
Mafia's Devious Desire

You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what’s written in the stars. * * * She was sobbing hugging her knees tightly thinking how everything changed in a blink of an eye. As the door opened she knew it was him without even lifting her head. “Look at me, “he commanded. As she refused to obey his order, he held her chin and turned her face towards him. “I will not allow you to hide from me, now tell me who made you cry, “he gently wiped her tears. She looked at him as if he had gone crazy, she must have been blind to not notice his sadistic and unhinged nature before. “Why are you doing this, “she screamed at him. “You know,”he answered softly. He had told her so many lies that it’s hard to believe anything now. “Let me go,”she pleaded him. “No, “he tightened his hold on her as if even thinking about it is unacceptable. “I hate you, I curse the day I met you, “she hit his chest violently. Pain crossed over his face but he stood there silently letting her went out her anger and frustration. As she slowly calmed down he pressed a kiss on her forehead before walking towards the door. Just as he was about to step out he murmured something which made her eyes widen in fear. “I will die before I let you go.” * * * Adele is an 18 year old orphan whose only wish is to unravel her birth mystery. Her unparalleled beauty, gentle and gracious nature , smart and hardworking trait made her always stand out . She put all her efforts on academics hoping one day she could lead a peaceful life. Unexpectedly she crosses path with Dante, who is cold, calculating and cruel .Like a moth is drawn to a flame he is attracted to the sweet and innocent Adele. Finally when Adele thought she had found her happily ever after, things start to go downhill. She finds herself caught in a web of lies, betrayal and pain not knowing whom to trust. As slowly things start to uncover Adele discovers her and Dante’s past are connected, they were always destined to meet. Instagram ID –starysky96

StarySky96 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

"Come here..,"Myra dragged her towards the mirror.

"Oh no, "Adele let out a sigh.

As she did not have a good sleep whole night she had got severe dark circles under her eyes.

"What kept you awake the whole night,"Myra was curious.

Even during exams Adele slept peacefully as she was the type of person who read all year long and only needed to revise on the previous night.

"I guess I was tried from yesterday's party,"Adele lowered her eyes, well it was partially true.

"Ya, I totally forgot to ask .I got a call from the kid's mother that you went away without receiving he payment, since you were sleeping yesterday I did not want to disturb you," Myra questioned.

"I was in a hurry to catch bus, "Adele tried to answer calmly.

She had thought to collect the payment after changing the dress but unfortunately after such a bad encounter she totally forget about the payment and just wanted to go back.

"Anyway they transferred the money to me, I will send it to you now,"Myra sent the money through PayPal.

"Here, take my concealer .Otherwise your classmates will get scared,"Myra passed a tube.

Adele put a bit of concealer under her eyes and dressed in a white knee length dress.

The class had ended but Adele was still sitting and arranging the notes which she had taken during the lecture.

A hand touched behind her wrist, it was the same spot where that man had held her tightly in the club yesterday. It triggered her yesterday's unpleasant memories and she screamed loudly.

"Hey, calm down, it's just me, "Hudson was shocked by the sudden outburst.

He just wanted to surprise her but never expected her to react this way. She screamed so loudly as if she was in danger and wanted someone to help her.

He quickly released her and steeped back giving her space to relax. He even felt guilty for disturbing her.

"What were you doing, behave properly, "Adele yelled.

"Oh no, you have mistaken me .I just wanted to talk with you, "Hudson explained in a panicked state.

Adele did not say anything, packed her belongings and stood up to walk out of the room.

"Adele, please stop .At least give me a change to explain, "Hudson placed his hand on her shoulder.

Adele turned back and narrowed her eyes looking at his hand.

"I'm really sorry. I had no other intention, I was just caught up in the moment so please forgive me, "Hudson apologized.

Seeing his sincerity Adele nodded her head, Hudson smiled as she was no longer angry with him. Somehow the thought of her having a bad opinion about him did not suit well with him.

"I got to know you have not joined any extra circular club, why don't you take part in any,"Hudson questioned.

"Not interested, "Adele said in a flat tone.

"Why not ,it's such a wonderful experience .There are lot of cubs ,you can choose anyone .Also there will be intercollege feasts ,you will get a lot of exposure ,not only it will look good on your resume but also… ,"Hudson sounded enthusiastic.

"I have no time,"Adele was impatient to get out of here.

"But it's mandatory to join the club, "Hudson stated.

"Stop lying,"Adele gritted her teeth.

"Why will I, you can ask anyone they will tell you the same,"Hudson explained.

Adele did not want to argue with him so she quietly went away from there without giving a chance for him to say anything more.

She checked her phone to see whether she had heard back from any job.

Luckily she got response from all except 2 or 3, she selected the one which was more convenient to her and it was to work at a book store.

The book store which has opened two years prior had got immense success and popularity so they decided to open a new branch, they wanted educated and qualified staff so that they can maintain the same standard and satisfy the customers to the best of their ability.

After college Adele went to the bookstore, it was quite cozy and colorful .A coffee maker at a corner, bean bags for readers to sit and read, shelf's decorated with fairy lights and walls with bookish posters made one feel happy and giddy.

 A smile formed on her face as she was excited to work here, after checking her documents and receiving few instructions she went to do her first task.

She was given a box of books which she needed to arrange according to the authors name. Someone pulled her cardigan and when she looked down she saw a 10 to 12 years old boy.

"Hi, what do you want, "Adele asked.

"I want Harry Potter book, "the boy asked. His outfit was black and white strips t-shirt with brown trousers, his curly hair was messy and those round spectacles made him look cute.

"Sure, follow me,"Adele smiled.

As she handed over the book to the boy he thanked her and introduced himself as Remi.

"Okay Remi , if you need anything else let me know ,"Adele stated and went to continue her work.

An hour later Remi came again and asked whether she had read Harry Potter.

"Well, a long time back .I don't think I remember every bit of it,"Adele replied.

Remi's eyes dimmed and bowed his head down so Adele asked what the matter is.

"I wanted to discuss about the book,"Remi stated.

"How about your friends,"Adele questioned.

"None of my friends at school read fiction books but I love reading them. My grandmother used to daily read me books but she passed away last year,"Remi's eyes were filled with tears as he spoke about his grandma but still did not let the tears fall down.

Adele felt sad seeing him and kneeled down so she could be of his height and said,"There will be other kids who come here, I will tell them about you. Not only you could talk about Harry Potter books but also recommend your favorites to them."