
Mafia's Baby

Do you remember when love was uncomplicated? When happiness was a cookie or sweet shared between you and your loved ones? Andrea had always yearned for this type of love in her life but what they always say is true...you don't get what you always want. Love does work in wonderful ways... This is a story about an abused girl and a mafia boss leader. ANDREA'S POV He killed him. He killed my father! How can he do that to me? I HATE HIM! THEODORE'S POV Until now, killing anyone who crosses paths with me has been very easy for me to do but not to her. She's just different... I don't know what exactly I feel for her but I know that whatever it is is going to bring us both trouble. What happens when they both cross paths? What happens after he kills her father and then kidnapps her?

Sarah_9457 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


I swallowed hard and just rushed out of his room to avoid that awkward moment between us.

As I was walking down the hallway, I bumped into Xavier. "Hey there princess! Careful," he said and I grinned. "I'm going to be attending your school," I squealed. He frowned and then his face slowly mirrored mine as we both hugged each other. "Finally!" Xavier exclaimed, "but how did you get Theodore to agree?" "I promised him that I'll tell either you are him if something was wrong and I'll let him take me to school everyday," I said grinning. "I've gotta learn some tricks from you Andy. I mean you can just ask him for anything and he'll say yes!" He said pouting. "Because I am a girl," I said back pulling my tongue out at him and running to my room as he chased me.

The next day

"Andrea wake up," a voice whispered

close to my face. I moaned tiredly and covered myself properly with the blanket. I didn't want to wake up just yet. I heard the person sigh before my blanket was pulled away from my body. "Nooo!" I yelled with a pout before opening my eyes. "Theo I need my blanket," I said making grabby hands at him. "Not happening. You have to get up kitten," he mused and I pouted again. I really wanted to stay in bed. "Pretty please," I pouted again. He brushed his rough hands against my cheek. "Only ten minutes," he said getting into bed with me and covering both of us with the blanket. I cuddled up to him and let out a relaxed sigh. He played with my hair and I was out like a light within a few minutes.

I woke up again and he was already awake. "Good morning sunshine," he greeted. "Good morning,"I replied with a tired yawn. "I wanted to talk to you about something but I'll see you after I come back from work okay?" Theodore said standing up and straightening his clothes. I held his hand before he could leave, "Be safe." He caressed my cheeks and kissed my forehead. His eyes lowered down to my lips and he shut his eyes and swallowed deeply. I knew exactly what he wanted to do but we can't kiss on the lips ever again cuz if that happens... everything will not be okay with us and he knew it too. He cleared his throat, "I promise." And with that, he left.

*Few hours later*

"Andrea we can't go there," I gave Xander on of my best pouts but it didn't seem to be working. "We can go there only if we have his permission," Xander said for the millionth time. What's so bad about Theodore's work place? I have never seen him working and he's been out for a very long time and I'm worried so it's a win-win situation.

That's when I had an idea. I picked up my phone and pretended to call Theodore. "Hi Theo!" I said and looked at Xavier's face. "Can Xavier bring me to your office?" I kept quiet for a while as if I was waiting for Theodore to agree and then I squealed happily. "Thanks Theo. You're the best,"I said and 'hung up'. "He agreed," I lied and Xavier fell for it.

About thirty minutes later, we were in front of a warehouse. We both got out of the car and Xavier led me inside. I heard some cries of pain in the warehouse and I clung on to Xavier for dear life. "He's inside," Xavier said. We reached a huge room with some weapons on the table. I saw Theodore punching a guy who was tied to the wall with a rope. I gasped in shock.

Theodore stopped and looked at me. His eyes widened, "Andrea what are you doing here?" That question made Xavier realized I had tricked him into bringing me here but that didn't matter to me anymore. "Fuck! I shouldn't have believed her," Xavier groaned, " -she tricked me." Theodore glared at his brother, "Just leave." Xavier put his hands up as if to say "I surrender" before he left.

"You," I whispered not being able to look at his face. He was covered in blood which I'm sure wasn't his. "This is my job, Andrea. I have to do this," he said taking a few steps towards me. "This isn't the Theo I know," I whispered backing up, "This is a whole entire spawn of Satan." And I was right. With blood dripping from his clothes he looked the part too. He chuckled darkly and for some reason I wasn't scared. "That's where you're wrong," he whispered. My back hit the wall as backed away from him. He leaned closer and whispered, "I am the devil himself."

"You're crazy," I whispered. I pulled out the shiny black gun from his waistband and aimed it at his forehead but he didn't even flinch. "Fuck you Mr. Black," I said with a sweet smile. Instead of moving away from me he came closer. He wrapped his palm around my neck, "That was hot." Is he crazy? I have a gun pointing at his goddamn head and all he can say is that?

I brought the gun down to his shoulder. "I thought you were a good person Theo," I whispered before shooting his shoulder. He still didn't flinch. "What you just did made me want to bend you over," he mumbled into the crook of my neck. I pushed him off me and tucked the gun into the waistband of my jeans, "Have fun with having a bullet stuck in your fucking body." I walked out.

Ever since I was a kid I had known about the mafia and I started getting trained since I was 16 by a guy I met during my childhood. I always went there after work which was always very tiresome for me cuz I also had to deal with my dad's beating after that. I've never been out if control except when I let my emotions get to me; especially my anger.

I never wanted to expose this part of me but Theodore Black brought it out and I hope he knows a way to put this part of me back where it came from because I don't think she's going back anytime soon.