

Sam started undressing and then she put on the pink lingerie. She then looked at herself and took a deep breath and went in the bedroom on bear feet. 'wow I can't believe I am seeing this goddesses body in a pink lingerie' Kyle thought and then he swallowed hard and loosened his tie."ahem Uhm that..you..Uhm you look..sexy in that" he said and Sam's face turned crimson.

"thanks" Sam said and Kyle went closer to her and held her waist then he pulled her closer to him and then he kissed her. 'oh my god blondy what are you doing to me Ahh this feels good' Sam thought and the she closed her eyes and kissed him back. Kyle slowly parted his lips and then he slid his tongue in Sam's mouth. They were French kissing 'her tongue feels so warm' Kyle thought. After a short while they pulled away to catch their breath and after that kyle carried Sam and placed her on the bed and kissed her again.

while the two were sharing their romantic moment, Zeke and Sarah were having dinner."zeke why are going away?" she asked and looked at him with sad eyes"for business sarah, don't be sad okay?" he said "b-but you are going to leave me" she said with tears rolling over her cheeks."*sigh* Sarah stop crying. am sorry! but I will be back after a week or so please don't cry" he said and wiped Sarah's tear."okay but promise me you will be back after a week" she said looked at him."i promise and I will tell you everything when I come back, I want to be honest with you sarah." he Said and smiled at her.

"what do you mean by honest with me?" she asked curiously "dont worry you will know soon enough. Now let's go get those two so that we go home. it's getting late"he said and stood up. They walked back to the castle holding hands and then they spotted Justin with a girl"justin stop mingling and go get your brother" zeke said and smiled shyly and headed upstairs.

Justin knew where Kyle could have went so he headed to Kyle's bedroom and knocked. Kyle and Sam were caught up in a steamy kiss when they heard the knock "f*ck whoever that is, is dead" he said and headed to the door and saw Justin "its time to go big brother" he said and ran knowing that his brother was with a girl."am sorry baby but I have to go but you and I will meet again after I come back from a business trip for a while week" he said and kissed Sam's forehead and took his shirt and blazer from the floor and headed to the limo with no shirt on.

When Kyle got to the limo he put his shirt on and opened the door and got in. He sat down next to Justin and started buttoning his shirt."wooow someone's been having a good time" Sarah said wiggling her brows at him and Kyle just smiled. "it feels as if Sam is here, I can smell her perfume" she said and looked at Kyle who's eyes were wide thinking he was caught."haha maybe it's a coincidence" he laughed awkwardly.