

I'm a seventeen years old teenager without a mother or even friends. Pathetic right? High school may seem like a hell-hole for teenagers but I find it to be my sanctuary. Everyone in school either bullies me supports the bullies, or just looks at me in pity. I've been bullied both at school and home but the bullies in my school are way better than my bully at home because my bully at home is my dad and it hurts more when he abuses me because I thought he loved me and I still think there is a little part of his heart which still loves me.

I know surprising right? Well, he wasn't like this until my mother died five years ago. I would have run away from home but I couldn't because he's the only family I have and I still have some hope that he'll change one day.

Right now, I'm at school trying to find my way through the mass of students in the hallway to my locker. "Look who's finally here. We've been waiting for you," Jackson said. He was standing at my locker with his friends. Let me introduce the one and only Jackson Perez. If you haven't guessed he's one of my worst bullies and he's popular too. He started bullying me because I wasn't one of those girls who found him attractive and I rejected him which is also the reason why half of the school's female population hates me. He's currently on the football team as the quarterback that's the reason why he always escapes punishment which I think is unfair but who am I to talk to.

I tried to brush past them as quickly as possible because I already had some fresh cuts and bruises from my dad at home which I had covered with some layers of foundation and I just don't want anymore. Not that I can't bear the pain -I'm used to it by now- but I think I might pass out which I don't want if I want to keep my perfect attendance record.

He grabbed my arm and twisted it making my back hit his chest as I scrunched up my face in pain and whimpered. "Leave her to me. I'll do what I've been wanting to do with her for years and I'm sure she won't be able to show her face anymore," he said to his friends and pulled me into an empty classroom locking the door behind him.

He caressed my cheek and I flinched back immediately. "Andrea I'm not going to hurt you. I, think you are going to love what I'm going to do to you," he said trailing his fingers up my skirt.

I quickly understood what he meant and I shook my head in refusal. "P-please don't do this to m-me," I stuttered as tears ran down my cheeks. Why is he even doing this? What did I do to deserve all this? "Stop crying and think about how much pleasure you'll feel," he said trying to pull down my skirt and I used my free hand to hold his hand stopping him making him look at me.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?" I asked in tears and his eyes softened and then hardened again. "Do you know how I felt when you told me you didn't love me? Andrea, I still love you and this is the only way I can be close to you and make sure that you are mine is if you are pregnant with my child. If that's what it takes to make you stay with me forever, then I'll gladly do it," he replied. "Now be a good girl and be quiet," he cooed smirking.

Is he crazy or something? He's planning on making me pregnant? No! This can't happen. Not to me. With those thoughts, I decided to disobey him and scream. "Help! Please someone help me! Hel-," he covered my mouth making my screams muffled, and looked at me with lustful eyes. I wonder how teachers do not notice things like this happening in the school.

"No one is going to hear you because they are all in class. I wanted to make this pleasurable for you but since you are giving me a hard time I'm just going to put it inside you," he said pushing to the floor and straddling me making me cry more. He raised my skirt and was about to open his zipper when a man in his twenties burst into the room breaking the lock.

"Get away from her," the man said calmly. "Who the heck are you?" Asked Jackson furiously standing up allowing me to move away from him. I straightened out my clothes and quickly ran and hid behind the stranger. "I'm Theodore Black," he replied. That name sounds familiar but I don't remember where I heard it.

"Oh s-sorry s-sir," he stuttered out and rushed out of the room as if his pants were on fire. "You can let go now," he said and I quickly let go of his arm which I didn't know I was holding, and blushed in embarrassment. "Thank you," I said. I don't know what would have happened if he didn't come here on time.

"You would have been more hurt than you already are if I didn't come here on time," he said looking at me with concern. What did he mean by that? I'm pretty sure I covered all my bruises well. "I'm not hurt. I-I'm fine," I said trying to go back to class but he held my arm and gently pulled me close to him making me wince and close my eyes in fear of him hurting me.

"Kitten you can open your eyes. I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he said poking my side making me wince. "See? You're not fine. I think you might have broken a rib or something," he said. Why does he even care? Maybe he just wants to hurt me more.

"I need to get to class," I said fearfully, trying to get out of his strong grip. "No. You need to go to the hospital. I'm sure your teachers will understand," he said trying to convince me. "Just leave me alone! Please," I yelled as my voice cracked at the end and tears strolled down my face. What's wrong with wanting to be alone?

I felt a little dizzy and swayed in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked steading my body in his arms. I slowly nodded as I felt dark spots cover my vision.

♥ °°°  ~  °°° ♥

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my room. The walls were white and there was a huge walk-in closet and bathroom- wait for a second! This is not my bedroom. Plus I'm not usually at home at this time because I work in a small coffee shop next to my house right after school to get some money to provide myself with basic needs- since my dad has refused to give me any more money.

Oh my God! I have to go to work! I frantically searched the room for my watch which I found sitting on the nightstand. The time read 2:15 pm meaning I have 45 minutes to get to work. I took my backpack which I found at the corner of the room and dashed out of the room trying to find the exit.

How am I even supposed to find the exit in this huge house- correction, mansion. "What the hell are you doing?" A voice behind me said. I turned around to meet the face of the man I met this morning. I think his name was Theo or something.

His hair was wet and he only had a towel wrapped loosely on his lower area. He looked very hot and angry. And oh he had some nice abs too. The wait is that some eight packs I see? Holy cow! He has eight packs and some ripped muscles too. As much as I wanted to look away, the drops of water on his chest trailing down to his v-line were calling on to me. Literally.

The sound of him clearing his throat brought me back to reality. "If you are done checking me out, you might as well answer my question," he said with a smug smile making me blush profusely. "I have to go to work Theo," I said staring at the wall behind him to avoid looking at his face.

"First of all my name is Theodore not Theo and you are not going anywhere. Doctor's orders," he said sternly. "I don't have a choice unlike you Theo," I said using the name he said he didn't like. Not everyone was born with riches and I think he should respect my decision. After all, he took me to his house without my permission.

"Kitten, do you know who I am?" He looked at me amused. "No, and that's the more reason I should leave here," I mumbled.

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