
Maelstrom Of DC

He used to live life on the run. Given a second chance in a new world, Naruto learns what it means to work with a team and be a hero. Story written by Crohn's Colitis but was abandoned by the author several years ago. Hopefully I will be able to build upon the story.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 2: Boredom

Naruto sits at the computer with a bored expression. It has been a week since he was invited to join the team. In that time there has been no missions or training. The no missions he understands since the team is new and has no experience out in the field, but the no training part is strange. He understands that the Justice League is busy fighting criminals all over the world. However, this team will never work without proper training. He knows this from experience. It was a short time after learning a couple jutsu from the Forbidden Scroll of Seals that he thought knowing a couple jutsu made him invincible. If not for Kurama he would have died against a couple hunter-ninja. That was when he learned that in order to become strong he had to train and not just focus on learning a few jutsu. He may have never been on a team but he figures that it works in the same manner. One needs to train together in order to work as a team. But maybe he is wrong. The Justice League is a team organization so they know better than him.

The past few days he has been spending his time learning English from Red Tornado. Red Tornado is an emotionless android that doesn't play around or joke. A vast difference from Kurama who constantly made degrading comments and insulted others. It was an interesting experience learning from an emotionless android. Tornado never strayed from the topic at hand. All the teaching was focused on learning English with no distractions. Naruto was not sure how he felt on Tornado as a sensei. On one hand he was learning a great deal and could understand a small amount of English even speak a few words. But on the other hand he couldn't get a single read on the android.

Of course, Tornado was not the main reason that Naruto was learning at an accelerated rate. Naruto was using a special ability that he activated when he was nine. A special pair of eyes that allow him to memorize and copy anything that he witnesses. Kurama hated his eyes due to the fact that an evil man in the past used the eyes to control the demon fox. It was that reason he made a promise to never use the Sharingan on Kurama.

It was during a fight in the Land of Earth that he activated the Sharingan for the first time. He ran into another missing ninja that was looking to steal the Forbidden Scroll of Seals from him. The missing ninja was a Chuunin level ninja. Naruto was nine years old and didn't even know the basics of chakra control with two Academy jutsu under his belt. The fight, if one could call it that, was a beating that involved Naruto being bounced around on the ground like a rubber ball. Kurama channeled chakra to Naruto's eyes in order to help him with tracking the Earth ninja's movements. Technically, it worked as Naruto was able to follow the earth ninja's movements to deliver a fatal blow. It wasn't until a couple days later when Kurama finished healing his wounds that Naruto practiced channeling chakra to his eyes when he discovered that when he channeled chakra to them his ocean blue eyes bled red with a single black tomoe in each. That was when Kurama explained to him that he inherited a powerful doujutsu known as the Sharingan.

Once he developed the Sharingan, he was able to see the way the chakra was channeled by watching other ninja. He watched ninja channel chakra to their feet to walk on walls and water. As his Sharingan grew more advanced he was able to see through genjutsu, copy ninjutsu and taijutsu of his enemies, and gain better control over Kurama's chakra. Kurama hated the Sharingan, but even the demon fox had to admit that the doujutsu came in handy when Akatsuki started to hunt him.

The Sharingan was a doujutsu that was inherited by those with the Uchiha blood. Kurama theorized that Naruto must have had distant Uchiha relatives in his ancestry. It might have been the reason that the Fourth Hokage chose to seal Kurama inside Naruto in hopes that the Uchiha blood would help in controlling the demon's power. This was just a theory but it did make sense. Naruto didn't care much about being related to the Uchiha Clan because those bastards were as mean to him as the rest of the villagers. All he cared about was learning to become strong so that anyone that tried to hurt him would end up face first in the dirt.

He was using the Sharingan now to copy and memorize the English language. Using the Sharingan he memorized every single Kanji and romaji translation to English. Unfortunately, Tornado is an android therefore doesn't have any lip movements. If he was training with Canary he could use the Sharingan to copy her lip movements in order to learn new words. But he didn't want to reveal his Sharingan to the Justice League or the team until he knew that he could trust them without a doubt. A true ninja never reveals his trump card until necessary. Naruto knows that he needs to learn English to communicate with his teammates but this training is so boring. He much rather spend his time fighting crime in Tokyo or training to learn some new jutsu. Turning the computer off, he heads to the Zeta Tube. Time to head back home.

July 15th, 10:00 am

"Do you plan on giving them a mission anytime soon?"

