
Mafia’s Wicked Love

He wasn't always like this... was he? Was it a specific moment that led to where we are today? Was I too blind to see through his façade? Was I blind enough to overlook his sociopathic, sadistic tendencies? No answers, I have no answers. But it doesn't matter anymore. Neither of us are the same people we once were. It's too late for him and I. We can't turn around from the grave sins we've committed. He's the monster I loved once but now, he's the spawn of Satan himself. I was once the girl he supposedly loved but now... I'm just an object of his torments. "You really think you'll be able to leave me?" The sinister look in his eyes keep me alert. "No," I answer truthfully as the blood dripping down my skirt. "You will keep me alive till my heart bleeds for you. Until you break me completely and that's when I'll take my last breath that takes me away from the man who created hell on earth for me; and that's when I'll leave you, forever."

HONEYBUN97 · Urban
Not enough ratings
79 Chs


Y A S M E E N 

"Your home is surprisingly clean," I grin as I dangle my feet off of the edge of the barstool. Marcus rolls his eyes as he turns on the stove. "Do you need something?"

"Yes, I need company. It's Christmas and everything's close. Zara is busy with her husband and I'm dying of hunger and boredom, please save me." I pout.

"So, I'm the last option?" He raises a brow.

"No, you were the first option. Zara was my second option in case you didn't let me in." I giggle.

"I shouldn't have answered the door, then," he states.

"Don't be mean!" I frown. "I know you wanted my company, admit it. I bring the party with me."

"There's nothing to eat, will noodles do okay?" He ignores my comment and asks.

I raise a brow. "You live in one of the most expensive apartments in the city and you don't have anything else?"