
Madara In The Beginning After The End

My name is Madara Uchiha, and I have to this date lived 3 lives and am about to live my 4rth. In my first life, I built a village with my friend, but left, and eventually died due to old age, I was then reborn by using the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique, and fought a huge war. In my third life, I learned the error of my ways, and tried to become who I was when I was first born. Now, I am entering the world of The Beginning After The End. I don't plan to be like how I was in my previous lives, I plan to protect instead of destroy. This life, will be different. I am excite though, excited to finnally be able to fight strong people again. Are you ready to dance with me? (Okay, last line kinda cringe, but I wanted to say this part: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE NOVEL You have been warned. . . . . . Also guy, I don’t actually know TBATE well after the school arc too well. I mean, the reason I am writing this is because my friend went ahead and spoiled the freaking novel at volume 8, then I just lost the will to read the novel, so I proceeded to find spoilers. I know about Asura's Indra’s, Virtra’s. I also know about the main antagonist being Agrona, and the reincarnation experiments. I also know about Elijah actually being someone important, the Tess thing and the other continents. However, I don’t know about the aether and the other powers. So essentially, I will be writing with knowledge about volume 4 and some after volume 4. I was hoping someone would tell me a site where all the volumes are summarized, if not I am going to have to waste like 1 week to read the entire thing. ( Disclaimer: I do not own any non Original characters and all the credit should go to the original authors. The world will also have slight changes, so you can treat it as an AU)

Fat_Cultivator · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 15: Playing politics part 3

Title: Playing Politics Part 3

It's been 3 weeks since the 'discussion' I had with my father and grandfather in the Uchiha secret bunker.

Since then, things seemed to have been going well, on the surface.

In reality, today was a big day. Not for me, but for the clan.

You see, today was the quarterly meeting of all high-ranking nobility and the king of the kingdom.

They meet every quarter to discuss the future growth of the kingdom. It is also a place for the king to put the larger noble families in check.

It was something similar to what we did in Konoha, not that I ever attended. I just never wanted to see Tobirama's smug face if and when he pulled one over on me.

As of right now, Izuna was playing with the baby nine-tails.

"Mama, Mama, this person keeps trying to grab my tails!" Shouted the nine-tailed fox as it ran around.

It was a cute sight to see, a chubby kid crawling around, trying to catch a nine-tailed fox, which was obviously not happy.

But for me, it was a problem.

You see, I have been trying to get the nine-tailed fox to form an equal contract with Izuna, so I have been researching ways to make that happen.

From what I was able to gather, an equal contract cannot be reversed, period.

The reason I was trying to do this? Well it's because this fox does not know what I put it's 'ancestors' through.

I enslaved the nine-tails, causing it to rampage around the world, basically giving it a bad reputation. If anything, this fox should be trying to kill me, not call me 'mama.'

"MAMA HELP ME! HE GOT MY TAIL!!!" Shouted the nine-tailed fox.

I quickly went up and pushed Izuna away from the fox.

The fox immediately crawled up to my neck, sat on my shoulder, and licked its tails.

"Hmph, see if you can get me now." Said the fox with all of its sass.

Izuna seemed really sad, and just as he was about to start his monster-like cry, I sent some mama into his body to calm him down.

'Sigh, I need to come up with a name for this fox.' I thought.

(3rd person POV)

Inside the meeting hall of the royal family, all major nobles of the country were waiting for 1 clan.

"Dammit, they always show up late, but lets see them be so arrogant after today." Spat a fat noble.

"Yes I agree, let us see how the Uchiha will behave after giving their clan's future away." Continued another noble.

The only person who was not saying anything on the round-table, was the one sitting on the throne. The current king of the kingdom of Sapin, Blaine Glayder.

After about 5 more minutes, the doors to the meeting hall opened, and 2 people, in bluish-grey clothes, and a symbol of a half-red, half-white fan walked in.

"Ah, sorry we are late...a black cat crossed our path and we had to take the longer way here." Said Tajima Uchiha, as he and Toshinori Uchiha.

(Changing POV to Toshinori Uchiha)

We entered the hall late, and used the excuse just like Madara asked us to. Tajima didn't understand why we should do this, but I did. It was a power play.

For the past few years Tajima has been incharge all nobles have been trying to fault the Uchiha for the smallest little thing so he became super passive. Due to this, all other nobles have been forgetting the might of the uchiha.

When I entered and saw the round-table, I immediately realised what the brat Blaine was trying to do.

You see, the previous King made us sit at a long, rectangular table, and he himself sat on a massive throne. This was to show that the king was above all people, even nobles themselves.

But Blaine took a different approach. He changed the table into a round-table. This way, it was trying to show that everyone was equal, and that we all had an important part to play in the development of the kingdom.

But in reality, the political game he was playing here was much more different.

In a round table, the person who sits opposite the king is given a lot of respect. Because this means that you have the right to present your ideas to the King, and he will respect you.

The people who sit right beside the King are his most trusted. It shows that if and when the kingdom is under attack, he will call them forth first.

The remaining nobles, who sit everywhere else, are essentially mob nobles, who have nothing to do in the grand scheme of things, and just exist. That is where we are about to sit.

"It is fine. I did not know you would be attending as well, Toshinori." Asked the brat. This little kid, when he was younger, used to show me a lot of respect and call me uncle,sigh, how times have changed.

"Well I decided to come because a lot of major things are about to happen in my clan." I said, as I sat down, and my son sat to my right.

"Anyways, since you are here, we can start with the agenda for the day..." said the king, and a lot of boring stuff was talked about.


After about an hour of talking, we got down to the main issue at hand.

A man with a golden hair which dropped to his shoulders, and a tall build stood up and asked," Your majesty. Now I believe that everyone here would like to move onto the pressing issue at hand, regarding the Uchiha clan."

Blaine feigned being surprised for a second and then said," Ah yes, I almost forgot about that. So what have you decided about this issue,Toshinori?"

My son and I had perfect poker faces on, but I knew that he was smirking inside his mind, just like I was.

Now it was time to show this kingdom what happens when you push the Uchiha into a corner.

(Word count: 1020 words)