
Made of iron and steel

After Shirleen's mother was brutally murdered one night she swore revenge on her mother's killer. Unfortunately her revenge was never achieved as she was locked away by her father's wife Angela until an opportunity came along. With Angela keeping her prisoner as a way to manipulate and control her father her hatred grew nonstop. With the chance to finally get her revenge dark and terrible truths are revealed. Shirleen finally realize just like there are two sides of a coin, there is also two sides to a story and she is about to find out dark secrets.

Sanaet · Fantasy
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56 Chs


Shirleen watched the street lights flashing past leaning back on the passenger car seat. She glanced at Adrian and a smile appeared on her face. "You are smiling," he said without glancing at her.

She blushed, "Is this what people call a date?" she asked.

He glanced at her a lopsided smile on his face as he handled the jaguar smoothly, "Yes," he said, "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"This was the best night of my life," she said remembering they had gone for dinner, for a movie and finally they had taken a walk. "Just out of curiosity how did you make Angela agree to let me out of the house?" she asked.

"I told her we are dating and I wanted to show you around Nairobi. She agreed," he replied with a shrug.

"Do you think she has something bad planned?" she asked her voice betraying her fear. How could she explain to him that she was rapidly falling in love with him and that the thought of losing him made her break into a cold sweat in a panic? She was slowly getting used to his presence in her life and she couldn't imagine her future without him by her side.

"She wouldn't dare harm me and you must remember darlin' I won't let anyone harm you not even Angela," he said reaching for her hand and heavens help her, she believed him. He was fascinated by the different personalities the girl seated next to him portrayed daily. Sometimes he could swear she was the strongest woman he knew next to Angela and sometimes she looked vulnerable as if just a blow could topple her. When they got to the house Githu, Nuke and Mrs. Nzula were still waiting up for them a cake on the dining room table decorated with candles. Immediately they entered they called out happy birthday. Shirleen grinned surprise on her face. "Happy birthday darlin'," Adrian whispered close to her ear and kissed her on the forehead. "How?" she whispered moving forward.

"I know everything about you," he replied. Shirleen managed to hide the happy tears in her eyes as she blew out the candles was urged to make a wish and cut the cake to the echo of the most popular birthday song wild wide. The small birthday gathering was a gift. She had almost forgotten her birth date because she had no one to celebrate with through the years and because it had always been a day before her mother's anniversary. But on that day she felt happy and loved for the first time in a long time. Later into the night after eating cake and drinking wine Adrian walked her to her room. She turned to look at him at her door and without thinking her hands wrapped around his broad shoulders pulling him down for a kiss. The kiss at first was just the pressing of lips before Adrian's arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to him and his mouth opened on hers urging her to open hers and his tongue slipped inside her mouth for a caress. The kiss turned heated and passionate. For a second there they were lost in each other. He pulled away slowly and looked into her eyes, "Go to bed darlin' I will see you tomorrow at breakfast." She nodded unable to form a word. She entered her room a smile on her face. She reached for the diamond pendant around her neck that was Adrian's gift to her and jumped on the bed excited.

Angela sat in her dark study room a glass of whiskey in one hand and her eyes directed at her laptop screen that displayed her husband's daughter jumping on the bed in excitement. "How wonderful," she said to the empty room, "That house has become quite lively." She laughed dryly, "Yes my lovely. There is no point in depending on your father. It is better to replace him and break his heart again."