

Feeling like some stalker, he had waited patiently at an adjacent bar, watching every movement that his dark beauty had made. In London, he had minions such as Tito doing his work, but here, he was all alone and had to do things by himself.

Never before had he had anyone speak to him in such a manner; everyone responded to him, and to have such a beautiful woman not fall for him was a slight slap in Angelo's face.

Angelo quickly stood up from his seat and left a few notes on the table before stepping out of the nearby bar. He was determined to find out everything he needed about this woman who had him captivated by her beauty for less than a day.

Feeling like some kind of stalker, Angelo walked behind her as she had finished with her shift. Luckily for Angelo, money had gotten him just enough information about the beautiful female manager that he had his eyes on for some time.