Canary leans against the consul. Batman doesn't even spare her a glance as he continues to type at the computer. "The team will receive a mission as soon as I have one for them." A frown forms on Canary's face. She was never on board with the team to begin with. The idea of using kids as spies rubbed her the wrong way. She ended up going along with it because she knew that it was better to have the young heroes working under Justice League supervision than running off on their own. But if Batman doesn't give them a mission soon that team will be running off on their own like they did at Cadmus.

Batman glances at Canary. "I am searching for a mission to give them, but one that will not get them killed." He goes back to typing. "All of them have been trained individually but a team operates in a different manner. If they can't learn to be patient than we might as well let them operate on their own as it will yield the same results as giving them missions they are not prepared to handle."

A sigh comes from the heroine. As usual, he is right. "We need to do something to make them feel as if we are taking the team seriously. None of them are ready to be fighting crime on their own," says Canary. "Perhaps a little team training wouldn't hurt."

"Not all of them are waiting away for a mission." Batman pulls up a video of Naruto exploring the cave and using the training facility. "The first thing that he asked about after his first language lesson with Tornado was how to use the training simulator. He has continuously used it over the past week when not in Tokyo." Canary is impressed. It looks like there is at least one member on the team that is taking this team seriously. None of the other young heroes have been taking advantage of the facility at the mountain or Batman would have brought it up. "As for his lessons, in a month or two he will be able to speak fluently in English."

Her eyes widen. "That fast?"

"Yes, his learning rate is very high," says Batman with a voice full of suspicion.

"He is a kid." Canary gives the Dark Knight a look. "I can tell from his eyes that Naruto has not had an easy life. You were worried that him being on his own could make him at risk to people like Luthor, but spying on him might make him turn away from using his powers for good. The best thing to do is earn his trust and let him come to us." Batman glances at Canary. She doesn't back down.

The subject is changed when an alert comes in from Captain Atom. Batman and Canary drop the argument to face a bigger issue.

July 18th, 9:00 am

Humming a tune, Miss Martian walks around the base. She was hoping to run into Superboy to start up a conversation. He showed up to eat the breakfast that she cooked, but took the plate and left the dining area before she could invite him to eat with her. It has been almost two weeks since she started to live at the mountain. In that time she has interacted with Superboy for barely a few minutes at a time during meals. She really wanted to get to know him better, but he didn't seem to have any interest in her at all. Today was the day that she was going to change that. Or at least she hoped.

Now that she truly thinks on the matter, she has not spoken to any of her teammate since the team was officially formed. The six of them were supposed to be a team yet none of them interacted at all with each other. She had hoped that when she came to Earth that she would make friends. When her uncle offered her the chance to join this new team with others her age, she jumped at the opportunity. A chance to finally fit in. The problem is that none of her friends are around. All she has been doing the past two weeks is cooking new recipes and trying to get Superboy to give her more than a minute each day. She is starting to think that maybe she won't make friends here on Earth. Such thoughts lead her to the memories of her lonely days on Mars.

Megan enters the training room in hopes of finding Superboy. She doesn't find Superboy, but she does run into another teammate. In the middle of the training room doing one handed handstand push-ups is the sixth member of the team, Uzumaki Naruto. The only member of the team that didn't introduce himself to her. Her ruby red eyes examine the younger boy. He is fourteen years old, but has a body that grown men would kill to have. There is not a single ounce of fat on his body. Naruto is not overly bulky, but with each push-up his muscles bulge revealing a muscular body gained from years of extreme physical exercise. A blush heated her cheeks as she realized she was staring. It is hard not to stare when he isn't wearing a shirt.

Naruto pushed straight up launching ten feet into the air from a single arm thrust. Twisting around, he lands lightly on his toes. He turns his head to look straight at Miss Martian. Megan splutters realizing that she was caught. "Hi," blushes Megan. "I am Miss Martian, but you can call me Megan." There is no response from the boy. "Hello Megan." She snaps her fingers. "I forgot you don't speak English."

'My name is Megan, don't be alarmed. I am using telepathy to speak to you.'

There is no shock or surprise from Naruto. He hears the voice in his head and continues to stare at her with an emotionless expression. Megan shifts nervously under such an intense stare. She used her telepathy to talk to him because mental communication can instantly be translated into whatever his native language is so that the two can talk. Now she is starting to regret this whole thing. 'Uzumaki Naruto, nice to meet you,' replies Naruto mentally.

A smile lights up her face. 'I hope I am not interrupting. I was looking for Superboy, I didn't mean to bother you,' apologizes Megan.

'You are not bothering me. I am getting some training in is all.'

