
Mafia''s hotheaded MaiD

"Yeah! I saved you from a title: DEATH BY MEATBALL," I joked, and everyone gasped. "WHAT! It's the truth," I said, looking at everyone's faces with less concern. "Haha, yeah, it's funny, though," Mr. Gale laughed. "Umm... Mr. Gale, we are sorry for the issue. How can we make it up to you?" Rose pushed me aside as she spoke to Mr. Gale. "Silly Rose, call the ambulance," I laughed out of the blue, and everyone looked at me, even Rose gave me the bombastic side-eye. "Am fine, Rose, what's your name, my child?" Mr. Gale asked me. "Scarlett, sir... She... She's just a cleaner, sir," Rose was quick to speak before me. Oh, I despise this lady. "How can I reward you?" Mr. Gale asked, looking at me. "Omg, that's amazing!" "Anything, I will provide. What do you want?" he repeated, holding my hand. "I want food, I'm hungry." "..." Everyone stared at me like I'm some crazy lunatic, and I get it. I am hungry; that's what I have to solve first. "Don't you dare think I'm dumb! I'm not some gold digger. Even Rose thinks I'm stupid..."

StarScripts · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


A taxi parked in front of a duplex, and Scarlett stepped out, struggling with the packs as she headed inside her apartment. Once inside, she placed the packs on her kitchen countertops before heading to the bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, she emerged in a robe, changed into her nightgown, and unpacked the food, arranging it in the mini freezer. Just then, a notification popped up on her phone.

"Who is it this time?" she muttered, unlocking her phone. It was a message from Loveth. She opened the chat.

Loveth: _How you saved Mr. Blackburn is all over social media. You're trending! I bet you got some reward, LOL._

Anxiety mixed with excitement washed over Scarlett as she read the message.

"Oh no, come on. It's a good thing, but wait! I can't have people pointing or staring at me. I hate the attention," she groaned, plopping on the bed and gazing at the ceiling. She wondered how her life would change now.

"Maybe it will be better since I get to work at Mr. Gale's house. I'll get good pay and start my pastry business," she reassured herself.

*Knock, knock!* The sound came from the door. Scarlett opened it to a loud squeal as Loveth hugged her tightly.

"Babygirl, I'm so thrilled! You have to tell me all about it, but first, let's pop this wine open!"

"Lol, Loveth, come on. I hope it's not alcohol!" Scarlett laughed. Loveth was her only friend since she had been thrown out of the orphanage at eighteen. She had caused a fire that damaged half the orphanage, though luckily no one was hurt. Scarlett was taken in by an old lady who ran a fashion store but mistreated her, leaving scars on her back. Loveth, who worked at the store, urged Scarlett to come live with her family until she could be on her own. Scarlett was forever grateful to have met Loveth and smiled at the old memories.

"Nah, I knew you wouldn't want that, so I didn't bother at all," Loveth joked as she headed to the kitchen counter to get glasses.

"Good thing you didn't," Scarlett smiled back. Her room was large, with the kitchen and bedroom combined. Her bed could be raised to reveal a wardrobe, and she had a table and chair near the window. The kitchen area had brown cupboards, countertops, a cooker, a freezer, and her entrance door. Beside her bed was a small makeup table with a heart-shaped mirror.

"POP!" Loveth opened the wine and shared it, sitting on the bed as she handed Scarlett a glass.

"So, tell me all about it," Loveth scooted closer.

Scarlett explained what had happened and how she got the job.

"Wait, so you didn't ask for anything?" Loveth asked, bewildered.

"Nope, Loveth, I'm not a gold-digger," Scarlett scoffed, tasting the wine. _Hmm, tastes good_, she thought.

"Come on, when do you start?" Loveth had thought Scarlett would receive an award or something, but she was still happy for her.

"I'm starting next week," Scarlett replied, showing her the card.

"That's the day after tomorrow!" Loveth exclaimed, gulping the remaining wine and heading to the freezer for something to eat.

