
Mafia’s Merging

The Simmons and Lovelock Mafia are rivals; kill the scum of the earth, but there can only be one ruling mafia. An unfortunate night leads Charlie to partake in her families underground kingdom but she’s taught to hate the only boy who could truly understand her. Charlie and Ryder work together to find their predator, but when their rival families find out… Can this merged mafia finally work together and become the most powerful mafia man has ever known, or will everything crumble under the pressure?

R0xyChase · Urban
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13 Chs

Sixteen Going on Seventeen

2 years ago


"Yeah well go fuck yourself too!" I storm out of the door before even waiting for a reply.

"Charlie-Anne Simmons-" I hear my father yell behind me as I stamp down the driveway.

If they think I'm going to join their evil, twisted killing games then they have another thing coming. My father pushing his mafia down my throat thinking I'd snap and cave is the last thing I need. I'm not going to let him draw me in. He may have gotten to my older brothers but he's not going to get to me.

"I should have brought a coat though." I pout to myself because oh my days, it's freezing!

Turning the corner I make my way down the high street hoping that a coffee shop is open. As I walk down the road I take in my environment; Oakdale is known for its community events and the number of district shopping centres they have, only because Oakdale is the newest addition to the 7 other districts.

Seeing a lit shop up ahead I pray that it's a coffee shop because if I'm going back to that house I'm going to need caffeine.

Before I can see what shop it is a large hand latches itself onto my upper arm. I let out a gasp and whip my head around the look at who's just grabbed me, but before I can look at the person's face they drag me into the side alley.

I try my best to thrash my way out of their grip but their hands are like a clasp squeezing me tight. Kicking and flailing my arms I fight to get out of the death hold they have on me because they seem to muscular and a lot bigger then me.

"Stop moving you stupid bitch." The now known as man seethes at me. The grip on me becomes tighter as I start to panic and start kicking him in the legs.

I'm rewarded with a grunt and the man pulls off from the wall and slams me back up against it. The contact that my head made with the brick wall makes my head instantly throb and my vision starts to cloud. I start to see stars as the last thing I hear is the blood chilling laugh that escapes that man's mouth.


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