
Her white knight in shiny black satin, shimmering

" I'm sorry sexy but I can't just let you leave after insulting me like that"

The man's words surely jolted her a little but Jena was in no mood for that right now. She was so angry that her anger completely covered any form of fear she was feeling a while ago. Her anger gave her the strength to speak up.

So she turned around spontaneously, "Let me go right now". She tried to keep her voice even and controlled but her anger was already starting to bubble to the surface.

A devilish grin slowly crept across his lips. He was impressed by her bravery, but he didn't want to show it. Instead, he tried to intimidate her by giving her the sly smile but it didn't work.

He wanted to make her feel afraid of him.

But even his demeanor wasn't enough to carry out the task. In fact, he felt a bit deflated. If he had know, he wouldn't even have tried to hit on her in the first place. But there was no use dwelling on regrets now.

He stepped closer and lowered his voice, his gaze locked on hers. "You think you're so brave don't you? Let's see if you can slip away from me" he said, tightening his grip on her arm.

Jena's blood boiled even more as his voice lingered in her ears. "Let go of me now, or you'll be very sorry" she managed to say, her eyes locked on his.

She waited for a reaction but his face remained expressionless.

Then after a few seconds, what followed was a mocking laugh from him which made her eyes narrow with fury. This was not going well

When he had laughed to his satisfaction, he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get another word out, an unfamiliar deep and menacing voice rang out,

"Let her go"

The man stopped and turned to see a tall, intimidating figure approaching them. The newcomer's expression was fierce and there was no mistaking the authority in his voice.

As the man approached, he could feel something like a chill running down his spine. The newcomer's expression was fierce and there was no mistaking the authority in his voice.

As the newcomer's figure drew nearer, he could feel more chills running down his spine. His eyes widened the moment he took in the newcomer's imposing figure and he could feel his heart racing in his chest. There was something about the newcomer's gaze that made him feel like he was staring into the eyes of a predator.

The man's face was still hidden in the shadows so it was hard to make out any distinct features. But one thing was clear,- his eyes were a piercing blue.

Jena nearly burst out laughing when she saw the look of terror on her captor's face. Then she decided to play smart.

Seizing the opportunity, she quickly broke free from his grip and took a step back. The man turned his attention to Jena for a moment before slowly turning to face the newcomer, who was now standing directly behind him.

His adam's apple bobbed as he looked at the newcomer's face. The newcomer was putting on a blue half mask that covered only the right side of his face, but even this partial covering couldn't hide his handsome features. His strong jawline and piercing eyes were still visible, and his overall presence was striking and magnetic. It was as if the mask only added to his allure rather than concealing it.

His intimidating features and perfectly coiffed hair gave him an air of power and authority that was impossible to ignore.

"You have exactly five seconds to apologize and walk away or i'll make you regret the day you were born" The newcomer spoke in his deep, smooth voice with no trace of forced intimidation.

"Who do you think you are, coming in here and making threats? You don't scare me. I'm pretty sure I can take you on any day of the week." The other man spat back.

As the words left his mouth, the man's heart was pounding in his chest, but he tried to keep a cool exterior. He even forced a smirk onto his lips and tried to sound confident when truly, he was a coward on the inside.

"Tsk, tsk. Looks like your time's up, slick" the newcomer quipped, tapping his wrist watch. "You know your bravado is quite cute, too bad it wont save you from the beating you're about to get. Actually no amout of bravado would." A sly smile crept up his face. His piercing blue eyes were fixed on the man's and he didn't know how to react. So he remained silent.

Until desperation kicked in.

Now desperate for a way to regain control of the situation, the man's eyes looked around and fell on a nearby glass of wine. He hesitated for a moment, looking back and forth at the newcomer like he was thinking twice about what he was about to do before he finally reached out for it.

His hands were shaking as he picked up the glass of wine and then, within a flash,


He spilled the content onto the newcomer's suit.

"Ho.. How do you like that, huh?" He shouted, voice trembling. "How do you like having wine on your fancy suit?"

Jena, who had been watching the exchange in stunned silence, gasped at the man's audacity, or should she say, bravado...

Was he crazy? Okay, she already knew he was crazy but did he have a deathwish??

Well, the newcomer on the other hand didn't even seem fazed by the man's actions which only made the man more nervous. He could only hope that he didn't look as afraid as he felt.

Without a word, the newcomer simply smirked and snapped his fingers. At that sound, four men dressed in black appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the man by his arms and legs. He struggled and fought but in the end,sadly, he was no match for the four strong men.

Before he knew it, they had already carried him out of the room.

Jena was now left alone with the newcomer.

She couldn't stop herself from stealing a few glances at her white knight in shiny black satin and she was struck by his good looks even with the half mask obscuring part of his face. The mask itself was quite exquisite. It had a bold and masculine design with strong lines and a fierce expression. It was the perfect accessory for a confident gentleman like him and it seemed to command attention with every glance she took.

So she studied him from head to toe, noting the sleek black hair, his expensive looking suit and the huge wine stain on it.

Damn! She nearly forgot

Just as if a lightbulb had gone off in her head, she snapped back and said, "Oh no! your suit.. it's stained"

But the man didn't even spare her the time of the day, let alone a response. Instead, he strode over to the bartender who has been watching them from a corner. The bartender froze immediately his eyes met those piercing blue eyes, knowing exactly the reason why the handsome newcomer was approaching him.

"How could you just stand by and do nothing while a woman is being mistreated? Where did your sense of hospitality and decency run off to or do you not have one?!" The newcomer yelled.

The bartender's hands shook slightly as he couldn't seem to find his voice, let alone speak.

Meanwhile, Jena stood at her spot, frozen in place and unable to believe how personally the newcomer was taking the situation. His fierce defense of her was both surprising and overwhelming.

She even had to pinch her arm while trying to fight back a smile that threatened at the sight of her white knight standing up for her when he didn't even know who she was.

She didn't know such people still existed!