
Mad Scientist

[TO BE A SCIENTIST IS TO BE A NAIVE, THEY ARE SO FOCUSED TO FIND THE TRUTH, EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE TRY to DENY IT THE CURIOSITY IS THERE, WHETHER WE SEE IT OR NOT THE TRUTH DOES NOT CARE ABOUT MORALS, RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES WELCOME TO THE WORLD MAD SCIENTIST ] [ ONE TRUTH I KNOW IS I AN NOT GOOD AT WRITING SYNOPSIS LOL AUTHOR NOTE ] Bai Jie a self-proclaimed evil scientist but not so evil who was researching on getting rid of the trauma he suffered when he was 15 which has changed his whole life. He didn't remember anything which led to this outcome but he became a genius of the century. As the people say no escapes the cycle of time. But something or someone changed his fate; it was no god or demon. It was an anomaly that has changed his life. See Bai Jie( an Old man) as he struggles in this new cruel world where at every corner danger lurks. Where he fought for his life not only from the outside but also from something inside. heavenly God" evil scientist I can't break through nxt realm plz guide" Evil Scientist " You have accumulated Fat in your meridians go exercise alone not with your wife " let's enjoy a journey of an evil scientist who may not be so evil ******* evil scientist " demon god what happens when you break through the god realm" Demon god"it's a heavenly sensation once reach it the more you want it it's like the whole world embrace you with the warmness gentle and destructive at the same time it feels that you are breaking the shackles of the world" Demon god explained with a pride Evil scientist "next time you just tell me you don't know I have no interest in your relationship with your wife. you should keep these confidential not spread it with proud face what a moron" Demon god's head just popped open he died on the spot due to cultivation deviation author here TinyheadXD#2306- Discord. if you have any suggestion please contact. PLEASE GIVE IT A READ!! and a review for people like me which wants to see things differently ( if u like it plz share It give a review)

tinyheadXD · Eastern
Not enough ratings
81 Chs


Bai Jie was panting because of all his shouting but nothing happened he thought his minion was back. but it was all wishful thinking.

"What is this thing " Bai Jie mumbled as he saw the menu. It also had a credits menu.

He tried to open the credits menu and it opened up.

: All credits goes to me, Minion:

Bai Jie couldn't make heads or tails of this thing.

'What happened to Minion, is this a programming error.' thought Bai Jie.

"What is this human parasite" mumbled


Human Parasite: A race of a predator that has most adaptivity and survivability.

Bai Jie had a sudden thought that the parasite had merged with his body and without the A.I. core unit Minion won't work. This completely explained minion disappearance.

But Bai Jie didn't know that Minion had made a utility tool for him.

Bai Jie was quite displeased. It was the first time in his life he felt he didn't know anything.

And there was another possibility that Minion was alive like him, both sharing the same body. but why would a lifeform share a body with another lifeform.

'No that's impossible it must be some kind of glitch .' thought Bai Jie.

"Let me check the status," mumbled Bai Jie.

host - Bai Jie

race - human parasite

Combat strength - 620 units

Spirit energy - 7

Life energy - 817 ( 100 per day )

innate abilities -

eye of the parasite - able to see energy flow (active) ( uses spirit energy )

(can be upgraded) LVL 1

perfect control - able to control every cell in the body (passive)(can be upgraded) lvl 1

Absorption - able to absorb the energy of most basic level (active) (can be upgraded) LVL 1

predator - heightens the senses against danger (passive)

(can be upgraded) LVL 1

" This is insane what happens if life energy is depleted " Bai Jie concentrated on life energy.

Life energy - life force required for parasite cells and the body to stay alive. it can also be used to produce cells regeneration to trigger healing effect ( be cautious if life energy reaches zero it would trigger meltdown every cell will try to engulf each other result: certain death)

"this this" Bai Jie finally realized his body doesn't have only human cells his cells also evolved into parasitic abilities. It was simple to give and take as long as he provided life energy to them they will obey him but if the supply is cut off they will kill him.

"Where is your so-called adaptability and survivability dammit you made me a vampire, "said Bai Jie while shouting.

' I haven't even married yet I just found a wife and you say I have only 8 days to live ' thought Bai Jie horrified.

