
Mafia's Bride

(WARNING: MATURE LGBTQ+ CONTENT) He is ruthless, arrogant, cold,he kills like it's a hobby and he is known as the devil in the underworld.He has no mercy to those who has wronged him. But when it comes to his innocent angel he is his world. OLIVER 25:A depressed man who Has lived unhappy life ever since he was a child; With the trauma of watching all his friends getting adopted and having a new family while that dream of getting adopted never came true for him. He always wished for that special day when he will be called by a caretaker of his orphanage to get ready like his friends did. Not knowing someone is watching him from afar ready to give him all the love in the world.One day everything changed dramatically when a sexy, mysterious man made a claim on him. MARCELLO 28: A mafia boss, who has his eyes on Oliver for three years. He is the type of man who get what he wants nobody can stop him.He doesn't take no for an answer.

Ryder6641 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2


Looking on a key hole only to find one weird man but handsome who was well built wearing nice clothes with bags in his hand.

I didn't order anything or having actual friends even relative who can send me this or buy me this things.

He is too dressed up to be a delivery man hmm maybe he is lost.

I opened the door to know the purpose of his visit.

"Can I help you" I asked

Undoubtedly I know this person is dangerous with the way he look.

"Hello,are you Oliver Miller" He asked.

I looked at him and nodded.

"Yes! That's me Is there any problem" I asked.

"No! Am delivering this to you" he said handing me the bags.

"Wait, this is not for me I didn't order anything" I said.

I may be poor but am not that cheap to accept any packages from people I don't know.

" You may have gotten the wrong address" I said trying to reason with him.

"I am sure that this is the right address" He said sound really adamant.

"My Boss said I should leave this here"he said

"Have a wonderful day"He said while flashing me a smile.

" W- wait but..." He didn't let me finish.

In a flash he was gone.

I took the bags inside let's see what's inside the bags.

There was a note attached on top of a box that looked like a cell phone box it reads;

"To my precious soon to be bride,I can't wait to hold you in my arms and wake up next to you every morning,I will cherish and love you forever my Love.

Yours Truly


He really sound like he truly loves the woman he is about to marry.Some people were born lucky.

That man delivered this bags to the wrong address for sure.

Am not going to let this go to waste, He gave it me so it's mine now not my problem he delivered this to me.

What a good Samaritan, they are hard to come by nowadays.


"Oliver you are needed at table number three"

"Okay boss"i sighed.

Can't he ask someone else to serve the customer I haven't taken my fifteen minutes break since I got here four hours ago and my feet are killing me.

Today is not my day.

When I came to work today I told one of my workmate what happened he said I should watch out that maybe I have a secret admire.

I laughed when he said that.

I mean who could be interested in me am boring and a nerd.

I have been working at this restaurant for the past six year.This is the only place I ever worked.

I started working here as a part time worker when I was living at the orphanage I got kicked out of the orphanages when I turn eighteen so I applied for a full time job.

I managed to save up money which I used to rent the a flat am staying right now.

I wanted to find a new job I saved up enough money to help with the rent while I was looking for the job but nobody could hire me back then I just turn eighteen with a high school diploma without any higher education papers I couldn't get the job.

Even when I was looking for a job here the boss was reluctant to hire me back then I begged until he gave me a chance to prove my self.

Now I live in my studio flat it was the only one I could afford with my small salary .

If you are wondering my name is Oliver Miller a twenty two years old skinny man who has grown up at some orphanage until I turned eighteen and a nerd who likes comics, books, art and drawing.

It took a lot of money saving ideas to have a roof over my head since nobody ever wanted to adopt me i guess my face turned them away I mean who would want a boy with a feminine features and nerdy glasses.

Most often I get mistaken for a girl.

I made it to the table were those creepy men sat, just one look at them you would think they are up to no good.

The three of them were well build but the one in the middle looked more attractive, handsome and sexy even from a distance.

Too bad I can only admire him from afar. what am I thinking he could never like me he is too perfect for me and for sure out of my league.

The other two looked like they were protecting the man in the middle.

The handsome man this whole time was watching my every move like a hawk, He never took his eyes off me. His gaze made me feel uncomfortable and I stated to feel shy and nervous every time I came near to there table.He flashed me a smile showing his perfectly white teeth seriously this man is perfect.

I notice one familiar face the one who came to my apartment to delivery the package.

" H-Hello, what can I get for you" I said holding my note book and a pen with shake hands ready to write whatever they want to eat.

And from the looks of it they looked like they don't eat in this kind of place because there clothes for example screamed rich.

My eyes were trying to avoid any eye contact,I kept looking anywhere but them.

"Hello Love don't be nervous "Mr Handsome said with his huskvoice and for some reason His words calmed me down a little

I just nodded my head at him.

"Now can you get my friends a milk shake,double beef burger and chips on the side and they should all be in large size as for me I would like a cupcake and tea please" He said with a smile on his perfectly clean and shaved face.

I wrote down their order with shake hands I don't know why he is making me nervous but with his striking eyes purely focus on me doesn't help at all.

"Anything else"

The handsome man dressed in the Armani suit looked at them then me and said no with a smile.

"I will be with your order in five minutes"I said