
Mafia's Devious Desire

You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what’s written in the stars. * * * She was sobbing hugging her knees tightly thinking how everything changed in a blink of an eye. As the door opened she knew it was him without even lifting her head. “Look at me, “he commanded. As she refused to obey his order, he held her chin and turned her face towards him. “I will not allow you to hide from me, now tell me who made you cry, “he gently wiped her tears. She looked at him as if he had gone crazy, she must have been blind to not notice his sadistic and unhinged nature before. “Why are you doing this, “she screamed at him. “You know,”he answered softly. He had told her so many lies that it’s hard to believe anything now. “Let me go,”she pleaded him. “No, “he tightened his hold on her as if even thinking about it is unacceptable. “I hate you, I curse the day I met you, “she hit his chest violently. Pain crossed over his face but he stood there silently letting her went out her anger and frustration. As she slowly calmed down he pressed a kiss on her forehead before walking towards the door. Just as he was about to step out he murmured something which made her eyes widen in fear. “I will die before I let you go.” * * * Adele is an 18 year old orphan whose only wish is to unravel her birth mystery. Her unparalleled beauty, gentle and gracious nature , smart and hardworking trait made her always stand out . She put all her efforts on academics hoping one day she could lead a peaceful life. Unexpectedly she crosses path with Dante, who is cold, calculating and cruel .Like a moth is drawn to a flame he is attracted to the sweet and innocent Adele. Finally when Adele thought she had found her happily ever after, things start to go downhill. She finds herself caught in a web of lies, betrayal and pain not knowing whom to trust. As slowly things start to uncover Adele discovers her and Dante’s past are connected, they were always destined to meet. Instagram ID –starysky96

StarySky96 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

As she retreated to her room, sleep was far away so she kept on staring at the blank ceiling above her.

"You always do the same,"Myra said without lifting her head from the book.

In orphanage two people were assigned one room, initially Adele had another roommate but she left since she was adopted whereas Myra's roommate was a bully who had once hit her hardly so the staff had shifted Myra to Adele's room.

"What, "Adele asked even though she knew the answer.

"You just disconnect with everyone and everything on your birthday, it's not that you are very outgoing otherwise but on this special day you refuse to say a word more than necessary and stare at the blank space .You put that ring as soon as you wake up and later at night it goes back into your cupboard and only to be taken on your next birthday, "Myra stated seeing Adele's dull and lifeless face.

Adele did not respond anything, as she stared at the ring on her forefinger, Myra could not understand Adele's pain and suffering, her parents have died and she had accepted this is her new life .But that was not the case with Adele whose birth remained a mystery and there was still hope that one day, may be one day she will find the truth.

When you know something has ended, it sets you free making way for new beginnings. But when there is still a chance even a tiny bit that you will find what you are searching for everything changes .That was the case with Adele ,seeing other children with their parents made her envious ,she asked what was her fault that she never experienced such happiness and joy.

If she met her mother she could let out all her anger and frustration, ask her why she did what she did and at last hug her and cry, cry to her heart's content.

"Are you excited, it's your first day at college, "Myra had gotten fewer score in the entrance exam and admitted to a different college which she was quite sad about.

"I guess ,"Adele gave a forced smile .It does not matter whether she was excited or not ,for her college was not like other students .Having fun ,friends or a love life was not her agenda , she wanted to quietly finish her studies and excel in her career.

Fortunately Adele was a very bright student, she worked hard, put all her energy on academics and blocked all the distractions which she intended to continue in college too.

Next morning Adele got ready for college, it did not take a long time as choosing from few dresses was not a tedious task. Most importantly she was someone who did not give lot of importance to her appearance but still her beauty could not be hidden with worn out clothes and no makeup.

"I have got bored eating toast and porridge daily, "Myra cribbed in the dining hall.

"It's better than being on empty stomach, "Adele took big bites as her bus was arriving in fifteen minutes.

"You know the bus number right, also you have to walk a bit from the stop to reach your college, "Myra instructed.

Adele nodded her head and quickly walked away .She did not have much difficulty in finding her destination .It was one of the most prestigious colleges in the city ,she could have never be able to afford the fees here ,it was her hard work and luck that she got scholarship and able to get the best education.

As she steeped inside the college she felt so out of place, all the students were dressed in colorful and well fitted outfits, even their bags and shoes complimented their attire perfectly, even though she did not recognize the brands or know the exact price she was sure that these stuff was quite expensive.

From head to toe they were so put on as if it was some social event they had come to enjoy leisurely.

While she walked in the corridor students stared at her, some whispered among themselves while others looked at her with curious gaze.

Ignoring everyone she went to the office room and submitted few documents, the staff asked her to fill a form .Then Adele was given her class schedule and pointed towards the classroom.

Adele sat at the back as she had no intention of befriending anyone, since it was the first day there was not much to do. The professor introduced himself and it was just orientation class.

Adele wandered in the campus, it was quite huge and she did not think she could get familiar with all today.

The buildings stood tall, each assigned to a particular department .The gardens were filled with various flowers and plants, some students were sitting under the tree shade but what caught her eye was the library, since it was only noon she decide to spend some time in library before going back.

Adele wanted to get a book but it was on the top shelf, she looked around to see if any staff is available to help her but unfortunately no one was nearby.

She stood at the tip of her toes and stretched her hand as much as possible but still could not reach it. She decided to jump a bit to get the book, she almost touched the book but lost the balance and was about to fall.

She closed her eyes from the fear of hitting the floor but surprisingly a pair of strong arms caught her. Adele took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes.

The man holding her was having a smirk on his face .She closely observed his face she noticed he was quite handsome. He had well defined features, eyes so bright and lively, hair slightly messed up making him look eye catching.

Adele slowly freed herself and stood on her feet, keeping some distance between them.

"Thanks for not letting me fall, "Adele stated.