
Madara in the Jujutsu Kaisen World

Kenya Suddenly Transmigrating into the world of Cursed Energy and Cursed spirits. The timeline was when Gojo Satoru was still a student In a Jujutsu Sorcerer World. Where Gojo Satoru One and Only Best friend Suguru Geto didn’t become a Rogue yet. As an ordinary Person and in the world of Cursed Spirits and many more powerful beings behind the scene making their plans and setting them in motion, Kenya would just be another fodder in the end and that is when he doesn’t even have a ounce of Cursed Energy. When he was just thinking about it a sudden t voice sounded in his mind. [ Ding! ] [ The Host has awakened the Template System. ] [ The Host has one draw available now. Would you like to draw it now? ] [ Congratulation! You have got the “Madara Uchiha” Template. ] Now this world will know how even the name of ‘Madara’ set fear in people body and heart. ——————— [ Ding! ] [ One and Only Mission! ] [ Mission: Kill all the Cursed Spirits In the World! Reward: ??? Failure: ??? ] This world shall known peace. Let the world know “The Infinite Tsukuyomi”

Kazuma_trash · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 8: Fushiguro

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Fushiguro settled across from Madara, while Shiu Kong claimed the vacant seat next to Fushiguro.

Nabbing a morsel of meat with his chopsticks and chewing thoughtfully, Fushiguro directed his words to Shiu Kong amidst the mouthful.

"The flavor's truly exceptional, and I suppose I can trust your discernment."

"Even so, I'll need to subtract a slight sum from your forthcoming task's compensation."


Seemingly unaffected by Shiu Kong's statement, Fushiguro's attention shifted to Madara, his gaze directed squarely at his counterpart across the table.

"Hey, by the way, what's your name?"

"Is this an attempt to gather intel on me?" Madara consumed his food leisurely, a quizzical arch of his brows accompanying his words.

"Just a bit unusual. Since when did the Jujutsu world spawn such a monstrosity?" Fushiguro provocatively raised the scarred corner of his mouth, locking eyes with Madara. "What's the matter, afraid to divulge it?"


Madara, too, sported a bold and self-assured grin.

"Perhaps before inquiring about another's name, you ought to provide your own first?"


Upon hearing the name uttered without hesitation, Madara's eyes flickered with surprise.

Previously, he had solely sensed the awe-inspiring aura of a 'tyrant' emanating from the man before him.

Such extraordinary might.

When juxtaposed with the Cursed Spirit encountered within the mansion, even if swarmed by dozens or hundreds of them, they'd stand powerless against the figure seated across from him.

A profound chasm separated the two in terms of power and standing.

Simultaneously, a sense of familiarity washed over him as he observed the man before him, yet he couldn't place where he'd encountered him in the anime he'd watched.

This piqued his intense curiosity.

Even more coincidentally, the other individual voluntarily approached him, and the one who engaged him in conversation was none other than himself.

As they gazed at each other up close, the familiarity of the surname he heard added another layer of intrigue.

Within Madara's thoughts, the tyrant named Fushiguro before him started to overlay with the visage of the second-ranked male character possessing a feminine moniker in the anime. This character, though referred to with a feminine name, was in fact male and played a significant role in the narrative.

Fushiguro Megumi... Fushiguro Megumi...

Drawing parallels between the facial features and eyes of the two, the resemblance was striking, making it challenging not to connect the two figures.

In fact, taking a step further...

With my knowledge reaching up to 2021, it seems consistent with the timeline of the subsequent anime...

Could these two individuals possibly be father and son?

The notion struck Madara's handsome countenance, painting his features with intrigue.


"People from the ancient East?"

Upon hearing Madara's name, Fushiguro experienced a moment of surprise.

Soon after, his triangular eyes, known for their insouciant nature, twitched.

"What kind of eyes do you possess?"

An intangible sense of hostility emanated from the person before him.

Due to the influence of the Heavenly Restriction on his physicality, he had achieved a state of complete [zero Cursed Energy] constitution. His natural athleticism, physical prowess, and five senses all soared beyond the bounds of ordinary human capabilities.

This refinement even granted him the ability to sense ill intentions directed at him in close proximity.

Although he didn't discern any murderous or malevolent intent from the person before him, a sense of displeasure lingered.

Fushiguro's perceptiveness slightly caught Madara off guard.

Nonetheless, Madara maintained an air of calm and ease, nonchalantly waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Such trivial matters aren't worth your concern."

"Just like..."

Madara averted his gaze from Fushiguro, who had just discreetly retrieved his phone from under the table using his left hand. His brows furrowed, his gaze shifted to Shiu Kong's countenance, an air of seriousness settling upon his expression.

"I wouldn't object to you exchanging information about me with the individual beside you in front of me."


Fushiguro, true to form, didn't become ensnared in this matter either.

He was genuinely curious about what sort of information Shiu Kong, who excelled in intelligence work, could gather with just the knowledge of this young man's name.

However, an even deeper sense of unease brewed within him.

Even though he appeared to be someone who hadn't even graduated from school, he seemed to possess an uncanny ability to peer into people's hearts.

It was as though, upon locking eyes with those deep black orbs, the young man before him could discern every thought within Madara's mind.

What's more, from the very start until this point, it was almost as if he had been subtly guided by this youth...

"Have you managed to dig up any information about this rascal?" Fushiguro inquired of his partner.

After a brief stretch of silence, Shiu Kong, his visage astute, responded in a tone that carried a hint of complexity.

"...Unfortunately, I've scoured through an abundance of information within the Jujutsu world. Yet, whether among Curse Users or Jujutsu Sorcerers, I've failed to uncover any trace of this individual."

"It's almost as if this character materialized into existence out of thin air."


Fushiguro's momentum halted.

Being the most formidable bounty hunter, he carried the moniker "Sorcerer Killer."

For someone of his caliber to seek out a partner, it goes without saying that mediocrity isn't an option.

In fact, unless he stands out profoundly within the realm of intelligence, he's hardly deserving of even a flicker of recognition from this titan of might and supremacy.

To serve as his comrade, one must epitomize the creme de la creme among intelligence operatives!

Should Shiu Kong's mental faculties and memory fall short in conjuring up Madara's dossier, it could be excusable.

Yet, Shiu Kong didn't rely solely on these faculties!

It was something else entirely.

Instead, the guy whipped out his phone, went all out with his extensive network of contacts, and dived into a database that's practically an info ocean...

And guess what? Still no signs of Madara anywhere!

Fushiguro gave Madara a hard look with those pointy eyes, scratching his chin with a smirk.

"You couldn't possibly be an old monster who's hiding in secrecy for years?"


Just a reminder mc has the knowledge of only season 1.

Other than that plz leave a comment on how the chapter. 1 more chapter is coming in an hour.