
Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece

An obese Otaku died.... He received a system.... His wish was to travel all the anime, novel and fanfiction world.... First World:- 1st- One Piece 2nd- Yet to decide.... Notice:- 1st- Mc is a bit op.... 2nd- Harem is a must fact.... 3rd- May be contain some sex scenes..... 4th- He will travel different worlds with different powers and looks.... So read this on your own violation. Warning:-- 1st- My writing ability is not that good but i will try my best... 2nd- English is also somewhat not good... 3rd- Character development is a foreign term for me..... 4th- I will delete all those crappy negative reviews.... Now let me tell you all, before you start reading if you are expecting a marvelous plot then get the fuc* off. I will write this as my liking. SUB-TAGS:- Harem Seeking Protagonist, Ruthless MC, Se*, Overpowered MC, Mature, Violence THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE OP CHARACTERS, HAREM, SYSTEM ETC. DON'T READ THIS. THIS FANFIC IS NOT FOR YOU. THE COVER IS NOT MINE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS AND POWERS WERE ALSO DERIVED FORM VARIOUS ANIMES.

Your_host_HK · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 21: Dragonoid.....

Author note:-

Mc didn't kill the father son duo, because they are just insects. He is a ruthless person but he absolutely hate to darty his hands against weaklings.

If not for giving a warning, he wouldn't have killed those Marine soldiers.

Most of you are against the decision of giving Zoro a Devil Fruit, so i won't give him any.

Drop some Power Stones, if you like reading my fanfic.

Now enjoy the chapter.


After boarding the ship Luffy introduced Zoro to his girls. Zoro was surprised to find out that Reiju was yet another monster in his new crew.

So Zoro made a silent vow to not drag them in future. So after a good meal he didn't waste any time and went to start training.

Reiju and Kaya decided to watch TV, so Luffy left them alone and went outside. He told Zoro to train in the advanced training room.

Luffy changed the training room into a gravity chamber. So Zoro was happy to enjoy this advanced facility.

Luffy went to his favourite spot and opened his system store.

' Jasmine, upgrade my Sharingan to Rinnegan. '

[ Affirmative.

50,000 sp has been deducted.

upgrading Sharingan...complete. ]

Although the process was destined to be a painful one, Luffy could barely feel any discomfort. After upgrading his Dragon Physique to his current level, he could almost resist all types of physical damages.

So the upgrade process was very smooth.

[ Congratulations host for upgrading your Sharingan into Rinnegan. ]

Luffy brought out a mirror and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes turned into a unique Rennegan. His version of Rinnegan was deep red in colour with six Tomoe like the Rinne Sharingan.

' Jasmine, what skills did i get from my new Rinnegan? '

[ Host your Rinnegan is called the Origin Rinnegan and has all the powers Rinnegan possess without any side effects.

But some of the skills such as Gedō Art Rinne Tensei no Jutsu otherwise known as Outer Path — Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique has a time limit.

You can use that Jutsu only once in a year, otherwise nothing has changed. ]

When he heard her explanation, Luffy felt like he was invincible. But he quickly calmed down, because he had to practice vigorously in order to use these skills perfectly.

But then he remembered a crucial fact.

' Jasmine buy me a Haoshoku haki awakening pill. '

[ Affirmative.

1000 sp has been deducted. ]

A crystal bottle appeared on his palm and a translucent white pearl like pill was stored inside it.

Luffy opened the lead and swallowed the pill immediately.

Then a cool relaxing sensation coursed through his body. After enjoying the sensation, Jasmine started speaking in his mind.

[ Congratulations Luffy you have awakened your Haoshoku haki. ]

Luffy grinned a little, only now did he felt confident to cope with the powerhouses in the New World.

In the anime when Whitebeard and Shanks clashed against each other through their Haoshoku, the sky split apart due to the intense collision and he was really moved beyond words seeing the scene.

Then he stopped his daydream and thought of his current status.

' Jasmine show my status. '



name: Monkey D. Luffy ( Shen Long )

age: 15 years old

physique: Primal Divine Dragon Physique level 54 ( 17,000/110,000 )

Bloodline: 1st- Uchiha ( Origin Rinnegan )

2nd- Primal Divine Dragon

Devil Fruit: True Space Space Fruit level 9

items: Ea Sword of Rupture

credit: 57,000sp



1st- Kenbunshoku haki level 41

2nd- Busoshoku haki level 43

3rd- Haoshoku haki level 01

3rd- Rasengan


After closing his status panel, Luffy jumped into the water to start grinding his Dragon Potency.


It was night time. After having dinner Reiju and Kaya went to sleep but Luffy stopped Zoro for a talk.

" Zoro, have you ever heard about Devil Fruits and haki? " asked Luffy while munching a chicken drumstick. Zoro just shook his head, so Luffy started describing about haki and Devil Fruit.

After hearing all the new information Zoro was shocked but he quickly thought of Luffy's fight against the Marines. Then he finally understood why Luffy was so powerful.

" Now tell me do you want to try one? "

" No, i don't like to use any external power to become the strongest swordsman of the world. " Zoro immediately refused.

" Can you tell me your reason behind this decision? " asked Luffy.

" The strongest swordsman Hawk Eyes Mihawk is a non ability user. So if i eat a Devil Fruit to surpass him, that will be cheating. " said Zoro with determination.

Luffy had a smirk on his face, " Then what will happen if Mihawk retires form his title or suddenly die for some unknown reason? Another thing is you are currently very weak and it will be very hard for you to survive in the Grandline. " Zoro kept silent, so Luffy continued, " How about this i will give you some of my powers, that will enhance your strength, speed of your recovery and enhance your vitality.

In this way it will boost your training speed and give you some extra perks. "

Seeing him hesitating Luffy knew he needs a final push so he added, " If you don't want to become a hindrance, you have to become stronger as soon as possible. So this is the only way. " Finally Zoro sighed and nodded.

" Ok then don't resist and just absorb the energy i am going to pass you. " Then Zoro lied down on the floor and Luffy pricked his thumb. A drop of crystal white blood dropped on his glabella.

Suddenly Zoro's body jerked and his whole body started heating up. His skin turned crimson but Luffy was surprised by Zoro's composer.

He knew that Zoro was enduring an immense amount of pain but he didn't utter a single word form the start to the end.

After the process was over, Zoro lost his consciousness due to exhaustion.

" Let's heal him first. " Then Luffy placed his palm on Zoro's chest and started injecting Dragon Force.

Dragon blood flowed through Zoro's entire body due the Dragon Force and tiny Dragon scales started growing on his whole body. Which made him look very formidable.

Then after a while his scales disappeared and his body returned to normal.

" After becoming a Dragonoid, his body's defence and vitality must have increased by atleast two or three fold.

When he becomes stronger he can even summon Dragon claws to aid him in his battle. " said Luffy and waited for Zoro to wake up.

Luffy gained this ability after upgrading his bloodline upto level 50. So when Zoro became adamant in his decision, he had decided to use it for the first time.

Now Zoro gained a diluted version of Primal Divine Dragon bloodline. So he had some additional benifits other than a better physique.

But the biggest advantage he gained was the ability to breath underwater. Currently he can't summon Dragon scales to protect his body but this new body will give him tremendous advantage in training haki.

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