"Oh shit, it is!" Scarlett palmed her face. _What do I wear?_

"Hey, lots of food!" Loveth chimed in.

"Ah, yes, it's from Crystal Dinners," Scarlett said proudly. Loveth's head snapped around.

"Wait! YOU AFFORD IT?" Loveth yelled, eyes wide.

"Mr. Gale did," Scarlett smirked.

"You should have seen Rose's ugly face. She couldn't take it," she joked.

"I never liked that Rose lady from day one. I wish I was there to watch, haha!" Loveth shared a pack of food with Scarlett, and it tasted so good. The girls talked about other things as they ate. It was past nine, and the sky dimmed with beautiful starlight, signaling a new beginning.

"Wait! Hold up! Are you staying for the night?" Scarlett asked out of the blue.

"Yes, of course!" Loveth hugged her, and they both giggled.


Levi watched the city lights fade in his rearview mirror as his driver drove towards the Blackburn mansion. He hoped his father was alright . He needed an explanation, to make him understand what he saw on social media good thing it wasn't on the news.

"Step on it," his cold voice commanded, spurring his driver to speed through the night. Charles, his assistant sitting in the front with the bodyguard who was driving, turned and asked, "Boss, are you alright?" There was a note of concern in his voice.

"Mm," Levi replied, looking out the window. He never had a good relationship with his father, who was deeply involved in illegal activities like drug dealing. His father had been a figure in the Mafia world long before Levi was born, heading the Blackburn Mafia organization. Although they were Japanese-American, there was one thing Levi hated above all: the drugs. He had warned his father many times to quit dealing drugs, but his father was a stubborn monster.

Levi's father descended from the Uzumaki family, legendary ancestors known for their great fortunes and treasures. The Uzumaki lineage traced back to 1603, when their ancestor, a great warrior, had won many battles for his king and was blessed with immense gifts. Uzumaki trained many students in swordsmanship, setting a great record for his family. Over generations, they prospered despite conspiracies aimed at their fortune. However, the Uzumaki family was unexpectedly attacked by the Shikamaru Empire, resulting in their near destruction. Gale's grandfather gave the family treasure map to Shitto, Gale's father, who fled with his pregnant wife, Nara, and a young female warrior, Nana, along with thirty trusted warriors. They settled in an unknown city, where Gale was born and trained.

When Gale turned twenty, he learned the family secret and buried the treasure. Shitto secretly built his empire, and Gale grew up to start new businesses around the city. He married Mary, an American woman passionate about martial arts and business. Together, they built their name under the disguise of Blackburn, a Mafia Lord. Levi was born, given the name Yuki, but for safety, they called him Levi. Gale's involvement in illegal businesses caused Levi to dislike his father, fearing his father's life would tarnish his clean reputation

"Boss, we are here," Charles interrupted his thoughts. Levi looked out to see the Blackburn Mansion, a beautiful white structure with lush gardens and three water fountains in the compound. About twenty guards were stationed strategically.

Charles opened the car door, and Levi stepped out, towering at 6.4 feet. He was imposing, with a muscular build accentuated by his white t-shirt and black pants that hugged his strong thighs. He had long black hair, piercing green eyes, and pale pink lips. A smirk played on his lips as he stepped inside the mansion.

As soon as he entered, his mother, Mary, rushed to hug him. "Levi, my dear, I'm so glad you're home," she said warmly, holding him tightly. Levi returned the hug, feeling a brief moment of solace.

"Nana, please make sure the maids prepare a proper dinner," Mary called out to the elderly woman, who had been with the family for as long as Levi could remember. Nana nodded and immediately began giving orders to the staff.

Levi's father, Gale, sat in the study, his presence as cold and intimidating as ever. He barely acknowledged Levi's arrival, his eyes fixed on some documents. "Levi," he greeted curtly, not looking up.

"Dad," Levi replied, matching his father's frosty tone.

Mary tried to diffuse the tension. "Let's all sit down for dinner and talk. There's much to discuss," she said, guiding Levi towards the dining room.

