
Madara Uchiha God mode

Aurora_Santos1 · Action
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3 Chs


6 years after the war Madara awoken in a time space where he began gaining access to unlimited power. Madara woken in a strange palace and got up to check to see where exactly he landed into.

Madara- hmm.. where am I.see's waterfalls surrounding the place. Am I asleep or is this the afterlife??

( A mysterious voice)- "your finally awake"

Madara- "in all means, who are you and where am I??"

( mysterious voice)- "I'm kitsunebi and your in the Flame God Palace."

I'm in a God's Palace, I have to keep and eye on this kitsunebi guy.

Madara- "why am I here in the first place and how do I go home."

Kitsunebi- "your here to gain access to unlimited power, if you have what it takes. And for going home, I'll let you out after I ask you a question"

Madara- "what is that question exactly?" I wonder what he has to offer

Kitsunebi- "leave so you can go home or gain unlimited power, but I'll give you five days to think over this. This is your room, so may you please enjoy your stay"shows Madara to his room and leaves.

Which choice should I pick upon his offer. Power is what I need and if I do that I could get out with the ability to crush and control the whole ninja world.walks out to go eat"lets see what should I eat"cooks juicy beef and nice, fuzzy, warm rice and then eats"doesn't taste bad." I better train."shows off incredibly strong winds of physical strength"I'm better go to sleep. Its going to take awhile to fall asleep."knocks out right as he hits bed

on the fifth morning

I wonder how strong will I get from my choice.

Kitsunebi- have you decided on which choice i offered.

Madara- "yes, I choose to gain power"gives off a smirk.

Kitsunebi- hmm..wise choice. Come here.

walks over and stops"so what now."

Kitsunebi- touches madara's head"this." "now sit down and meditate"

"hmm.."does what he was told. Feels incredible chakra. "Its all around me" Burst with overwhelming power"what in the world, it's beyond biju's chakra"..dissapeares..

I'm home and my chakra feel like I can destroy the world in one punch.laughs and then smirks."yes" this will be a new beginning...

.....to be continued.....

I was nervous and this is my first time, so please correct my errors if I misspell

thank you for reading😊😊