Junghee POV(ch37):
When Gina shows me the paper. I read it over and over again. Again. And again. Again. And once more. There's no way there's no way. It can't be.
But it was true, Korain was innocent. He was really telling the truth when he said he was trying to live a better life, and I murdered him.
"Fucking tits," I hear Vincent curse and bang his fist against the table. He then looks towards me.
"Junghee hyung, how are you holding up?" He asks me, clearly concerned about my well-being. I take a deep breath. My sadness is gone, but every ounce of it has turned into anger, that wouldn't be stopped.
"He needs to pay for what he fucking did," I ignore Vincent's question and turn my body towards Yuto.
"Why couldn't you have trusted me enough to even check IF HE WAS INNOCENT," My voice starts of calm, and then picks up. My blood is boiling. I feel my face heat up.