As they sat down, Gale's expression remained hard. "I see you're still making headlines, Levi," he said, referring to the social media buzz about Mr. Gale being saved by Scarlett. "Do you think this attention is good for us?"

Levi bristled. "It's not like I asked for it, Dad. Besides, maybe some positive attention wouldn't hurt your reputation for once."

Gale's eyes narrowed. "Watch your tone. You might have the luxury to distance yourself from our business, but remember where your success comes from."

Mary tried to intervene. "Let's not argue tonight. Levi, I'm proud of you for what you did."

Levi's little sister, Lia, entered the room and ran to hug him. "Levi! I'm so happy you're here!" she exclaimed, her innocence a stark contrast to the room's tension.

Her friend Vikki, who had always tried to gain Levi's attention, followed closely. "Levi, did you hear about my recent success?" she started, attempting to woo him with tales of her achievements.

Levi saw through her tricks. "Congratulations, Vikki," he said flatly, not giving her the satisfaction she sought. He remained seated, unwilling to let her disrupt his meal. "What successes are you talking about?"

Vikki, undeterred, began listing her achievements. "Well, I recently closed a major deal for my father's company, securing a partnership with one of the largest firms in Tokyo. I've also been invited to speak at an international business conference in New York next month. Oh, and I just bought a new penthouse downtown, fully furnished with the latest designs from Europe."

Lia, ever the supportive sister, chimed in. "That's amazing, Vikki! You must be so proud."

Levi nodded politely, though he found her relentless self-promotion tiresome. "Impressive," he said, his tone neutral. "It's good to see you're doing well."

Gale, uninterested in Vikki's achievements, redirected the conversation. "Levi, have you given any thought to our expansion plans in the west? There's a lot at stake, and I need you to be fully on board."

Levi sighed inwardly. "Yes, I've been thinking about it. But we need to ensure that we're not compromising our core values in the process."

Gale scoffed. "Core values? In this line of work, survival is the only value that matters. You'd do well to remember that."

Mary placed a calming hand on Levi's arm. "Let's not get into that tonight. Levi, I am so glad you could visit you must be exhausted from your trip.

Levi shrugged. "It was nothing special. Right place, right time mum"

Lia looked up at her brother with wide eyes. "I think it's amazing, being all mum's favorite Levi. You're like a hero!"

Levi chuckled softly. "Thanks, Lia. But I'm no hero."

Vikki leaned in, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Who was the woman who saved Mr. Gale ? Social media is buzzing about her."

Levi shook his head, a slight frown crossing his face.

Gale looked mildly interested. "I decided to find out more about her. She is amazing, Anyone who can handle themselves in a situation like that might be useful."

Levi felt a pang of irritation. "She's not some asset to be used, Dad. She's just a person who happened to be there."

Gale picked his fork up "I hired already"

Levi scoffed at his remark

Mary intervened again, trying to steer the conversation back to a more pleasant topic. "Let's not worry about that tonight. Gale, we're just happy you're safe. Let's enjoy our dinner."

As they continued their meal, Levi couldn't help but wonder who Scarlett was and how she had ended up in such a dangerous situation. The thought lingered in his mind, a small distraction from the usual family dynamics that often left him feeling cold and distant. For now, though,

He stood up abruptly. "Excuse me, I'm tired. I'm going to my room.

"Mary looked after him, a mixture of concern and sadness in her eyes. Lia pouted, disappointed that her brother was leaving so soon. Gale remained unfazed, his cold demeanor unbroken.

As Levi walked away, he felt the weight of the family tensions bearing down on him. He retreated to his room, closing the door behind him. For a moment, he allowed himself to feel the frustration and weariness that came with being a part of the Blackburn legacy. His room was his sanctuary, away from the prying eyes and the expectations that constantly surrounded him.

He sat down at his desk, contemplating the complexities of his life. The family dynamics, the shadow of his father's empire, and now the unexpected attention from the public. Levi knew he had to find a way to balance it all, but tonight, he just needed some peace.