
Mafia's Captive Bride

“You hypnotize me. I want to kill you so bad but I also want to f**k you so hard that you won't be able to walk for days.” He said to me while his thumb traced the edges of my lips, making me shiver. “I want to hear my name from these beautiful lips of yours.” He demanded. His dark eyes pierced my soul. “Lu-Lucifer.” I said. His thin lips instantly curled up into a breathtakingly beautiful smile. “Now, I can’t wait to hear you moan it.” Without wasting a second, he slammed his lips on mine. ------- Lucifer Salvatore is a renowned Italian Mafia. He grew up like an ordinary kid, had parents that doted on him, a loving sister and a next door girl who had been his universe. However, with the death of his parents, everything changed. The people who loved him, they actually didn't and that's when he saw those dark colours of the world. That dark colour turned him into grey and today, he is the most powerful Mafia. Meanwhile, Alora Scarlett is a beautiful 22 years old girl. Ever since she was young, she had loved the boy who lived next door. From waking up in the morning to seeing him in her dreams, all she could think about it was him. But one day everything changed and from being the person who was loved by him the most, she turned into someone whom he hated the most. Perhaps 'hate' isn't enough to describe what he feels for her. However, Alora tries her best to strike back and win his heart. She believed that little cracks which he has in his heart, they can provide a way for her to make way to his soul.

Maheen_Syed · Urban
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5 Chs

Being closer to you is more painful than anything else in the world, Alora.

~Choke me hard.~

Lucifer POV:

Her constant stares of me were setting my body on fire. I want to kiss her so bad. I want to tell her how much I have missed her but at the same time, I hated her so much that I wanted to kill her and throw her out of my car.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened as I tried my best to keep my composure, "Look at me for one more second, and I am going to take you back to your father's." I threatened her and she immediately looked away.

I could sense her anxiety even from far away. This sent peace down in my heart but at the same time, it made me uncomfortable.

The moment stretched between us. There was so much that I wanted to ask her about, however, I kept my curiosity in control and decided to be just with her.

"Why did you come to my Dad's place today?" When the car entered the mansion and I got out of the car, her soft voice struck me. It was like shackles around my feet and although I did not want to stop there, I could not help but do so.

"That's none of your business." I gritted each word and made an attempt to get out of this situation. I might like her, but my hate for her is also overwhelming. It is so much that it is even hard for me to control it. The second I walked inside the gigantic living room of my mansion, she walked in front of me, stopping me from leaving. 

Those flushed cheeks, butterfly-like long eyelashes, pink, plump and kissable lips, they were tempting me to do something that I am sure I will regret later. The veins in my temples started to pulsate as I tried to stop myself from getting attracted towards her like a magnet.

"That's my business. You brought me here out of blue after dumping me at my Dad's house. I lived in a living hell for four years. Do you have any idea about that?" She asked me, frustration was coating her tone.

I gazed intensely at her from head to toe and it made her wirther on her place. I took a step closer to her and before I knew it, I was holding her neck and pushed her towards the wall. She winced in pain the moment her back hit the hard wall. Her eyes were watery but I did not feel sympathy for her. The urge to snap her long and thin neck and to stop the pulsating sensation that I am feeling under my hand was overtaking all of my senses, "You might be my wife on paper but always remember that I do not acknowledge you as one. So, I am not obliged to answer your questions."

A smirk appeared on her face as she stared directly into my eyes with her moisture filled ones, "You do acknowledge me. That's why you brought me here-"

My grip on her neck tightened to the point where she choked on her words. The supply of oxygen was almost cut off. Her limbs started to move fervently as she desperately attempted to breathe.

Meanwhile, I watched her with pure amusement. Pushing her towards the brick of death and then bringing her back to life, it always makes me feel powerful. My grip loosened and she inhaled sharply before looking at me again. This time tears were flowing down her cheeks, "Just kill me. That would be better." She announced.

"Oh darling you have no idea how much I want to do that-" I said sarcastically, "But you know what..." I took out the lighter from the pocket of my pants and ran the metal on her left cheek. She shivers at the cold feel of it, "Killing you is extremely easy, for me and for you as well. If you die, you will not feel this pain again. While I want to torture you to the point where you will regret what you did to me every second of your life."

She sobbed.

"Don't cry sweetheart, I am just starting." I smirked and opened the lid of the lighter, "You love me, right?" I asked and without wasting a single second, she nodded, "That's great." I lit the flame of the lighter. Her eyes were ablazed as she stared at the flame. However, the confusion of what is coming next was evident in her eyes.

