
Mafia's Baby

Do you remember when love was uncomplicated? When happiness was a cookie or sweet shared between you and your loved ones? Andrea had always yearned for this type of love in her life but what they always say is true...you don't get what you always want. Love does work in wonderful ways... This is a story about an abused girl and a mafia boss leader. ANDREA'S POV He killed him. He killed my father! How can he do that to me? I HATE HIM! THEODORE'S POV Until now, killing anyone who crosses paths with me has been very easy for me to do but not to her. She's just different... I don't know what exactly I feel for her but I know that whatever it is is going to bring us both trouble. What happens when they both cross paths? What happens after he kills her father and then kidnapps her?

Sarah_9457 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Part #14

"Forget about me for a minute Theo. This is your brother we are talking about so just tell me what the fuck happened," his suspense was killing me. I knew something happened to Xavier but he just wouldn't tell me. From the way he reacted I knew it was bad. He ignored me and went downstairs to the kitchen. I followed him expecting answers, "Theo please tell me. Maybe I can help." "No," he said sternly. A tear fell out of my eye and then another one followed. "Yes I had a fight with him earlier but I still care about him so tell me... please," I was worried sick about Xavier and Theo's suspense wasn't helping. He sighed and still refused to tell me.

My eyes landed on a knife laying carelessly on the counter and I don't know what came over me but I took it and held it to my wrist. "If you don't tell me I might as well end this," I said, "From the looks of things this might be happening because of me and I can do anything to save Xavier if he's in danger...even if it means dying." He clenched his jaw and let out a deep breath, "Don't Andrea. It's enough that Xavier isn't here, I don't want you to hurt yourself." "Then tell me," I said pressing the knife against my skin to draw enough blood to scare him. "No, I'll tell you!" He almost yelled when he saw my blood dripping in the ground,"But please promise me you won't do anything stupid... just for my sanity."

"I promise," I said. He sighed, "He has been kidnapped." "What?" I dropped the knife in shock. My legs felt weak and Theodore rushed to my side. "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you," he handed me a bottle of water and took the first aid box from the cabinet. He cleaned the blood off my cut before putting a bandaid over it. "Say something amore," he said worriedly.

Honestly, I didn't know what to say or feel. Before all of this happened he hated me for falling for his brother and now he was kidnapped because of me? I'm sure he hated me even more at this point. Theodore and Xavier both have been there for me ever since my father died. Helping Xavier would be the only sensible thing to do...that's the least I could do to repay him even though I know he hated me.

"I-I need to be alone," I said softly. I have to go there...I have to save Xavier. I know I promised to not do anything stupid but helping his brother isn't stupid...is it? I ran upstairs as tears blurred my vision. Theodore called after me but I just ignored him and locked myself up in my room. The water works poured out of my eyes. Xavier, please be alright...

I found the letter which was thrown into the room  along with the rock. It was clearly written that Theodore should bring me in exchange for his brother at 4:00pm otherwise his brother's body parts would be sent to Theo. I gasped. How cruel is this person? I sighed and looked at the time. 3:30pm... I looked back at the paper and there was an address written at the bottom of the letter. Only 30 minutes left...if I leave right now I can make it there on time.

I wiped my tears and tucked the letter into the pocket of my jeans. I picked up the gun and the dagger from the drawer. I hid the dagger in my boots and tucked the gun in the waistband of my jeans. Knowing Theodore won't let me go, I thought of an idea. I took off the sheets from my bed and took out all the other sheets I had in the closet at tied them to each other. Holding up both ends of the 'rope' I had managed to make out of the sheets, I tied one end to the metal bars at the balcony pulling at it to make sure it was sturdy. I dropped the other end to the ground and carefully climbed down but still managed to scrape my knee a couple of times and land on the ground with a huge thud. I held my breath and froze. I hope no one heard it....Wrong!

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" I heard Theodore's voice ask. I jumped startled, "I...umm..." He looked very angry and just so you know, he looked really scary when he was angry. I gulped. "I told you not to do anything stupid and you went ahead to do exactly what the fuck I tell you not to," he said running his fingers through his hair. "B-but Xavier-" "He'll be fine," he said, "I managed to find him but he'll be here by tomorrow." I sighed in relief at this but I quickly held my breath again when I saw his expression. "W-what?" I squeaked out. He still looked angry.

He grabbed my hand in a really tight grip, "What if I hadn't seen you, Andrea? What if you managed to somehow leave without my fucking permission? Did you think about yourself for once? Did you think about how badly all of this could've gone?" He raised his hand towards me and I winced thinking he would hit me but he brushed his fingers on my cheek. "Did you think of how I would feel?" He whispered. "I'm s-sorry," I apologized. He pulled me in for a hug, "Never do that again." His voice sounded weak and vulnerable. I nodded into his chest and he took me back into the house.