
Maelstrom Of DC

He used to live life on the run. Given a second chance in a new world, Naruto learns what it means to work with a team and be a hero. Story written by Crohn's Colitis but was abandoned by the author several years ago. Hopefully I will be able to build upon the story.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 15: Halloween

October 30th

Naruto tilts his head. "Halloween Party?"

Megan nods excitedly. "It is going to be great. I invited Wally, Robin, Kaldur, Artemis, and Zatanna. Superboy is coming too of course." She is so excitedly that she is bouncing on the balls of her feet. Naruto stares at her with a blank expression. "Do you want to come? It will be fun!"

"Yeah, sounds like so much fun," grumbles Connor. Megan sends a light glare at her boyfriend. He turns away going back to listening to the news.

"What does one do at a Halloween Party?" asks Naruto. Megan looks at Naruto in surprise. She slaps her forehead realizing that he comes from a dimension that doesn't celebrate the same holidays on Earth. The Martian girl is among four people that know the truth behind his background. Artemis was first, Megan second, and he told Canary and Batman at the same time yesterday. No more hiding in the shadows. In time the rest of the team would know as well.

"Halloween is a holiday where people dress up in costumes. Children go from house to house in an activity known as trick-or-treating to get candy. It is supposed to be a scary holiday," explains Megan. "I have never celebrated Halloween, but the party is going to be great."

A shrug comes from the ninja. "I don't have any other plans," says Naruto.

Megan beams happily. "Perfect! Oh, be sure to dress up!"

"As what?"

"Anything you want except yourself or a member of the League."

Anything he wants? He doesn't want to dress up at all. Still, he did agree to come to the party and he doesn't break his word. Maybe Higurashi can help him with the costume design. He has been meaning to stop at the weapon show owner to pick up a new sword. "I will think of something," says Naruto.

A gleam appears in Megan's eyes. "Ok so now that we cleared that all up. How is everything between you and Artemis?" smiles Megan. "I heard you two went out on a date."

"How are you and Superboy? Are you two still keeping your relationship a secret?" replies Naruto. Megan and Conner freeze up. Naruto walks away with a small victorious smile. One should never mess with a ninja when it comes to finding out information.

Tokyo – October 30th; 10:30pm

Higurashi comes out of the backroom to find the shop empty. The old man stretches out his arms and back. As he looks back down he finds Naruto standing in front of the counter. "If it isn't the sword breaker. What do you want brat?" asks Higurashi. It is clear as day that the blacksmith is still upset that Naruto broke one of his finest katana.

"How is the new katana coming along?" asks Naruto.

A smile appears on the blacksmith's face. One thing that the blacksmith loves to talk about is the new weapon that he is building. "That metal you brought me, it is unlike anything I have ever seen. It is stronger than steel so it is taking me awhile to forge it, but I will make it into a sword like no other by the time I am done," boasts Higurashi.

Naruto decided to keep several of the weapons that Intergang had used. It was made from alien technology that was stronger than any known alloy on Earth. He brought the weapons straight to Higurashi to use as much metal as possible in forging a katana that would be able to withstand the chakra he channels through it. Higurashi jumped at the opportunity to use the stronger, durable metal to build a weapon far greater than anything in the history of Japan. The blacksmith was pretty dramatic about creating a sword that would be able to cut the gods. All Naruto wanted was a weapon that could withstand everything that he puts it through.

"Are you sure you want it to be a katana? I could make other weapons that would better suit your style," offers Higurashi.

The ninja looks at Higurashi curiously. A pensive expression appears on his face. He chose a katana because it is a weapon that he has familiarity with. Though to be truthful, he could not bring out its full potential in a battle as the League has a rule about no killing and he is forced to hold back when using a katana to prevent from killing his enemies. Perhaps another weapon would be more beneficial. "What did you have in mind?" asks Naruto.

A chuckle comes from Higurashi. "It is a surprise. Until then, feel free to grab any katana you like," waves Higurashi.

"I came here for a second reason. I hear that tomorrow is Halloween."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I am in need of a costume. Do you have anything in mind?"

October 31st; Mount Justice

A howling sound fills the air. Wolf is lying on the ground sleeping. Wally stops his howling looking down at the sleeping wolf. "Really? Not going to join me?" frowns Wally.

"Wally, leave him alone," says Superboy.

Megan giggles as she wraps the bandages around Superboy. "Stop moving around."

"Megan, leave him alone," says Wally imitating Superboy. The speedster walks over to the two giving Megan a flirtatious smile. "Awkward anyway inviting him as a third wheel on our date."

Superboy gives Wally an annoyed look. Megan frowns, "Wally I invited everyone on the team."

Wally continues to give that flirtatious smirk. "Good job, the perfect cover for us to get away and have some private time." He gives the pretty Martian girl a wink. A sigh escapes Megan at his behavior. Sooner or later, she was going to have to tell him that she wasn't interested and dating Connor.

"So are you going as my favorite Martian?" smirks Wally.

"Not quite." Megan takes a step back. Her outfit and skin begin to change until she looks like a very realistic zombie bride. A smirk appears on her face.

A dreamy sigh escapes Wally. "Eat my brains out any time."

