
Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece

An obese Otaku died.... He received a system.... His wish was to travel all the anime, novel and fanfiction world.... First World:- 1st- One Piece 2nd- Yet to decide.... Notice:- 1st- Mc is a bit op.... 2nd- Harem is a must fact.... 3rd- May be contain some sex scenes..... 4th- He will travel different worlds with different powers and looks.... So read this on your own violation. Warning:-- 1st- My writing ability is not that good but i will try my best... 2nd- English is also somewhat not good... 3rd- Character development is a foreign term for me..... 4th- I will delete all those crappy negative reviews.... Now let me tell you all, before you start reading if you are expecting a marvelous plot then get the fuc* off. I will write this as my liking. SUB-TAGS:- Harem Seeking Protagonist, Ruthless MC, Se*, Overpowered MC, Mature, Violence THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE OP CHARACTERS, HAREM, SYSTEM ETC. DON'T READ THIS. THIS FANFIC IS NOT FOR YOU. THE COVER IS NOT MINE AND ALL THE CHARACTERS AND POWERS WERE ALSO DERIVED FORM VARIOUS ANIMES.

Your_host_HK · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 14: Don Krieg

Luffy was enjoying the sea breeze like everyday, when a large fleet of pirate ships started approaching in there direction.

' Seems like it's finally the time of earning some 'sp'. ' Thought Luffy and told Kaya to stop her training.

Soon the crowd became chaotic inside the restaurant, when they realised the identity of the pirate fleet. But when the ship came closer, it could be seen in very bad condition like it would collapse at any moment.

When the ship was docked, Gin left the ship while supporting a man wearing a long furry overcoat and entered the restaurant.

Luffy didn't want to miss any action, so he also followed him inside.

When Luffy entered the restaurant, he saw the

the man with overcoat was kneeling on the floor while begging for food. But all the cooks were refusing to his request.

Gin tried to negotiate by saying like ' we have money this time ', but the situation didn't change until Reiju came out with a plate of food.

The fellow chefs tried to stop her but to no avail.

Reiju served him the plate, who started eating like no tomorrow. He also didn't forgot to rambling about the good taste while eating.

The chefs explained Reiju about, how the starving man was a very notorious and cruel pirate and the possibility of his future actions.

But Reiju seems to not care about their opinion regarding the man. Reiju had only thought in her mind and that was if this person tried to do anything she would give him a taste of her poison.

This person was none other than the legendary scum known as Don Krieg, who was supposed to be the strongest pirate in East Blue.

Because of his underhanded methods and domination over a fleet of 50 pirate ships, he is infamously known as Foul-Play Krieg and Pirate Fleet Admiral.

Krieg was a large, muscular man, with purple-gray hair and distinct sideburns. Currently his hair was clipped short, and a thick layer of gauze wrapped around his scalp (presumably stemming from his injures on the Grand Line). His attire features many fur-lined elements.

The most notable aspect of Krieg's appearance was his golden armor, which is fur-lined like the rest of his attire. Consisting of a full-torso carapace, massive shoulder-plates (each emblazoned with his Jolly Roger), and arm-guards, it is Krieg's main offense and defense against his foes. Under those, he has a brown shirt, and his hands are covered by a pair of fur-lined gloves.

Just after finishing his food, Krieg suddenly attacked Reiju with his gun. Reiju was not afraid as these bullet won't be able to penitrate her modified body. But Luffy still came in time and dodged the bullet while taking her by her waist.

Reiju was currently in Luffy's arm and for the first time Luffy saw her blushing, " I could have easily dodged that attack. " she said while blushing in Luffy's embrace.

" Hmm, i know that but why should i miss such a magnificent chance to pull you in my embrace!!! " Luffy said with his signature bad boy smile. Reiju pushed him back and escaped form his embrace.

While they were flirting openly without caring about anyone, Kaya just tightened her fist with frustration.

Don Krieg just looked at them blankly and ignored them, " That was a good meal. " He looked around him, " This ship is perfect to replace my damaged ship. So i should take it. " He turned towards the cowering chefs, " You all pack your things and leave now. "

Gin started complaining and told Krieg that it was not a part of their deal. But Krieg just behaved like he didn't hear him and added, " A total of around seventy to hundred men were inside my ship, so prepare food and water for them. " He ordered the chefs like he was the boss.

Reiju started walking towards the kitchen but Luffy stopped her, " Are you really going to prepare food for these scumbags! " said Luffy with an amused tone.

" Yes, i will serve every starving customers. "

" Then what will happen, if they attack the restaurant? "

" I will kill every single of them without a second thought. "

" Then what will you do if something happened to the old man Zeff or any of these cooks during the fight? " She was about to answer but Luffy continued, " Don't tell me like they are strong enough to protect themselves or you will finish these pirates before anything happens. " Luffy didn't stop and continued, " Don't be sure of everything, there is always a possibility of something going wrong. " She was stunned by Luffy's sudden speech.

" Always remember kindness is a good habit, but excessive kindness may endanger the lives of your loved ones. So don't follow the teaching of old man Zeff like a robot. So Reiju think about it whenever you are free and about this matter let the old man to decide himself. " said Luffy in a single breath while hearing his outburst Reiju nodded.

' Sigh..i have to change her way of thinking or may be in the future it will cause some serious problems. '

The next moment Zeff came to the lobby with a sack full of food materials. The chefs started protesting but seeing his cold gaze they stopped complaining.

Zeff placed it in front of Krieg and started taunting him for his inability of surviving in Grandline.

But Don Krieg just laughed it off and started telling him about how he heard about his past glory. He also taunted Zeff by saying about his current pathetic life as a chef.

Zeff didn't mind his words, " You don't have to worry about me. I am very satisfied with my current lifestyle. Now let's get down to the business. Tell me about the real motive behind your arrival. " he said with a calm and collected manner.

" Just give me the journal about your journey in the Grandline. I know you are the only person, who came out of from the Grandline unscathed. " Krieg didn't beat around bush and stated his real purpose.

" Yes, you are right about the journal. I have it and it is the pride of my whole crew. But i can't just give it to anyone and that includes you. You are not eligible to have it, so forget about it. " Zeff denied him immediately.

Then Krieg started ranting about his so called strength and how he would snatch the journal form him forcefully. He gabbled on about his ambition regarding finding One Piece.

Word Count: 1087

I will try to lengthen the chapters, so don't worry about it.

This arc will continue for two or three chapters more, so please be patient.

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