
Mafia's Deadly Princess

Among the angels and devils of the world, there lived one with blood-stained hands yet a beautiful soul, one that possessed a flame so bright and wild that it swallowed whichever soul dared to encounter it. Anaya Gambino, daughter of the Head of the Italian mafia, also known as 'The Bloody Angel', and her father's best weapon is a storm in the skin of a human being. Filled with bottled-up trauma, pain, hurt, and rage, she rejects any love given to her and never gives anyone the chance to get inside her head or heart for fear of her dark secret being exposed. Don Smith, the ruthless cocky head of an opposing mafia thinks emotions are stumbling blocks and are only for the weak. Fate has other plans for them, as a forced marriage is all that is needed to make Don realize emotions can be one's biggest weapon, and for Anaya to realize that she doesn't have to carry her burdens, guilt, and pain alone.

baddie_anielle · Urban
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49 Chs


As I walked down the hallway and headed for the stairs, I heard sounds coming from a room. I walked up to the door and placed my ear on it. I could hear moans, groans, soft erotic sounds, and pleas too.

'Michael and Elizabeth!'

I fumed and marched away from the door in anger. Elizabeth knew better than to interfere with my work. She was now being screwed by the guy I was supposed to seduce. On reaching the last step, I paused and looked up as I felt a pair of eyes on me. And as I predicted, Don was standing there watching me.

His lips formed into a small smirk as I turned to look at him.


I tilted my head back and continued on my way out to where my driver told me he would be waiting. I slid into the backseat tired, annoyed, confused, flustered... I didn't truly know how I felt. Everything went wrong today.

"How was your evening, Miss. Gambino?" the driver asked as he drove out of their villa, "Hmm. Fine, I guess" I replied shortly and took off my mask. It had spent the entire evening on my face, my face needed to rest.

Minutes later, the car came to a short halt in front of the staircase leading to the mansion. I came down and headed straight for my room. "Good evening Miss. Should I bring your food up to your room?" a maid asked, "No. I don't feel like eating tonight" I rejected it and continued on my way to my room.

I closed the door behind me and fell to my bed. Tonight was f*cked up! I won't be able to concentrate on anything about this mission after tonight's kiss. It was wonderful but chaotic, and now I'm going to be a hot mess around Don who is now my only chance of stealing back those documents. Just how am I supposed to focus now?

I hissed in pain as my head began throbbing. I peeled off my dress slowly from my body and set it on the sofa in the room. I grabbed a bathrobe, and a towel and went into the bathroom for a quick shower. It would probably relax my nerves and relieve me of all the stress I had just experienced.


Next morning...

I went to my dad's office as he had requested to see me. "Buongiorno, dad" I greeted as I entered his office. "Buongiorno, Naya. How did it go yesterday?"

How I wished he didn't bring that up. I was about to forget all the annoyance, stress, role play, and most importantly... Don's kiss.

"Didn't go as plan" I answered with a sigh, "Spiegare [Explain]!" I explained the entire story to him leaving out the kiss out but including the fact that Don seemed to be interested in me.

"I think it'd be easier if I go for Don instead. He has direct access to the documents" I suggested, "No!" he answered sharply. "He might be young, but he is very smart and has the eyes of a hawk. Plus he is a devil, and I won't allow you to stay anywhere near that man". "You will continue seeing Michael for as long as it takes to win his trust and get those documents back" "But..." "Senza ma, senza se. Puoi andare [No buts, no ifs. You can leave] ". And with that, I left his office completely annoyed.


Smith's Villa...

[Don's POV]

"The merchants have delivered the drugs to us. They came in last night" Andrew said.

I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. All that had been in my mind was the lady in red at the ball. Our dance and most especially our kiss. I don't remember tasting lips as sweet as hers before. They were so soft and smooth that I could practically still taste them up until now.

"Don?" My attention ran back to Andrew. "Were you listening?" "Not at all. Actually, I'm not even in the mood for all this right now. Come back later!" I dismissed him and he obediently walked to the door.

On opening it, Isabella flew inside. "Hi, Isa" Andrew greeted, "Hi Andrew. I'm here to see my brother" "Go right ahead" he urged and allowed her in.

"Isa?" "Hi Don" she waved cheerfully. "Any problem?" "Nope. Just wanted to tell you that I'm going out with a friend right now" she notified me. "Boy or girl?" I asked while pulling out a key from my drawer.

"Does it matter?" I looked her dead in the eye, "Boy" she sighed, "But I'm going with Lucy, we won't be alone" she assured. I eyed her skeptically before giving her the key. "Thank you," she said and was leaving when she stopped in her tracks.

"Anything else?" "No. I just wanted to say that you and Anaya looked cute together, almost like a couple" she said. "Anaya? Is that her name?" she nodded. "We went to Riverdale together. She was a year ahead of me and was the most popular girl back then mostly because of her beauty and her unbeatable skills".

'I can see why '

"And also because of her dad?" I arched an eyebrow up. "How did her dad affect her popularity status?" "I'm not sure, but rumors back then said that he was the Head of a mafia, and had two kids in their finals killed in cold blood for attempting to rape and harass her" she whispered as though saying the story will lead her down that same path.

Come to think of it, she was on the phone with her dad when I found her last night. If what Isa said was true then it could mean that she came to the ball for a reason.

"Call Andrew on your way out!" "Okay. Bye then" she waved and left my office. I leaned back in my chair and brainstormed as to why she would be at the party, or rather what kind of mission she was supposed to carry out. Murder? Theft?

"You called for me?" Andrew came inside again. "Yes. I need you to dig into someone's background for me immediately. But firstly, how is Michael?" "Michael? Well, he seems normal. Left the house some minutes ago though" It isn't murder then.

"Look into the background and history of a lady named Anaya" I ordered. "Anaya... Interesting name" "She was the lady I danced with last night. Isa told me her dad is the head of a mafia, no specific name, and I caught her on the phone with him shortly before the dance"

"Her name does ring a bell, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. Do you know what she looked like?" "No. She wore her mask the entire time I was with her. But she was also with Michael before I approached her" "I'll call him to see if he has a picture" he said and pulled out his phone.


Thankfully, Michael took a photo of her while she wasn't wearing her mask, and Andrew was comparing it with another picture he found of the lady he suspected.

"F*ck!" he exclaimed in shock and turned the phone to me.

They were identical!

"So who is she?" "Anaya Gambino. Daughter of Nicholas Gambino, head of the Italian mafia. The one we took that ship and document from" he reminded.

"So that was her motive. They must have known Michael's weakness is women and would have wanted to use him to lead her to where those documents are so she could steal them and possess the ship along with the benefits of that document back"

'Beauty with brain'

I stood up and picked another key from my drawer and tossed it to Andrew. "Nicholas Gambino's house, IMMEDIATELY!" I ordered and walked out the door with him at my back.

"That was a risky mistake, Nicholas!"