"Recognized B07, Artemis."

"Recognized B08, Zatanna."

In dual flashes of light, Artemis and Zatanna appear in the cave. Both girls look at each other. Zatanna is dressed as a witch including the pointy hat. Artemis is a vampire with long black trench coat. The two girls look great. "Nice outfit," smiles Artemis.

"You too," smirks Zatanna. A giggling sound makes Zatanna look over at Megan and Connor. She leans in to whisper to Artemis. "So how long have those two been a couple?"

"Those two…" Artemis stops talking as she watches Megan and Connor. Megan is giggling while Superboy is flirting with the Martian girl. Instead of being upset, she gains a small smile. "I can't believe I missed it."

Zatanna giggles, "looks like someone else missed it as well." Artemis looks over to see Wally trying to hit on Megan. The speedster is oblivious to the interaction between Megan and Connor.

"Recognized B06, Uzumaki Naruto."

In a flash of light, the blonde ninja appears. Artemis and Zatanna's eyes widen. The two are almost unable to recognize Naruto. Naruto wears a conical straw hat that shadows his face, a red haori, blue hakama pants, tatami sandals, black forearm guards, and a black sash around his waist with the back tied in a traditional bow. Inside the sash is a wakizashi and a katana. The hakama is open up a bit at the chest to reveal a hint of his chiseled torso. "Wow talk about hot," mutters Zatanna.

Artemis's eyes narrow upon the younger girl. She walks over to Naruto and throws her arms around his neck giving him a light kiss. Zatanna raises an eyebrow. The magic using girl notices Artemis sending her a look. A smirk appears on the younger girl's face at the challenge. "Hey," smiles Artemis. "Love the costume, what are you supposed to be?"

Naruto was surprised by the sudden kiss, but quickly gets over it. "I am a Ronin. A wandering samurai with no master."

"You look great," smiles Zatanna approaching the two.

"Thank you," nods Naruto. "You look good as well."

Zatanna gives a flirtatious smile. "Thanks, I am looking forward to getting to know you better at the party."

Artemis glares at Zatanna. "I don't think there will…"

An incoming transmission makes Naruto lift up his arm. He hits a button and Batman's voice rings through. "There has been a recent theft at the Manhattan Museum. The item stolen was Beowolf's Sword. The museum's curator and the officers investigated were all killed leaving behind signs of magical residue."

Naruto gains a hard look. Ever since he faced Wotan in battle he has been wanting to learn more about magic. Spells are so similar to jutsu. "Send me the coordinates," replies the ninja.

"Don't take the sword back to the museum. Bring it back to the cave so it can be studied. We will return it to the museum once we have a full analysis of its powers. Batman Out."

"Are you serious? Why can't someone from the League handle it?" frowns Artemis.

Naruto forms a hand seal. In a cloud of smoke he is in a standard ANBU uniform. Artemis and Zatanna definitely like the ANBU uniform most. It shows off his powerful biceps and hugs his butt nicely. He glances at Artemis. "I will make sure to finish the mission as soon as possible."

Artemis has an annoyed expression. "Fine."

"Yeah it would be great if you could finish it in time to make the party. I'll even save you a dance," winks Zatanna. Naruto nods before heading towards the zeta tubes. In a flash of light he vanishes. Zatanna turns to see Artemis glaring at her. "Handsome, broody, and silent. Definitely my type." The witch walks over towards the others with a coy smile.

"This is so not over," promises Artemis.


"Computer, secure room!"

Batman turns to face the individuals in the room. Red Arrow, Aqualad, Robin, and Red Tornado were all gathered for this secret meeting. "It is time to talk. Do we believe that there is a mole on the team?"

Aqualad speaks up with no hesitation. "I do not believe there is. And even if there was they would have…"

"Revealed themselves when we were fighting with the Injustice League," finishes Robin.

"I am not so convinced. Sure, you, Robin, and Kid Flash are above suspicion, but I know for a fact that Artemis is not shooting straight." Red Arrow turns to look at Batman. "For starters, she is not really Green Arrow's niece."

Aqualad is shocked and surprised by that information. "What?"

A chuckle comes from Robin. "Well yeah, she is…"

"Enough," interrupts Batman. "Artemis is a member of the team and is entitled to a secret identity like the rest of us. My concern is Superboy. We don't know the extent of the programming that Cadmus put him through. He could be a mole and not even know it." Red Tornado remains silent. Batman's statement is a logical one so the android can't refute the claim.

Red Arrow picks out another member on the team that could be a mole. "Let's not forget about Miss Martian. The first time Martian Manhunter met her was when she stowed away on his ship."

Robin leans forward. "I think the most obvious person to be the mole is Naruto. I mean, he is actively being sought for recruitment in the League of Shadows."

"I have fought side by side all of them. There is no mole on the team," states Aqualad.


Naruto appears on the roof of the museum. The robbery and killings happened recently. He can still smell the blood in the air. Whoever did this was sloppy. Overconfident in their ability to handle anyone that might come to investigate. In other words, an idiot. A small bit of disappointment appears on the ninja's face. He had been eager to investigate this matter when he heard magic was involved. Perhaps have a chance at facing a worthy opponent like Black Adam or Wotan. Instead it looks like he will be facing a cocky young man that thinks too highly on his abilities.