Naruto crouches into a fighting stance. He begins to throw punches and kicks at an invisible opponent. His eyes drift over to Megan. 'Did you wish to train? I can come back at a later time.'

Megan throws up her hands shaking her head. 'No thanks, I am not good at physical activities.'

'Isn't that the point of training? To increase your skill in a certain area.'

'I…I didn't think of it like that,' she gains a light blush in embarrassment. 'Still, I focus more on my telepathy and telekinesis.' A shrug comes from the boy. He continues to practice his taijutsu. Megan bites her lip not knowing what else to say. Naruto isn't bothered at all by the silence. He said all that he wanted to say so in his mind the conversation is long since over.

'Um, what are your powers? Mine are telekinesis and telepathy, but I already told you that plus we are talking mentally,' rambles Megan.

A pause comes from the ninja. He contemplates whether to tell her the truth about his abilities. Sooner or later the team is going to learn about his abilities. In the ninja world a ninja needs to guard one's secrets in order to have a trump card against enemies. This is not the Elemental Nations. And like he thought earlier, he will eventually reveal his abilities during a mission. 'I use ninjutsu and taijutsu,' answers Naruto.

'Ninjutsu? Taijutsu?'

Naruto brings his hands together and formed three hand seals at speeds that Megan can barely follow. She is amazed at the speed that he formed those strange hand gestures. 'Transformation no Jutsu,' thinks Naruto. A cloud of smoke explodes outward. The smoke envelopes Naruto. When it clears Megan's eyes widen upon seeing an identical copy of herself.

'You shapeshifted!'

'No, it is ninjutsu,' replies Megan-Naruto.

Megan tilts her head, 'is it similar to magic?'


'Sorry,' apologizes Megan.

He feels a bit guilty. 'I am able to use ninjutsu through the use of chakra. Chakra is the combination of physical and spiritual energy.' In a cloud of smoke he reverts to his original form. 'I can use it to cast illusions and manipulate the illusions. The transformation I used earlier was an illusion not an actual transformation.'

Understanding appears in her eyes. 'I get it!' Megan smiles feeling a bit closer to him. 'I forgot to tell you that I can shapeshift.' She begins to transform into a girl version of Naruto. Naruto stares at her not impressed with the transformation. Smiling sheepishly, she turns back to her original form. 'Boys are harder to mimic.'

'You should train that. It could come in handy on a mission,' says Naruto.

'I never thought about that. I guess I could work on it,' nods Megan. 'Can you do anything else? What is taijutsu?'

'Taijutsu is hand-to-hand combat. My skills in that area are more pronounced when fighting against an opponent. I could show you in a spar,' explains Naruto.

Megan takes a step back shaking her head. 'No thanks, I'll take your word for it.' Naruto is a bit disappointed, but doesn't show it. 'So who is your mentor?'


'The superhero that trained you. Robin has Batman, Kid Flash has the Flash…'

'No on trained me. Everything I learned, I learned on my own.'

'Oh,' Megan doesn't know what else to say to that. She has a feeling that there is more to the story. As much as she would love to learn more, she can tell from his tone that he is not going to say anything about his past.

"Recognized B02, Aqualad."

In a flash of light Aqualad in civilian clothing enters the mountain. Megan smiles glad to have another teammate to talk to. "Hey Aqualad!" beams Megan. Naruto turns to face the protégé of Aquaman.

"Greetings Megan, Naruto," smiles Aqualad. Naruto gives a small nod. He walks over to where his shirt lays and puts it on.

"How did it go with Speedy? Will he be joining us?"

Aqualad shakes his head. "I am afraid not. He has decided to go his own path." Megan gives an apologetic look.

"Recognized B01, Robin."

Naruto frowns. It looks like there will be no more training since the entire team has decided to show up. He hasn't seen any of them in about two weeks and the one day he chooses to get some training down all of them start to show up. "Yo," waves Robin. "You ready to get our first mission?"

"Megan, have you seen Red Tornado?"

"He went out for a bit and said he would be back by 11," answers Superboy. The clone walks towards the group with a nonchalant expression. "Why do you want to see him?"

"Why else? We want a mission." Robin gains an upset expression. "It has been almost two weeks and we haven't had a single mission. I am tired of waiting around. Time to get some action!"

Aqualad nods in agreement. "We didn't start this team to play around."

"Recognized B03, Kid Flash."

"Is he here yet?" Kid runs towards the others in civilian clothing.

Robin pulls up the monitor. A smirk plays on the Boy Wonder's face. "He is coming in now."