"Then me being in pain will do." I declared and before she even had the chance to comprehend my words, I put my hand on the top of that burning flame. It burnt my skin and the stinging sensation on my hand was spreading throughout my body but it wasn't as bad as when I heard her saying, "He did it." The pain of getting betrayed by the person I loved the most was worse than what I am feeling right now.

"LUCIFER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She shouted and tried to make me stop from hurting myself but I didn't. 

"Please don't do this." She cried. I could see that she was in extreme pain and she wished that I had really killed her a few minutes ago.

"Why? Isn't this satisfying?" I asked with pure loath in my voice.

"Please stop this..." She plopped on the ground and went on her knees, "I beg you."

I shut my eyes for a couple of seconds. It is not only her who is in pain because I am but I am also going through hell to see her this way, I pulled the lighter away from my hand and said, "Next time, don't even try to come in front of me." I said what I wanted to say and left. However, the heart wrenching sobs that escaped from her mouth haunted me.

"Why did I do that? Why did I bring her here?" I instantly regretted it and rested my head on the seat's headrest. This is harder than I expected.

I sighed and drove to my office.

I heard the voices coming out from my office and it made me sigh. I know who is in there. When I opened the door, Roman and Rachel were sitting in there. 

"I will kill you with my bare hands." Rachel was holding a fistful of his hair. 

"Let go of me, you madwoman." He growled. 

"If not, what will you do?" She provoked him further and that's what he needed. In one swift motion, he pushed her down and hovered over her. The way her face flushed and his breathing got erratic, I do not need to know what is going to happen next. 

"My office is not a hotel room. Go somewhere else." My voice was loud and clear. Rachel immediately pushed him away and adjusted her hair. Meanwhile, a meaningful smirk was playing on his lips. 

I shook my head. These two are always going to be a pain in ass for me. 

"What is with your timing? Couldn't you have given us some more time?" Roman complained. 

I arched a brow as I looked at him, "Are you telling me that I should have waited outside while you fucked around in my office?" My words were extremely blunt and that made both of them grunt slowly. 

"Now shut up and tell me... what are we going to do during the hearing this time?" Rachel had my attention. Actually Rachel and Roman are my best friends and now they work for me. Rachel is my lawyer while Roman is a police commissioner. There is no doubt that he cleans up my mess but who cares? I pay him a handsome amount to do that. 

Rachel straightened up. Her hair was tied into a neat bun while she was dressed into a black suit. Just a little makeup was enough to make her look exquisite. But the aura which she carries, it makes even hardcore criminals tremble. I am relieved that she is my friend. I would never want to get on her bad side. 

"I found out Russians are behind this. They know your weak point, that's why they are trying to get you." She explained. 

My grip on the leather chair tightened. "I will deal with them myself. You just need to take care of the case in court." 

"Don't worry. I have credible witnesses and even that kid is willing to testify in court." She told me.

"That wouldn't be a problem then." I was relieved. However, it wasn't that I was scared of going to jail or anything like that... trust me, I have been through worse. But It's just that the timing isn't right. 

"By the way..... I heard some really good news." Roman played with his wrist watch before looking at me with a meaningful gaze. 

I cocked a brow in a questionable manner. 

"Finally our sister in law is home. So when are you going to invite us to the party?" He smiled... revealing all of his front teeth. 

"You motherfucker!" I threw the paper weight at him which he effortlessly caught instead, "Are you keeping tabs on me?" I was beyond shock. It is only a matter of a couple of seconds for me to know someone is tailing me. I am sure he has bribed someone at the mansion to report everything about me.

"I am sorry, my friend but I have no choice but to do this. Otherwise who knows what you will do in the future and it will be me who will have to spend the night in the cold office instead of sleeping next to a beauty-" He did not forget to gaze at Rachel in the last sentence. She fidget ignorance to what he said. However, deep down she was utterly disturbed by his words.

"Don't worry, I am going to fire all of my staff today." I announced and turned my attention towards the monitor that was showing me CCTV footage of the mansion. 

"You are one pathetic being when it comes to love, you know." He got up, while I glared at him. 

"And you should not throw paper weight towards people like this. You can be sued for attempted murder." Rachel added, surprising both of us before she left. 

While Roman looked like a happiest man just because she took his side. 

"Who needs enemies when I have friends like them!" I murmured under my breath. But my eyes were glued to the screen. 

She sat on the floor of the room. I could see that she was utterly disturbed by what happened earlier today. I glanced at the burnt skin of my hand, now where blisters were forming. 

"Being closer to you is more painful than anything else in the world, Alora." I whispered and shut my eyes.