
Mafia's Bride

(WARNING: MATURE LGBTQ+ CONTENT) He is ruthless, arrogant, cold,he kills like it's a hobby and he is known as the devil in the underworld.He has no mercy to those who has wronged him. But when it comes to his innocent angel he is his world. OLIVER 25:A depressed man who Has lived unhappy life ever since he was a child; With the trauma of watching all his friends getting adopted and having a new family while that dream of getting adopted never came true for him. He always wished for that special day when he will be called by a caretaker of his orphanage to get ready like his friends did. Not knowing someone is watching him from afar ready to give him all the love in the world.One day everything changed dramatically when a sexy, mysterious man made a claim on him. MARCELLO 28: A mafia boss, who has his eyes on Oliver for three years. He is the type of man who get what he wants nobody can stop him.He doesn't take no for an answer.

Ryder6641 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 6


"I didn't mean to, I just needed the money am sorry" he said with tears streaming down his face.

"If you needed the money why can't you find a job like everyone else oh! You wanted an easy way and now look ..."I said Massaging the bridge of my nose.

"F*ck, you make me so angry when are you going to grow up and stop this nonsense" I said feeling drained already.

"Am sorry"

"You think sorry is going to fix this! What did you do with the money" I asked fuming with anger.

Instead of getting an answer he just started crying.

I calmed down after witnessing the tears in his eyes and face since he kept crying so I figured for him to cry like this it meant he was really in deep shit.

"Who did you borrow the money from?" I asked while rubbing my forehead.

"Stop crying I need answers from you"

"Stefano Damon"he said after he collected him self.

'Stefano Damon' the son of my enemy Lorenzo Damon.

"What we're you thinking borrowing money from someone like him"

" He said he want double the amount I borrowed if I don't pay by tomorrow "


After he lectured him brother and almost beating him one of his men came in.

"Sorry boss we tried to stop him from coming in but he insisted saying it's important" Bruce said while kneeling on the floor.

He took a sip of his tea to calm down then put the cup of tea on the table and pat him on the shoulder.

"Just don't let it happen again, I don't pay you just to sit around! I put you and the others on guard duty for a reason don't let anyone came in without my knowledge"

I said with my authoritarian voice.

"Sorry boss I won't let it happen again" He said while still kneeling.

A week later.

It's been a week since I have been on business and away from my Oliver I can't wait to get back and see him.

I told my men to follow him wherever he goes just to keep him safe away from my enemy then I received an expected call.

"Boss we have news on Mr. Oliver"He said sounding hesitating and reluctant to say it.

"Go on what happen to my Oliver" I said feeling eager to here what he has to say, leaving me wondering what has happen to my Oliver over this past seven days I have been away.

"Boss the thing is..." He said it like he was hiding something.

"Can you fucken say it already I don't have time " I said feeling impatient.

"Well Boss we have some news about Mr. Oliver that you may not like"He said

"I think Mr Oliver is dating someone else "He said


"Who!! Who the fuck had the balls to go after my Oliver" He said while thinking off ways to end that fuckers life, he had the guts to go after what is mine me.

Mine alone.

"You think or you know Which is it?"

"We know"

"What do you mean he is dating someone else can you elaborate? Who is he! have you find out" He said in one breath.

"He comes to the restaurant"

"Did you find out who this guy is, I want to end his fucken life for touching was is mine"He said feeling angry

" Yes we have found out that he comes to the restaurant to eat everyday"He said

"Is that the only information you found on him"

"Do you know we're he live what he does"He asked feeling angry at his incompetent man.

"We haven't verified who he is yet but we will do it tonight"

"Okay make sure to do that fast I need to know once I get there am coming home right now"I said no more wasting time its time to claim him I have waited long enough.

"Miss Davidson tell them to make sure the plane is ready tonight, we are flying back". He said to his secretary through intercom.

"Okay boss"

Time to get my bride I can't let someone else claim him.

He took the phone and called his men"Yes Boss"

"Tell the guards to get ready and retrieve my love" I said to

"On it boss" He answer at the other end of the line.


Once he landed he was ready he had dangerous thought on how to kill the man who went after Oliver.

He was on the edge of his sit eager to see Oliver and show him who he belonged to.

"Have have you find out who the boy is" He said breathing heavily through the phone even his men were scared because they know once there Boss breath that heavily it meant he was pissed and ready to shed the blood of the enemy.

"Yes boss, his name is Matthias and he is a regular customer at the restaurant and we found out that he had his eyes on Mr Oliver since two and half year ago also they have only been dating for a week you were gone Boss"

"Is that the only background you got"He asked sounding not yet satisfied.

"Yes boss for now we are still searching for other details because he only moved out from his last address also we have put two men to monitor him twenty four hours and right now he is at the restaurant "

"Now I want you to take my love and bring him to my house I will find you there don't mess with him don't touch him even his hair if I find out He has been touched or beaten I will cut off the hand that touched him do you understand; Tell him I want to have a word with him, he will come willingly"

"Yes Boss"

"F*ck! keep me up to date with everything he does am on my way" I said and ended the call.

I know My love is a little naive about everything he likes to see good in people so am sure he will come willingly on his own, little does he know this day will forever change his life he will be known as my wife.


He will be mine in every way possible