

SungJinMori · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Pre-Beginning.

Outside the Box, The Blind Idiot God lay slumbering, facilitating the very existence of everything with but a fraction of its power.

Or, at least, that is what is believed by many.

None was aware that the Daemon Sultan was never truly under the control of the mindless drummers and flute players, meant to keep him asleep.

"Azathoth" had used its Omnipotence to split a small part of itself and hid it away inside the Box.

<Present Day>

<An insignificant mass of rock called Earth>

A perfectly sane male human disappeared into a fracture in the Box, which healed before Time could interfere.

<A corner of a certain Multiverse>

The same, now not-so-sane male human, after being suddenly shifted through Space, Time and multiple layers of Reality, could be seen staring at nothing in particular.

As soon as some semblance of clarity returned to his mess of a brain, he merely opened his mouth and calmly spoke to himself.

"Bitch what the fu-"