
Mafia's Bride

(WARNING: MATURE LGBTQ+ CONTENT) He is ruthless, arrogant, cold,he kills like it's a hobby and he is known as the devil in the underworld.He has no mercy to those who has wronged him. But when it comes to his innocent angel he is his world. OLIVER 25:A depressed man who Has lived unhappy life ever since he was a child; With the trauma of watching all his friends getting adopted and having a new family while that dream of getting adopted never came true for him. He always wished for that special day when he will be called by a caretaker of his orphanage to get ready like his friends did. Not knowing someone is watching him from afar ready to give him all the love in the world.One day everything changed dramatically when a sexy, mysterious man made a claim on him. MARCELLO 28: A mafia boss, who has his eyes on Oliver for three years. He is the type of man who get what he wants nobody can stop him.He doesn't take no for an answer.

Ryder6641 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3


"Don't worry Love take your time" He said

As I turn around to go back to get there food I saw him looking at my Ass the whole time with unreadable expression.

I informed the chef about the order and went back at the counter to make tea for Mr handsome and I turn my eyes at him,To my surprise his eyes were already on me.

I just smile to make it less awkward and he smiled in return.

I turned back to focus on the tea and wondering about the three stranger expect for the one with a familiar face who came and deliver the bags to my address.

My mind doesn't sit well with me this three men the way they dress it screams richness to me but why are they here in a two star restaurant while they could be somewhere were it has there living standards like in a Five star restaurant were everything is clean, shiny and fancy.

"Food for table number three" the chef announced and I went to get the food.


I thought I will have problem with Mr Handsome but no we only smiled to each other when our eyes made contact and when he was heading out he gave me a big one hundred pound as a tip which I tried to give back but he instead for me to take it.

I was watching them through the window as they made their way to their car after they were done eating.

Then he turn around and came back inside the restaurant directly towards me, I thought he had forgotten something or he wanted his money back boy was I wrong.

What he did left me dumbfounded.

He walked straight towards me with confidence like the whole world revolve around him.

He snaked his arm around my waist, brought me closer to him, I could feel His heart beating i was stunned by his action and without a warning his lips attacked my lips.

I just stood there with my eyes wide open not knowing how to respond to a kiss and he seem to figure that out he went in slow motion with the kiss so I could follow him.

For the moment I was lost in sexual pleasure I never knew. how did i live without this experience and before I knew it my legs started to feel like jelly.

I could get lost in the arms of a stranger and let him do whatever he wanted to do to me my mind screamed.

My member started to feel a little tingly and with My lungs screaming for air I took that as my cue so I let go of him immediately hoping he didn't feel my dick twitching or my jelly legs.

I made eye contact with him only to see him smiling at me i just knew he already notice the effects he had on me.

I looked at the restaurant and behold all eyes were on us and Mr handsome didn't seem to mind the audience he just kept looking at me.

He pulled me to him and whispered in my ear saying "Love I will see you very soon " He said while I just nodded my head I seem to be doing that lately.

He was about to walk out of the door but then he slapped my butt gave me a small kiss on the cheek and said something I couldn't understand.

I went to clear out their table and I saw a writing in a piece of paper saying "I love your fat Ass" that left my mouth hanging wide open looking at the note.

Hmmmm that was one weird customer I never want to see again.

I looked at the door he went through.

I was in a trance to do anything I just stood there.

To say I was flabbergasted was understatement.

For a moment I felt a tingling sensation in the pit of my stomach.

What is that feeling.

I kept starring at the door where that handsome strange man went to.

I still can't believe it that he actually kissed me, even worse he took my first kiss and didn't ask me for permission I thought he is suppose to do that.

I actually kissed a stranger in front a lot of people and I didn't feel shy about it.


I heard my name being called I turn around only to find my boss fuming with anger.

"I don't pay you to just sit around over there get back to work" He said

"sorry sir" I responded.

I went back to my position after cleaning the table were I started taking orders and serving food like nothing happened a minute ago but the whole restaurant felt weird when I turn around I saw all the customers looking at me other pointing fingers while talking even my boss and workmates.

I just looked at them curiously, I wonder what's that about.

"Hey Oliver you are in deep shit right now how did you manage to attract the boss of the underworld, the walking devil attached to you I feel sorry for you dude" He said.

What is he blabbering about.

"What are you talking about have you been playing video games all night again instead of getting a good night sleep"I said to him only to witness that he was not happy with my suggestion.

"No! for your information I always take eight hours of sleep" He said showing a proud smile sometimes he acts so immature.

"What Alex is saying is that! that boyfriend of yours is really dangerous he is the kind of guy you do not want to mess with or get associated with; all off the United Kingdom knows him, people run to the hill to hide from him" Mr. Peterson said with a serious face.

When did he get here I wonder.

I bust out laughing but the two of them had a puzzled serious look.

Where did they hear about this, this is so funny I didn't know boss like to make jokes.

"Boss where did you find the movie, it sound so interesting I would like to watch it" I said.

Him and Alex looked at me with their mouth wide open as if not believing what I have just said.

"Are you alright, I never thought you could be this stupid" Mr. Peterson who is my boss said.

What did I say wrong.