: actually I need to talk to you both, very important. My sons had not mentioned it to you but I don't want to put you both in darkness. You two really like them and you are nice so I will not hide things from you as my sons hide that from you both.

They seem both shocked and surprised. I am sorry sons.

Gabriel: we are Mafia leaders, me and my sons. You must have heard about Night Angles. This gang belongs to us. My sons had not told this you but I want you both to know this before anything further happens between all four of you.

They both freeze, this is not a good sign. They have fear in their eyes. Elena speaks in a terrified tone.

Elena: Ma... Fia! Do you mean killing, Illegal things?

Gabriel: yes.

Elena has tears in his eyes While Farah is so shocked.

Gabriel: I am sorry girls to break this to you but you should know which world you are entering. This is not fair that you enter our world without knowing anything. If you want to join our world by your will, you are most welcome but if not then my boys don't have the right to make you enter without informing you anything.

I saw them both broken but it was important. Ryan and Matt didn't do good by not informing them anything about us. I stand up and greet them and left them. I called Sim.

Gabriel: it's done

Sim: thankyou Gabriel.