"Let's get going!"

Kid runs off on his own. Robin and Aqualad follow. Superboy shrugs before following them. Megan looks at Naruto. 'I guess we should join them.' Naruto stares at her blankly. She smiles encouragingly at him. Flying into the air, she heads after the others. A sigh escapes the ninja. Reluctantly, he heads in the same direction as the others.


Red Tornado makes his descent towards the ground. The android notices the sidekicks all waiting outside. Landing, the android walks towards the group. "Why have you all come out here to meet me?"

"We were hoping to get a mission," smirks Wally.

"Batman handles mission assignments."

"Yeah, but it has been over a week…"

Red Tornado interrupts Robin. "You will be tested soon enough. Until then you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave." Robin, Wally, and Aqualad share a look. The words that Speedy spoke to them last night come back to them.

"Your Junior Justice League is a joke. It is meant to keep you busy and in your place."

"This is not a social club," frowns Aqualad.

"True, but I hear social interaction is key to team building."

Those are the last words that Red Tornado speaks before heading inside the cave. Naruto stares up at the clouds. He understands a little of the language, but not enough to keep up with the conversation. Certain words and phrases registered in his mind. So paying half attention, he chose to stare up at the clouds. It is a beautiful day.

Kid Flash scowls, "keep us busy."

"Does he really think we are buying that?" frowns Robin. "What do we do now?"

"We tour the clubhouse," says Aqualad just as upset as the others.

"Well, Superboy and I live here. We can give a tour," offers Megan.

Superboy folds his arms across his chest. "Don't include me."

Kid appears next to Megan. "Will do, a private tour sounds much better."

"No one said anything about private," sighs Robin.

"Team building, we all go," states Aqualad.

Megan looks over at Naruto. 'We are going to tour the cave.'

'I already know the entire layout,' replies Naruto.

'Red Tornado said that socializing will help team building,' says Megan.

'…Very well…'

Aqualad, Kid, and Robin look between Megan and Naruto. The three then look at Superboy. Superboy gives them a shrug. "Ok, this way!" smiles Megan. The four glance at each other before shrugging. Naruto lags behind the group not bothering to listen to the guided tour.


"So why did the League stop using the base?" asks Superboy.

Robin answers that question. "The Joker found out the location and launched a massive attack on the Justice League. Most of the cave was destroyed. It forced the League to move to a new headquarters."

Superboy frowns, "so they traded it in for a tourist trap?"

Megan's eyes widen. "Wait, if the bad guys know where we are what is to stop them from attacking us? We must be on constant alert!"

Laughter comes from Robin. "The bad guys don't know that we know about them knowing the location of the cave." Megan looks at Robin in confusion.

"He means to say that we are hiding in plain sight," explains Kid.

"Oh, that makes sense."

Superboy sniffs the air. Naruto picks up on the scent a second after the clone. "I smell smoke."

"My cookies!"

Megan flies off in the direction of the smell. Kid shrugs before speeding after her. The others soon follow. She flies straight into the kitchen. Using her telekinetic powers, she opens up the oven door and levitates a tray of burnt cookies onto the counter. "I was trying out granny's recipe from episode 17…" she trails off. Naruto's eyes narrow. "I wanted to bake something nice for the team."

Robin chuckles coming up beside the girl. "I am sure they would have turned out great. He doesn't seem to mind." All turn to look at Kid who is munching down on the burnt cookies.

"What?" Kid swallows. "I have a serious metabolism."

"I'll…make more…?"

"It was sweet of you to make any," says Aqualad.

Megan blushes lightly, "thanks Aqualad."

"We are off duty. Call me Kaldurahm. In fact, my friends call me Kaldur."

"My name is Wally." Wally leans forward giving her a wink. "See how I trust you with my real name unlike dark shades over there. Batman has forbid him from giving out his name." Robin sends a light glare at Wally that is hidden behind the shades.

"My name is easy it is M'gann Morz, but you can call me Megan. It is an Earth name and I am on Earth now," smiles Megan.

Superboy turns preparing to leave the room. A telepathic voice belonging to Megan fills everyone's head. 'Don't worry Superboy, we will find you an Earth name too.'

The clone's eyes widen. "Get out of my head!"

'What?' The others wince not used to having a voice in their head besides their own. Naruto stands with a bored expression. 'This is how everyone communicates on Mars…'

"Megan stop!" Kaldur gives her a hard look. "On Earth that is an extreme invasion of privacy."

