
Maelstorms New Life

Naruto was totally alone and had nothing he could do without people judging him. Until the day he found something unimaginable. Naruto is really op and the Naruto universe will not be canon. Genius Naruto

Moonmeetsthestars · Others
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17 Chs

Part 8

Walking in the bustling streets of Akihabara, Shiro, Akio, Akatsuki, and Naotsugu were watching the player, characters and the people of the land as they refer to themselves. Players like us are called Adventurers.

"Do you guys want something to eat? You look hungry," said a shop vendor.

"Is all this real food I'll starve if I waste any time?" said Naotsugu as his stomach rumbled in response.

"Rice dumplings and green tea, please," said Akatsuki.

"I would like the same, please, and thanks," said Akio beside Akatsuki.

"Right, come again," said the man at the vendor.

The food that they bought sat in front of them, looking delicious. Not taking any longer, they dug in.

"This tastes like dookie," said Naotsugu, depressed.

"It's bad," said Shiro.

"This is so wrong," said Akatsuki.

"Akio, how are you still eating? It tastes disgusting," asked Shiro.

"It's better than the stuff I got at the orphanage I grew up in," said Akio.

"Really?" said Akatsuki.

"Yea, some of the stuff I got was mouldy, and other times I went hungry," said Akio.

"Wait, how are you eating with your mask on," said Naotsugu.

"That's the only thing you're thinking about," said Akatsuki.

"I would also like to know that answer, " Shiro said.

"I learned from my godbrother, my father's student who always wears a mask," answered Akio.

"Wait, if you're an orphan, then how do you know your dad let alone his student," said Naotsugu.

"My surrogate grandfather told me about him," said Akio.

"Oh," said Naotsugu.

"What did your father teach," asked Akatsuki.

"He taught martial arts and stealth, and he was part of the military," said Akio.

"Ah, interesting, so I guess you inherited your father's stealth," said Shiro.

"Yea, my father, had three students before he died," said Akio

"Oh, what happened to the other two," said Akatsuki.

"They died in a landslide during a scouting mission," said Akio.

"My condolences," said Akatsuki.

"Thank you. I never met them, but Kakashi always took me to the graveyard to visit and told me about them," said Akio.

"And what happened to your parents," asked Naotsugu.

"You don't ask such personal questions like that," said Akatsuki.

"No, it's fine. My mother was also in the military with my father. That's how they met, but on the day of my birth, an assassin tried to kill me. My father got me back, but the assassin took my mom, and my father followed,d leaving me at the hospital. Both of them died, protecting me," said Akio.

"Oh, sorry for asking," said Naotsugu.

"It's fine; it has been sixteen years since then," said Akio.

"Wait, you're sixteen; how old were you when you started playing Shiro? Around twelve, I think," said Akio.

"Akio, you said your parents were in the military what are their positions were," asked Akatsuki.

"My father was a commander, and my mother was a general. They were quite famous in the village I come from," said Akio.

" Cool," said Akatsuki.

Shiro took a swig of his drink.

"The drinks taste like unflavoured water," said Shiro sadly.

"Yea, the food tastes like crackers that don't have any flavour," said Naotsugu.

"Hmm?" Sai, shop vendors, this said Akatsuki Playing Iro," said Naotsugu.

"oh, someone's calling me. I wonder who," said Shiro, then gasped at who it was.

"It was Marielle," said Akio.

"Yea," said Shiro, "she's the guild master of the crescent moon alliance,"

"The grand guild hall should be called a big door town place," said Naotsugu.

"Each Guildhall has its guild zone Naotsugu," said Shiro, opening a door.

Once opened, there were pink and stuffed animals everywhere.

"That's a whole lot of cute," said Akatsuki.

"This is the guild master's room," said Naotsugu.

Then a blonde woman came running up to them, calling Shiro's name rather cutely.

"Marielle," said Shiro.

The now-named Marielle pounced on Shiro, making them topple to the ground.

"Are you okay? You must be hungry, eat something, not that it tastes any good," said the guild master.

"Calm down, Marielle," said Akio.

"Ah, Akio, you're here too," said Marielle, who pounced on Akio, who was ready for this and moved aside.

"Marielle, please refrain yourself," said Akio. He didn't like hugs, but he had to be the one initiating them, not getting them.

"Fine, then who is this," said Marielle" Shiro did you get a girlfriend and not tell me about it,"

"Of course not," said Shiro

"Wow, you're so cute you want a lollipop or something," said Marielle.

"Shiro, all these damn hotties, where do you hide them all," asked Naotsugu.

"I haven't been hiding her," sighed Shiro.

"And who is this big guy," said Marielle.

"U,m I'm Naotsugu wassup,"

"Good to meet you, Naotsugu," said Marielle, pouncing on him and pushing him into a wall.

"Wawawaw," said naotsugu

"You're so puffed up and yummy muscles," said Marielle.

"It's just a suit of armour," said Naotsugu.

Then Marielle jumps on top of him.

"Wow, you're freaking me out here," said Naotsugu.

"Marielle, stop this instant," said a woman.

"Wow, another freaking hottie parade," said Naotsugu.

" Henrietta," said Shiro.

"My goodness Sir Shiro I'm sorry for asking you here on such short notice," then turned and saw Akatsuki, "hmm ah, she is so cute,"

"Henrietta, please stop and tell us why we're here," said Akio

"Oh, Akio, you're here to see why you must take away all my fun," said Henrietta.

"You asked us here, and Marelle, please get off of Naotsugu," said Akio, shaking his head.

Outside the door, we're some of the guildmates.