"There is no point in hiding. You have little skill in it," says Naruto.

The ninja turns around to see a young man step out of the shadows. "Its abilities are impressive. Harm will enjoy playing it with." A tall young man with long black hair, dark brown eyes, and a muscular build like a martial artists. He carries a Roman style sword in his right hand and a strange sheath in his left.

"I would recommend surrendering," suggests Naruto.

Harm smirks in amusement. He walks towards Naruto with supreme confidence. Lifting his arm, he swings his sword looking to decapitate the ninja. Naruto catches Harm's wrist and delivers a kick that sends Harm flying across the roof. Harm twists around in midair landing on his feet. "So it has some fight in it. Harm likes that." Harm charges at Naruto at impressive speeds. Naruto's onyx black eyes begin to bleed red. The world becomes crystal clear and Harm is moving in slow motion to the ninja. Harm begins to wield the sword with expert skill trying to kill the ninja hero. Not a single slash or thrust comes close to touching the ninja. Anger starts to build up as Harm realizes that he is being toyed with. Naruto easily steps around a swing before a backhand sends Harm flying.

Naruto stares out over the city. 'My Sharingan…it is even more powerful than I remember.'

"Harm has had enough!" A rise of magical powerful begins to surround the sword. His heart begins to radiate dark magical power that glows from within his chest. Harm swings his sword launching of blast of magical lightning at Naruto. Naruto dodges the lightning then vanishes into thin air. Pain fills Harm as Naruto appears in front of him with a fist buried into his gut. Several more blows strike Harm all over the body before a spinning heel kick launches him over the edge of the building. Harm plummets down towards the ground hitting it hard. The sword clatters to the ground. Naruto lands next to the sword. He picks up the weapon. A wave of magical power goes through the sword trying to shock him. He grits his teeth enduring the pain before stabbing the sword into the ground.

Harm begins to stand up. "Only those pure of heart like Harm can wield the sword." He charges at Naruto. Sharingan locks eyes with Harm's dark brown orbs. Harm freezes in spot. Black tomoe begin to spin rapidly. Fear begins to fill Harm. A gasp escapes Harm as the world around him darks until all that he can see are a pair of glowing red eyes with three black tomoe. "No…No!"

Halloween Party

Artemis sits at the table with a bored expression. It wasn't the party. The music, drinks, and food were all good. There was plenty to do, but she came to this party with plans on spending time with her boyfriend.

"Keep that look on your face and none of the boys will ask you to dance."

Zatanna approaches Artemis with a couple drinks. She offers one to Artemis. Artemis gives the girl a suspicious look before taking a drink. "Thanks," mumbles the archer.

A smirk appears on Zatanna's face as she takes a seat next to Artemis. "So going to keep on sulking?" Artemis sends a light glare at Zatanna. "I am going to take that as a yes. I bet Naruto is dying to come back to this oh so much fun side of you," teases Zatanna.

Artemis takes a sip from her drink. "You are really starting to annoy me."

"Yeah, I am getting that. So how about a dance?"


Laughter erupts from Zatanna. The younger girl stands up with a coy smile. "Come on, I really want to dance and the guys here are all dressed like my dad and his friends. It is a little on the creepy side. You could use a little relaxation." Artemis is about to decline, but Zatanna grabs her hand and drags her towards the dance floor. A blush heats Artemis's cheeks as Zatanna begins to dance next to her. Zatanna smiles in amusement silently laughing at the older girl. Grumbling, Artemis decides to go with it and starts to dance as well. The two girls are soon dancing without a care in the world. There bold behavior encourages several other girls without a date or with guys that don't want to dance to go onto the dance floor.


Green Arrow watches as the unconscious teen is loaded into the back of the police car. "Nice work, kid." He turns to face Naruto. "I will have Zatara analyze the sword. You can head back to meet up with the others."

Naruto gives a nod. He forms a hand seal and vanishes in a cloud of smoke. A short distance away, the young ninja hero appears on the roof of a building. He begins to leap from roof to roof heading towards the Zeta Tube.

A rise in power causes Naruto come to a sudden stop. He spins around with a kunai drawn. Blue eyes narrow as a black portal opens appears in the air above him. The black portal grows larger until it is the size of a human body. Out of the portal emerges a figure. Naruto leaps backwards to create space between him and the new person. Whoever it is, they appear human, but their scent is a bit off. He takes a moment to observe the newcomer.

It is a female that stands a few inches shorter than him. She wears a deep purple cloak with a hood, purple gloves that extend past her elbows, and purple thigh high boots with one-inch heels. A matching one piece hugs her body tightly showing that despite her young appearance, she possesses womanly curves.

She hovers in the air for a few seconds staring down at him. Slowly, she lowers herself down to the roof. "I have not come to fight you. I am in need of your help," she speaks in a soft tone.

"You aren't human," states Naruto. "And the power you wield…it reeks of death."

"I will not deny my demonic heritage. My name is Raven and I am the daughter of Trigon." Raven stares deep into his eyes. "I need your help in stopping my father."