Megan lowers her eyes, "I didn't know…"

"Just stay out of my head!"

Superboy stomps out of the room with rage in his eyes. "Cadmus left him with a bad taste for telepathy," whispers Wally. Megan's eyes fill with guilt. Her eyes glance over at Naruto who remained silent.

'It doesn't bother me,' shrugs Naruto.

In order to break the tension Megan comes up with an idea. "Hello Megan, I know what we can do!" She flies out of the room. The others follow with Superboy sitting on the couch. Superboy senses someone staring at him and turns his head. Naruto stares at Superboy with a blank expression.

"Move," says Naruto awkwardly. Superboy frowns. The ninja turns leaving the room. Standing up, Superboy follows the ninja.

Megan leads the team to the hangar. "This is my Martian Bio-Ship!" A large red and black sphere rests in the middle of the hangar. Robin, Kaldur, and Wally all share a look at the so-called ship.

"Cute, not very aero dynamic but cute," says Wally.

"It is at rest silly. I will wake it up," smiles Megan. Using her telepathy, she commands the ship to wake up. The red sphere transforms into a large alien ship. It spins around so that the back of the ship is facing the team. The skin of the ship morphs providing an entrance. "Come on!"

Naruto examines the ship. For a moment when no one is looking, his ocean blue eyes bleed to red with three black tomoe. A second later his eyes are back to normal. He can't believe that this large thing is actually alive. It possesses its own unique energy or life force. The ship reminds him of Kisame's sword Samehada. Samehada was also a living object not just a mere sword. 'Naruto, are you coming?' asks Megan mentally. He heads up the ramp making a mental note to examine the ship further in the future.

The ship transforms on the inside creating a cockpit with six total seats. Megan takes a seat in the chair at the head of the ship while the others sit down in the other seats. Robin takes a seat and four black tendrils immediately strap him in. "This is pretty cool," smirks Wally.

"Red Tornado please open the hangar door," says Megan.

"Incredible," smiles Robin.

Wally sighs dreamily, "she sure is." He is staring at Megan. She turns to look at him. "I mean the ship and like all ships it is a she."

"Fast with his feet not with his mouth."


Kaldur leans over to whisper to Superboy. "I don't need to be a psychic to know that you are feeling guilty." Superboy glances at Kaldur. There is a knowing smile on Kaldur's face. "You over reacted. It happens, just say you're sorry."

Megan stares at Superboy with worried eyes. Robin notices the exchange. "Give it time, he will come around."

"He doesn't seem to like me much," frowns Megan.

"You two do realize he has super hearing right?" says Wally. Superboy heard every word but continues to stare out the window.

"I know, how about showing us some of the Martian shape shifting?"

Naruto pokes at the side of the ship. The entire ship is organic. It is like Megan's clothes that allowed her to shape shift her body and uniform. He has never encountered anything like this. Is this some type of alien technology? How advanced is the technology in this world to be able to create living organisms?

"Red Tornado to team. There has been an emergency alert triggered at Happy Harbor Power Plant. You are to investigate the situation…covertly. Sending coordinates now."

"Copy that, adjusting course," replies Megan.

"Red Tornado is keeping us busy again," states Robin.

Megan glances at Robin. "A simple fire led you to Superboy. Who knows what this will lead us too. We should investigate the cause."

"I think I know," says Superboy. All turn to look outside the window. Heading straight towards them is a large tornado. Megan grips the controls tightly. The ship is spun around several times before the tornado continues on towards the power plant. She lands the ship in the parking lot. The team rushes out to see explosions coming from inside the power plant.

"Robin are Tornadoes common in…" Kaldur turns to see his friend gone.

Megan gasps in surprise. "Where did he go?" She looks around trying to find where the Boy Wonder went. All that is heard is a child-like laughter. Kaldur groans in annoyance. Why does Robin always run off on his own?

"No way am I getting left behind!"

Wally puts on his goggle before taking off at high level speeds. Naruto was slightly impressed with Robin and Kid Flash. Robin moved like a ninja able to vanish even in broad daylight. Kid possessed high Chuunin level speed almost on par with a jounin. That is impressive since Naruto's own speed was at Chuunin level, currently. Superboy uses his super strength to leap high into the air ready for a fight as well. "Let's go. They might need us," Kaldur draws his water bearers. Megan flies into the air following her friend.

Inside the power plant, a blast of wind sends Robin flying backwards. "I got this!" Wally runs at high speeds at the individual covered in red and black armor. The villain creates a gust of wind on the ground spinning Wally out of control before tossing him through the far wall. The speedster lies on the ground nursing a major headache.

