
Madam, She's Abusing Scum Again

Xu Yan, a sudden twist of fate throws her into the midst of a wealthy family's complex dynamics. Caught in a web of love, misunderstandings, and family secrets, Xu Yan must not only mend her relationship with her husband, Mu Nanfeng, but also prove herself in the world of business. As they both face challenges in their careers and personal lives, will their love endure, or will it crumble under the pressure? Dive into this captivating tale of love, ambition, and second chances to find out!

no1mommylover · Urban
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120 Chs

Chapter 073 Aurora Night

The sun was like fire, the shadows under the beach umbrellas gradually disappeared, the hot sun was scorching the earth, and the whole beach was hot.

Xu Yan was unwell at first, and the hot weather made her whole body dull.

When Mu Nanfeng saw this, Huo Ran got up and stretched out his broad hand in front of her, "Let's go, take you back to the house and take a rest."

Xu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Mu Nanfeng would suddenly mention Zhang Han's beast, but fortunately she just asked casually.

She stretched out her slender white hand and put it on Mu Nanfeng's. The two of them clasped their fingers together and left the beach together.

Back to the sea view villa, Xu Yanwo slept lazily on the sofa in the living room.

Mu Nanfeng lay on his side, picked up an economics book next to it, and read it.

Such a time, leisure and good!

Two days later.

Under the night, Xu Yan curled up and sat in the tent, looking up at the stars.

The sea water was blue, and the stars were reflected in the sea water, shining brightly.

The ripples of the water, and the waves of the night playing softly tuned music, intoxicating.

Everything is like a mysterious and deep dream, which makes Xu Yan feel so unreal.

She put her elbows on her knees, dragged her cheeks with her hands, and let her go free.

Mu Nanfeng came over, sat next to her, embraced her, and accompanied her to enjoy the night scene.

Suddenly, Xu Yan turned around to look at him, and asked softly: "Nan Feng, when will we return to the imperial capital?"

Mu Nanfeng looked sideways and noticed that there was a strand of hair between her neck. After reaching out to gently stroke it to her earlobe, he gently asked, "Why, do you want to go back?"

"No!" Xu Yan shook her head and said restlessly: "I just think you have been away from the company for too long. The Imperial Capital must have many things waiting for you to deal with. You are here with me, which makes me feel very much. Feeling guilty!"

They have been in Iceland for three days and three nights. As Mu Nanfeng, it is really inappropriate to leave the imperial capital for so long. Even if they are greedy here again, they should go back.

Mu Nanfeng smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about company affairs. I will stay with you for as long as you want to stay here!"

Xu Yan joked, "What if I want to stay here forever? Can you too?"

"Yes!" Mu Nanfeng gently stroked her hair, leaned over and kissed her forehead gently.

Xu Yan instinctively closed his eyes to feel his temperature, and then opened his eyes slightly when his thin lips left.

In the past few days, she has been alone with Mu Nanfeng, she has gradually become accustomed to these intimate behaviors, and even enjoys some.

Being able to be so petted by him was the greatest fortune in her life.

However, she can't be so selfish, she can't keep him here forever, they all have their own missions to accomplish.

Mu Nanfeng must stabilize his position in the business world, so as not to disappoint Father Mu's expectations.

And she must continue to take revenge!

So, she can't stay here anymore!

Xu Yan looked at Mu Nanfeng, pursed her crimson lips, and said, "Nanfeng, come with me to see the aurora! We will go back after watching!"

After finally coming to Iceland once, she didn't want to have any regrets.

She has seen the magnificent waves of the sea, and now her last wish is to see the mysterious and dreamy aurora.

After watching Aurora! This beautiful dream should come to an end!

Mu Nanfeng didn't expect her to go back in such a hurry, but he actually wanted to stay with her more.

After all, this kind of opportunity in a two-person world is quite rare. After returning, he will be busy at work every day, and it is difficult to spend time with her!

A terrible idea suddenly emerged in his mind.

Take her to elope!

He wanted to take her to a small remote village, like Seven Fairies and Dong Yong. There were only two of them in the verdant mountains, unfettered, and only envied the mandarin ducks but not the immortals.

But he can only think about it, after all, this kind of plot is still unrealistic.

He is in a chaotic business world, and there is a huge family behind him. Everyone is deliberately fighting for inheritance rights. He can't take it lightly. How can Wu You live the life he wants carelessly.

As for Xu Yan, she is a person who has dreams and loves design. She shouldn't want to go to that kind of dull and boring life.

So returning to the imperial capital is inevitable! All he had to do was to stand behind her to protect her.

After a long time, he promised: "Okay!"

Xu Yan smiled, "Or… shall we go now?"

Mu Nanfeng smiled softly: "Okay!"

Checking the time, it is ten o'clock in the evening, if they want to watch it, there is still too much time.

There is a Hualing Lake in the north of Iceland, which is the best place to see the aurora.

Before coming to Iceland, Mu Nanfeng had already figured out everything here, and he took Xu Yan's hand and stood up.

The two got into a black business car and came to Feiling Lake in the north.

This lake is emerald green, also known as Peacock Lake. The color remains the same regardless of day and night, and it is extremely beautiful.

Under the leadership of Mu Nanfeng, Xu Yan walked over countless small sands and came to sit on a smooth and magnificent round stone by the lake.

She nestled in Mu Nanfeng's arms, cleverly like a child.

Time gradually passed…

Suddenly, a brilliant and colorful glare across the sky, the colorful light shining on the earth, very magnificent and moving.

"Nan Feng." Xu Yan's eyes lit up, pointing to the sky, "Look at it!"

Mu Nanfeng followed her gaze, watching the colorful lights floating in the sky, the most shocking of which was the purple light and emerald light.

The two rays of light crisscross, forming a beautiful and splendid arc, graceful and mysterious and unpredictable.

Xu Yan was deeply attracted by the aurora and looked up blankly.

Mu Nanfeng looked at her sideways, but felt that she was more beautiful than Aurora at this moment.

She was attracted by the prosperity of this world, but he was fascinated by her.

The aurora was not as short as fireworks, and the whole process of change lasted for an entire hour.

Xu Yan looked at the ever-changing bright and magnificent night sky, and could not help but sparkle with the starting point in her clear eyes.

I thought she would have no regrets after seeing the Aurora, but at this moment, she was inexplicably sad.

Thinking of the figure that she saw at the "Bi An Hua" bar that day, she really regretted why she didn't hold that person's hand firmly at the time.

Even with a glance, let her see his appearance so that she is not so sorry.

The one who made her obsessed with her was the one who promised to take her to see the sea and the aurora. She would never forget the person in her life.

Now her wish is fulfilled! But the person beside him is not him anymore.

Xu Yan's heart suddenly cut like a knife, making her unable to breathe in pain. It's not that she doesn't want to accompany her to watch the aurora with Mu Nanfeng.

It's just that if that person is there, it is her real fulfillment of her wish, and she feels that all of this is perfect.

Unfortunately, that person will never come back!

Her regret has become a regret forever!