
Madam, She's Abusing Scum Again

Xu Yan, a sudden twist of fate throws her into the midst of a wealthy family's complex dynamics. Caught in a web of love, misunderstandings, and family secrets, Xu Yan must not only mend her relationship with her husband, Mu Nanfeng, but also prove herself in the world of business. As they both face challenges in their careers and personal lives, will their love endure, or will it crumble under the pressure? Dive into this captivating tale of love, ambition, and second chances to find out!

no1mommylover · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 074

In order to prevent Mu Nanfeng from seeing her unhappy, Xu Yan turned sideways slightly, burying her head in the socket of his neck vigorously.

She held back the tears, her body trembled slightly, trying to calm herself down.

Mu Nanfeng held her shoulders, did not look down at her, nor did he speak. Every emotion of her could not escape his eyes. The reason why he didn't ask was because he knew her inner thoughts.

When the aurora faded, Xu Yan's mood gradually eased.

The two returned to the sea-view villa, and Xu Yan took a hot bath and then lay on the bed to rest.

Mu Nanfeng came to the room with a cup of warm brown sugar water in his hand. He sat on the edge of the bed and handed the water to Xu Yan.

Xu Yan leaned on the soft pillow, took a sip of the brown sugar water, and put the cup on the table next to it.

She is uncomfortable these days, Mu Nanfeng has been taking good care of her, and all the details have touched her.

Looking at the man in front of her, she couldn't help but rushed into his arms and put her arms around his waist.

She has a lot to say in her heart, but she always wants to speak, but she doesn't know how to speak. All the regret and guilt can only be turned into a hug, only hope he can feel it.

Under the dim light, a trace of pity and distress flashed in Mu Nanfeng's deep eyes. He tightly embraced her and stroked her soft hair.

After a long while, he said: "Go to sleep! You are tired today too!"

Xu Yan pulled her body out of his arms, nodded, and immediately got into the bed and closed her eyes obediently.

Mu Nanfeng lay down beside her, hugging her soft body.

Since coming to Iceland, he has clearly felt the relationship between them is sublimating.

They used to be like strangers in the name of husband and wife, but now they are all used to hugging each other to sleep, and Xu Yan no longer rejects his touch.

He suddenly felt that perhaps those extravagant hopes and delusions he once could also slowly become reality.

As long as he works hard enough, she will definitely fall in love with him.

The next day, the plane landed.

Xu Yan returned to the familiar imperial capital, and Mu Nanfeng's cell phone kept ringing as soon as she got off the plane.

He was upset and turned the phone to silent, Xu Yan saw it, and quickly said: "If there is something in the company, you can handle it. I can go home by myself!"

Mu Nanfeng looked at the phone in disgust, frowning, and looked rather unhappy.

The caller ID was all from the assistants of other branches of Ninglan Group.

He has only left for a few days, and this group of people is a bunch of mess, really a bunch of rubbish, can't even see a company?

Mu Nanfeng's desire to kill is all there!

He turned his eyes to look at Xu Yan, his cold eyes immediately softened, "I will take you home first! The company is not as important as you!"

Hearing this, Xu Yan was deeply moved.

Yes, in Mu Nanfeng's eyes, she has always been the most important one, so every time he faced many choices, he would choose her without hesitation.

So later, he walked into her trap repeatedly, and eventually fell to the bottom.

Thinking of this, Xu Yan felt regretful.

She knew she couldn't persuade him, so in order to save time, she had to agree, "Okay, then let's go!"

The exclusive driver of Mu's family had been waiting at the airport for a long time. Xu Yan got into the car and heard the phone ring in his pocket.

She took it out to see that it was Xu Chenxi.

Oh, I didn't expect that she would take the initiative to call, and the time was so accurate.

Xu Yan directly refused to answer, and quickly put the phone back into her pocket. She still couldn't answer the call with such openness.

There are some things, can you keep Mu Nanfeng from knowing, or try not to let him know.

It will not be too late for her to tell him all the truth when she finishes tidying up the pair of dog men and women.

When Mu Nanfeng got in the car, he happened to see Xu Yan hanging up, and asked curiously, "Who?"

As the car started, Xu Yan smiled and replied calmly: "A friend."

Mu Nanfeng didn't have any doubts, but instinctively asked, "Then why don't you pick it up?"

Xu Yan didn't want to be asked by him. She rubbed her right temple and said, "I don't feel well, I don't really want to pick it up. Let her go back at the party!"

Several of her close friends are also known by Mu Nanfeng, so at this point, there is no need to worry that he will be suspicious.

Mu Nanfeng heard that she was uncomfortable, thinking that it must be that the menstruation was not over yet, so he no longer asked more, but cared: "Go home and rest well! Let's go to work tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Xu Yan nodded.

Speaking of going to work, Mu Nanfeng suddenly thought of an important thing, and said: "By the way, Li Hanjue specifically asks you to be solely responsible for all the projects of Meilian. I think you should also be given the position of designer. "

"No need!" Xu Yan refused without thinking. "You suddenly gave me such a high position. Everyone will definitely think that I am a related household. I just want to rely on my strength and I don't want to be gossiped!"

She refused so quickly, but Mu Nanfeng felt a little guilty. He had always misunderstood that her entry into the company was another motive.

Now that he knows her sincerity, he really wants to give her a position as a designer, and with her strength, he is also worthy of such a position.

But she resolutely refused, which made him really surprised.

Without waiting for his response, Xu Yan said again: "There is also about the finals that day. Meilian has promised to keep it secret for me. Now in the company, except for you and Leng Design, no one knows. You must Keep it secret for me."

People in the workplace like gossip the most. If everyone knows that she is Qiyue, then the company will definitely blow up.

Fortunately, not many people know about it now, and she can also stop the evil spread of public opinion.

After listening to this, Mu Nanfeng smiled thoughtfully, "Don't worry, I have specifically asked Leng Bohan about this matter!"

Xu Yan relaxed, and sure enough, there was still some tacit understanding between her and Mu Nanfeng.

"But…" Mu Nanfeng raised his eyebrows slightly and continued: "You have done a great job this time. I have to reward you with something. Let's talk, what do you want?"

I want you!

Xu Yan thought so in her heart, but didn't dare to say such explicit love words easily.

She pondered for a moment, and felt that this reward shouldn't be for nothing, it would be more reliable to have something tangible.

Thinking about it, there is really something she wants.

After a while, she replied solemnly: "I want the position of design director."

She would never forget what she heard in the pantry that day, that Gao Ping wanted to be the director, and dream of his spring and autumn.

She said she was going to be his stumbling block, but now this opportunity is not here.

Mu Nanfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, the expression on his face was a little surprised, "Design director?"

Xu Yan's eyes were firm: "Yes, isn't this position empty? Give it to me!"

"Okay, give it to you if you want." Mu Nanfeng agreed to see her so serious.