Superboy runs through the front doors. "Who is your friend?"

"I don't know, but he plays rough," grits Robin. Standing up, the Boy Wonder reaches into his jacket pulling out a couple bird-a-rangs.

A robotic voice comes from the villain. "Forgive me, you may call me Mister Twister." Mister Twister stands over six feet tall with shining bright red and black armor with several blue tubes connected on various parts. "I was hoping to fight a real hero not some kids. This is very disturbing," says the villain.

Robin scowls, "I am sorry to disturb you! I will try to make you more turbed!" He tosses the bird-a-rangs at Mister Twister. Mister Twister creates a gust of wind knocking away the bird-a-rangs with incredible ease. Superboy leaps into the air aiming a fist at the villain. Forming a small twister, Mister Twister spins Superboy around before tossing him straight at Robin. The two young heroes' crash into each other rolling across the ground.

"Superboy! Robin!" gasps Megan. She drops down landing next to the two.

Kaldur runs into the power plant with his water bearers taking the form of dual swords. "This is not a villain that I recognize."

"Run along children, I have more important matters to deal with," states Mister Twister.

"We are not children," glares Robin.

"Respectively, you are."

A yell of rage comes from Superboy. He charges at Mister Twister. Superboy never even gets close as a small twister sucks him up, spins him around, and tosses him away. Robin tosses down several smoke grenades. A thick black smoke blinds Mister Twister. Such an attack might have been useful against other villains, but against Mister Twister it is hardly even a distraction. Mister Twister blows away the smoke and raises its arm to block a kick from Robin. Robin is struck by a high blast of wind sending him flying into the charging Kaldur. Megan comes flying at Mister Twister from above, but soon she is sucked into a twister and slammed into the ground. "I grow tired of babysitting." Mister Twister creates a large twister that blasts the young heroes in every direction. "I hope now you all know your place," says Mister Twister.

Several shuriken strike Mister Twister in the back. The super villain spins around to see a sixth attacker. Naruto has the hoodie up to hide his hair and a black face mask covers the lower portion of his face. "So there is another child. You should have stayed hidden," says Mister Twister. A powerful torrent of spiraling wind heads at Naruto. Naruto moves at high speeds dodging the tornado. He runs around Mister Twister tossing three kunai. The kunai are easily batted away with a light gust. "Your pitiful weapons will not help you. Now be gone!" Mister Twister creates a powerful tornado that starts to rip the entire building to shreds. Superboy grabs Robin and makes a run towards the exit. Megan and Aqualad are right behind Superboy. The building starts to collapse almost burying the team alive.

Outside, Wally stands up rubbing his head. A loud crashing sound makes him look ahead. His eyes widen in horror. "Oh no, guys!" He rushes towards the collapsed building as fast as he can. Mister Twister floats outside the rubble.

"I am now turbed, thanks for that."

"What did you do to my team?" yells Wally.

Mister Twister turns to face the speedster. "I would think that was obvious." Generating a small tornado, he launches it at Wally. Wally is sucked in and sent flying into the debris. Before the speedster hits it an invisible force catches him.

"I got you Wally," says Megan.

"I would have thought that you all would have learned your…"

The ground behind Mister Twister bursts open. Out of the ground emerges Naruto flashing through hand seals that even Wally can barely keep up with. He finishes the sequence of hand seals and takes a deep breath while lifting his right hand to his mouth. Naruto forms a ring with his right index finger and thumb then exhales. 'Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!' A large fireball twice his size is spit from his mouth that heads straight at Mister Twister. Mister Twister has no time to dodge from the point blank attack. The fireball consumes Mister Twister before a large explosion fills the area.

Naruto lands on the ground knowing that the battle is over. He poured enough chakra into that jutsu to take out a building. Even if Mister Twister created a barrier of wind, it would have strengthened the power of the fire jutsu. Wind feeds fire making it more powerful.

"No…way," gasps Wally.

"Did he just exhale a giant fireball?" mutters Robin.

Kaldur stares in awe as the smoke still fills the area. "I have never seen such magic."

"Amazing," whispers Megan.

Superboy remains silent staring into the smoke. The smoke soon clears to reveal a completely destroyed android. Naruto stands among the rubble with an emotionless expression. Mister Twister's body is scattered all around in thousands of pieces. He glances at the team. All of them are staring in him with disbelief or suspicion. It doesn't matter to him. The mission was accomplished. Threat to Happy Harbor Power Plant was neutralized. Mission complete.