

There was no hope in trying to mend the relationship between Angelo and herself; he was clearly upset with her, and there was nothing that she could do at that particular time other than watch her son Gorgio play with Angelo on the floor of their living room.

Feeling powerless as she was unable to go against Angelo, Emily simply watched them play, and even though a smile escaped from lips, she was tired. Her eyes felt heavy and was beginning to close until she slept on the couch.

"Get the medics!" Angelo yelled out so loudly that even Emily awoke from her sleep, only to see Angelo carrying her son in his arms and rushing out the door.

Without thinking about her action, Emily jumped up from the couch, ran out of the living room, and followed Angelo just in time to see him jumping into the vehicle with her son. Wasting no time, Emily ran out of the house and entered the car, and not long after, the door shut behind her.