
Mafia's Devious Desire

You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate and what’s written in the stars. * * * She was sobbing hugging her knees tightly thinking how everything changed in a blink of an eye. As the door opened she knew it was him without even lifting her head. “Look at me, “he commanded. As she refused to obey his order, he held her chin and turned her face towards him. “I will not allow you to hide from me, now tell me who made you cry, “he gently wiped her tears. She looked at him as if he had gone crazy, she must have been blind to not notice his sadistic and unhinged nature before. “Why are you doing this, “she screamed at him. “You know,”he answered softly. He had told her so many lies that it’s hard to believe anything now. “Let me go,”she pleaded him. “No, “he tightened his hold on her as if even thinking about it is unacceptable. “I hate you, I curse the day I met you, “she hit his chest violently. Pain crossed over his face but he stood there silently letting her went out her anger and frustration. As she slowly calmed down he pressed a kiss on her forehead before walking towards the door. Just as he was about to step out he murmured something which made her eyes widen in fear. “I will die before I let you go.” * * * Adele is an 18 year old orphan whose only wish is to unravel her birth mystery. Her unparalleled beauty, gentle and gracious nature , smart and hardworking trait made her always stand out . She put all her efforts on academics hoping one day she could lead a peaceful life. Unexpectedly she crosses path with Dante, who is cold, calculating and cruel .Like a moth is drawn to a flame he is attracted to the sweet and innocent Adele. Finally when Adele thought she had found her happily ever after, things start to go downhill. She finds herself caught in a web of lies, betrayal and pain not knowing whom to trust. As slowly things start to uncover Adele discovers her and Dante’s past are connected, they were always destined to meet. Instagram ID –starysky96

StarySky96 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 12

"You are mistaken, I was rude to him. I can take care of myself, "Adele justified.

"Really, "Dante mocked her while Adele sighed in annoyance.

"Come, I will drop you, "Dante offered.

"No, I have come with my friend who is on a date, "Adele replied.

"Then join me to have coffee, "Dante suggested.

Before she could reply her phone rang, it was a call from Myra informing that her date ended.

"Is it your friend, "Dante frowned.

"Yes, I need to go back, "Adele stated.

"Well, let's have coffee some other time, "Dante said.

"Sure, "Adele nodded thinking he was just saying for the namesake and went back to the café.

"Adele, where were you, "Myra asked.

"I got bored so went for a walk ,"Adele omitted the details about meeting Dante thinking its unnecessary.

"Tell me, how your date went, "Adele enquired.

"He is sweet, we got along and I like him but I will wait for him to call me, "Myra seemed happy.

Two days later she spotted a luxury car in front of her college gate .As she started walking towards the bus stop she noticed the car kept following her.

Adele halted her steps and turned back angrily ready to confront this person.

The car door opened and Dante steeped out, seeing him her anger was replaced with confusion.

"Get in, "Dante instructed.

"Where, "Adele enquired.

"You will find out, "Dante said calmly.

Adele never trusted anyone so easily but because Dante had always saved her from trouble she had come to a conclusion that he meant no harm to her. This made Adele go and sit in the car next to him.

"Did you have lunch, "Dante asked.

"No, I am not yet hungry, "Adele replied.

She noticed he was charming and deadly as ever and she was subtly checking him out, he looked so sexy that she felt her throat go dry. Adele felt hot and lowered her head thinking how she was not able to resist Dante's looks.

"Are you okay, drink this, "Dante passed her a water bottle.

Adele quickly took the bottle, hoping he did not notice how her face has turned red.

"What do you do, "Adele asked. Truly speaking she was not curious to know about him, to divert her attention she decided to make a small talk.

"Family business ,"Dante did not elaborate much ,not wanting to be troublesome Adele dropped off the topic.

She always felt pressurized in his presence, not knowing how to behave. They both did not have anything in common to talk, also Dante gave off the aura that he wanted to be left alone.

Adele turned away from him and watched the scenery.

"Are we going to city outskirts ,"Adele asked as time passed.

"Hmm,"Dante just nodded his head.

Adele sighed thinking how hard was for this man to speak a few words.

"Adele ,Adele,"someone was calling her name from far .

Adele ignored it thinking it will go away ,she did not want anyone to disturb her sleep. Then she was gently shaken and she muttered something in annoyance.

The other party chuckled and said something which she could not make out. After few minutes passed she slowly opened her eyes ,as she registered her surroundings her eyes widened.

"Am I sleeping for a long time ,why don't you wake me up ,"Adele asked.

"I tried my best but you became cranky so thought to let you rest ,"Dante explained.

"Did I trouble you ,are we late ,"Adele panicked.

"Relax ,we don't need to hurry for anyone ,"Dante said calmly.

As Adele got down the car she noticed she was in front of an cottage .The surroundings were full of plants and tress ,the sky had turned orange and birds were all returning back to their nests.

The place was so serene and Zen that Adele was relaxed and happy.

"Let's go ,"Dante said.

The interiors was warm and cozy filled with art and flowers.

"Is this someone's house ,"Adele was confused. It was full furnished place but she didn't see a single person.

"Not exactly ,this place is owned by a famous chef .Whenever he wants to treats someone he invites them here. We will be having lunch now ,"Dante stated.

"Is there any special occasion ,"Adele asked as he suddenly took her out.

"No but that day you were with you friend and couldn't come ,"Dante replied.

Adele had totally forgotten about that incident, they had met by chance and he had casually asked her for a coffee. That's it, it does not imply he had to fulfill any obligation.

"You don't need to ,I never excepted you to keep your word..,"Adele trailed off when she noticed his expression changed to gloomy.

"I did not think you had such low opinion of me ,"Dante gritted his teeth.

"Don't know what I did to make you think so ,"Dante continued.

Seeing he is pissed she realized she had made him angry.

"Oh no, you have mistaken. I meant you may be busy so I don't want to trouble you ..,"Adele quickly tried to rectify her mistake.

" Well don't assume anything ," he scoffed and walked away.

She silently decided to follow him as he just ignored her.

As she sat at the table, mocktails were served first. Dante instructed the waiter and food was served.

Adele eyes evidence in surprise seeing the variety of dishes in front of her .They were just two people but the food could have served at least ten people .She has not even seen or heard about some dishes ,the waiter briefly explained about the specialty of each disk.

The waiter left him alone as per Dante's wish ,Adele glanced at all the dishes once and picked out the one which looked tempting to the eye.

"Hmm, so good ,"Adele moaned as she took a bite .

"Is it to your linking ,"Dante asked.

"So yummy ,it's the best .But I feel it's such a waste we cannot finish all these ,"Adele stated.