"Thank god Akio is here; he is the only one that can keep those two in line," said the bluenette with the fox ears.

Finally, Akio lectured them on the proper ways to create other people. Everyone was seated, Akio standing.

"So tell me how many of your people are here," asked Shiro.

"including myself, 19 of us and 18 in an Akihabara, and that's all that logged in," said Marielle.

"Then it's safe to say that we can't call anyone else," said Shiro.

"On top of that, Shibuya, Minami and Tsukino, all major Japanese cities on the server, are in bad shape right now, and if that was not bad enough, none of the inner cited transport gates are working, and that means our usual method of transport is shot," said the blue-haired man from earlier.

"Everyone's meeting from their guilds now. We're all looking for answers without knowing what questions to ask, and it looks like girls are stepping into membership drives for self-protection," said Henrietta.

"Listen to what time like this. The more people on your side, the better," said Marielle.

"So living here is new," said Naotsugu.

"Remember they just launched the Spenton pack, the Nova sphere Pioneers," said Shiro

"I get it; they added that expanding the entire game world from weapons and monsters to quests could be way different than it used to be," said Naotsugu.

"Which means that we can't count on this game being older takes the way we knew it," said Shiro.

"Well, let me ask you something," said Marielle. This caught Shiro's attention, "Look, Shiro, I know we've had this talk, and I know you're not a big fan of all the back fighting that goes on in the guild,s hmm, but that was then okay would you think about joining crescent moon now,"

"Marielle," said Henrietta, surprised.

"Debauchery tea party isn't around anymore and would be perfect …" said Marielle before Shiro cut her off.

"I'm sorry, Marielle, I just can't do it not yet," said Shiro.

A thick silence covered the group for what seemed like hours. They left Merrill's at the window lovingly down on them as they walked.

"She is a pretty cool guild master, she's got all that sexy responsibility, and she was nice to us," said Naotsugu.

"The debauchery tea party I heard about was an amazing party," said the blue-haired guy with fox-like ears.

"They never registered," said Marielle.

"The tea party used their Diversity to conduct large-scale raids as their independence allowed them to come together at times of their choosing and win some lucrative battles with Shiro as their strategist," said Henrietta.

Back to Shiro, Akio, Naotsugu and Akatsuki.

"Are they just really going to sit there doing nothing? Do you suppose dying would let them out? It's a pretty common scenario and all that fantasy novel crap," asked Naotsugu.

"And another one is just staying dead after," said Akio.

"ah yea," said Naotsugu.

"Dying in a game used to mean just resurrection in the Cathedral," said Akatsuki.

"Nice, but I'm not testing that out, and dude, I'm level 90, and I don't want to lose that," replied Naotsugu.

"Is something wrong, Shiro," asked Akio.

"Maybe we should try it," said Shiro, punching his glass with a sparkle in his eye.

Later in the archive tower woods

"The archive tower woods," said Naotsugu.

"Were level 90, that is the level number cap, normally, low-level monsters would just ignore us, but in this area, anything will jump at us when they see us, so we should stay alert," said Shiro.

"Sounds like the perfect place to experiment, my lord," said Akatsuki.

"Dude, you know the mini maps don't work out here, right," said Naotsugu.

"Monsters died ahead," said Akio.

"A little warm-up want can't watch them and enter in my attack commands come," said Naotsugu, getting charged by the monster.

'It's a big jump from using the system and mastering it, I guess,' thought Shiro.

"Stick to the formation, guys," said Shiro.

"Would you like me to call out one of my summonses," said Akio.

"Sure, it'll be of some help," said Shiro.

"I call upon you nine-tailed foxes to come to my side and decimate all of my foes, Kurama," Akio.

In a whirlwind of firing a hybrid of humans, summonses appeared in front of Akio.

"I forgot how beautiful it is to watch you summon one of your contacts," said Shiro.

"Hell,o Kurama, how have you been," said Akio.

"Good Naruto, thanks for asking; it seems I have taken over the body of the ai you created," said Kurama.

"Please don't use my real name Kurama and please go and help Naotsugu," said Akio.

"Sorry, My lord Akio," said Kurama, speeding off to help Naotsugu.

"So what did he mean about taking control of your ai," said Shiro.

"I created all of the summonses myself as Ai, but Kurama is special. I live in a hidden ninja village hidden away from Japan. On the day of my birth, the nine-tailed fox appeared and decided that he wanted me to be his master. Ten years later, he came and swore his undying loyalty to me, and I guess the game brought him here as well and transferred his being into my nine-tailed fox summons," said Akio.

"So that's how you know so much about ninjas. You were trained to become one," said Shiro.

"Yes, my mother was legendary for her use of a katana and my father, the leader of my village before his death legendary for his overwhelming speed," said Akio.

"Interesting, you'll tell everyone later, right," said Shiro.

"Yes, once we have finished here," said Akio.

"Good, now back to the fight," said Shiro, knowing it would not be easy to control the system.

"Shiro, you idiot, pay attention," said Akio, pulling out a red-handled katana from under his black cloak and charging at the plant monster that caught Shiro.

Shiro was out of the plane's hold with a slash of his katana.

"Akio, how can you hold a blade," asked Shiro.

"Question later, right now," said Akio.

"How did you do that so quickly," said Shiro.

"Think of the skill you want to use with the menu, and on instinct, your body will move on its own," said Shiro.

After the battle( not good with fight scenes will try my best)

With Marielle

"Sarah, what is the matter," said Marielle.

"Miss Marielle, please help me," said the voice of Sarah.

With Sarah

"There she is; we gotcha now, sweetheart," said a man.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Moonmeetsthestarscreators' thoughts