First world: MHA 2nd: Avatar 3rd:
Unlike last month Madara didn't run into any of the girls from class, but he did end up meeting one more girl.
" Blood...Hehe. " A blonde girl muttered creepily, her eyes showed excitement as she stared at the long black haired boy in front of her.
" This is quite unexpected honestly. " Madara said, he was currently holding a bag filled with groceries, simple ingredients to make simple but good meals.
He was wearing casual clothes since it was a quick run to the store, he had no food at home and there was no one to make food that late at night.
A grey hoodie, black joggers and some black crocks, he didn't have a shirt on under his hoodie since it wouldn't have mattered normally, still doesn't but it's awkward.
" Distracted? " The blonde girl chuckled rushing as he saw Madara look down at his clothes for some reason, could he have a weapon and was thinking if he can reach it fast enough.
" I won't let it happen! " She shouted with a giant smile, aiming her knife straight at Madaras throat.
" The throat should only be aimed at if you're confident you'll kill your target. " Madara simply leaned back a little the knife barely missing his neck by a few centimeters.
" Your reflexes and instincts are good, but it will only work on civilians and small thugs. " Madara easily dodged all of the blonde girls attacks, all of them only a few centimeters away from his body.
" I'll have your blood! " The blonde started trying different unorthodox methods to try to cut Madara, but it still didn't affect him in any way, but simply surprised the girl could learn that quickly and adapt.
" I can't judge what you do, I'm technically a villain since I'm basically Madara fully. " Madara shrugged, the girl didn't get tired but simply grew more determined, this ones blood must be good.
Her smile grew as she started trying to create distraction, throwing garbage, rocks, anything that was near, attacking before Madara either dodged or slapped them away.
But she simply got dodged and slapped away too, during this Madara was still holding the bag, comfortably keeping his future food safe.
" I'm getting tired. " Madara yawned and easily dodged an attack aimed at his shoulder, he placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her towards the wall, with enough force for her not to stop and hit the wall.
" What did we learn? " Madara smirked seeing the annoyed girl get up with a red face.
But instead of her getting more angry or determined she started tearing up and before he knew it she was crying...
" Waaa! Why can't i cut you?! " She cried dropping her knife and trying to stop herself from crying.
' Ugh, i forgot she was kind of childish in a way, would she actually do something like in the anime?...Maybe. ' He shrugged and started walking away.
" Don't just leave me here TT! " Toga quickly got up and followed Madara.
" What are you doing? " Madara asked as he walked, Toga walking next to him with a smile confused him.
" Following you, maybe I'll find a opportunity to stab you. " She smiled innocent her hand behind her back as she followed him excitedly.
" Sigh this is a drag. " Madara simply ignored her as she followed him home, she tried attacking him a few times but ended up giving up and waiting.
' She's a slow learner but she's learning, everytime she is about to attack I'm ready to dodge or block and she stops, she's starting to sense me, is it because she's a stalker? She's trying to learn everything about the person she " loves ", and also wants to kill them. Interesting. ' Madara smirked as they walked inside his home, she quickly ran to his sofa and started watching tv.
' She's watching me intently at the same time as she watches a movie. Was she this good in the anime? Well Midoriya and Uraraka weren't that strong, and were quite easy to defeat, what if she finds someone she " loves " that is too strong. ' Madara smirked, could he make a future villain way stronger ?
' But I'm going to UA, if she attacks us she'll def want to talk to me and stuff before or after fighting me again. ' With a sigh he finished cooking and brought 2 plates filled with food.
" Have you found a way to stab me yet? " Madara asked casually as he started eating.
" Not yet, everytime I'm about to attack you already have a way to stop me, it's not fair! " She cried as she ate.
" This is so goodddddd! " she exclaimed before devouring the food, Madara simply watched her with excitement.
' How much better can I make her as her target? I have a week of free time before starting class. ' Madara smirked, as he was eating he lowered his spoon to get another spoonful but as soon as the spoon touched the plate, the table was flipped over at the same time as Toga hid behind it.
The table was moving forward towards Madara, he didn't know whether she was going to attack through the left or right.
Madara leaned back with his hand forward to stop the table, and Toga came out through the top, with this she lowered his ways of defending, to only use his left arm.
" Very fun. " Madara said as Toga threw a knife to force him to block, and give her the opening she needs.
Once Madaras left hand smacked the knife Togas knife was already near his head, with a quick judgment he opened his mouth and bit down on the knife stopping her from attacking, she was also attacking with her other hand so Madara lifted his leg to make his other hand free to catch it.
Once time started moving again the table was stopped by Madaras foot, Madara was holding the knife with his teeth, his right hand holding her left wrist that also had a knife, and his left hand was in her chest, he wasn't grabbing her breast but his hand was still placed there.
" Cmon! " Toga shouted trying her best to force the knife to go past his teeth to not avail.
' I could quite easily push her back but I want her to think she actually has a chance so she keeps trying, and learning. ' Madara shook his head easily removing the knife from her hand showing his neck strength and head butted her easily knocking her out.
She simply fell on him her breast pushing on his left hand,
" why is her nipples hard? " he muttered as he lay on the ground with her on him, he was holding the table in a 70 degrees angle so he slightly pushed it back to fall back in place, the food wasn't saved though and were on the ground.
" Ima make her clean it. " Madara sighed, he was about to push her off him but she hugged him tightly and didn't let him move.
' Sigh, I can move her easily but I don't want to wake her up. ' Using his back strength and legs he lifted himself back up with her holding him like a Koala.
' Guess I'll shower later. ' He thought as he walked to his room.