" Bai Jie you have to live for science just hunt some beasts here and there yes I have to live for woman, no for science for the glory " Bai Jie pumped himself up.

"That damn boar only gave me 17 life energy and 7 spirit energy. He should die again in the underworld " Bai Jie cursed the boar.

" These abilities, I think it was perfect control and predator when I fought with Yi Ying " mumbled Bai Jie. He clearly remembered that strange feeling.

Bai Jie tried eyes of the parasite but nothing happened


minimum 10 Spirit energy per second

a notification popped up

' Dammit what the hell, I can't even use it, I need another boar. ' Bai Jie finally noticed the new panel simulation.

He concentrated towards it and a body formed in front of him. He and his new body had the same meridians and everything but it was hollow. Bai Jie knew it was just a projection. He also noticed very small energy was trying to penetrate into his meridians but it was lacking the momentum.

"is this spirit energy amazing? At least there is something good. Let's play " Bai Jie tried to move this energy in the simulation and the energy moved.

" What is the benefit of it only moved in the simulation, not in my body it's useless " but as soon as Bai Jie left control of the energy it became rampant and energy followed the pathway it went towards blood vessels it flowed through the blood vessels damaging them Bai Jie didn't stop the simulation he continued watching the energy tore apart his organs and simulation exploded.

"This " Bai Jie wanted to make sure so he tried to concentrate and sensed the energy he tried to move it same as in simulation and the same thing happened because of blocked meridians this energy also went into his blood vessels but Bai Jie stopped it and kept it in his meridians forcefully.

"This is amazing. I can experiment, this gives me so many possibilities. this simulation is amazing " then suddenly a notification rang in.


life energy consumption 200 points


"This is cheating, it was just a simulation dammit you want me to die don't you" cursed Bai Jie.

He checked his status; he only had 617 life energy points now.

"No, I have to find more animals or in the worst case I will become a vampire," mumbled Bai Jie. he didn't like useless killing but for living he had to do it.

Bai Jie looked around but all he could find were little animals all they were capable of was decimals. Bai Jie just lost the 2 days of his life

He was like an angry wolf. He wanted to find something to gain back his two days.


" Are you sure we are to look for them in this area " two men were talking while moving alongside. Both were of the same height. They both had similar clothing and their faces were covered.

"Yes I am sure," said the guy with the sword on his back.

"from mission description, it's a secret mission we are looking for two people Han Sen and what was the other name," said the other one.

"It was Wei ren you idiot I don't know why they sent an idiot like you with me," said the man with the sword.

"Big brother, this is my first mission and I am already with you. I don't think this is an important mission, I am only a third stage and you are a 4th stage mortal cultivator. I think that master just wanted to test us otherwise why would they send some so weak on a secret mission think about it" said the other guy.

"I think you are right, " the guy with the sword said after thinking for a while.

" of course I am right, big brother master was very serious only to scare us. We should find a good place to rest. We got one week to enjoy it and we will tell the master that we didn't find them" said the other guy again.

if their master was here he would have said ' its to make sure it stays a secret you bastards '

"Big brother, I think there is a river nearby, let's go there. We might set up near the river. " said the other guy.

" Little brother, you sure know everything, tell me how many people you have killed. I have more than 200 what about you. '' said the guy with a sword he had a grin on his face.

the other guy was scared it was his first mission in the organization he never wanted to come with this guy. It is said this guy is a psycho.

"big brother I don't want to embarrass myself in front of you. I just hit some minor targets, mostly rich mortals to gain their resources for the organization. " said the other guy.

" hehe you should fight more powerful people or your foundations for cultivation will become lacking let's fight. " said the sword guy.

' You just want to beat me up don't you, no I have to find a distraction.' The little guy looked around at a person sitting next to a dead animal.

" Big brother look I sensed a woman there. why don't we go and have a look. " said the other guy hurriedly.

" where I didn't see anything," said the guy with the sword.

" Big brother, it's 30 meters ahead, use spirit sense she is hiding behind the tree," said the other guy.

they both leaped in when they were 20 meters away the woman seemed to notice something.

" Who are you people," the woman asked.

"hehe little mortal girl what are you doing in this forest come to me big brother, I will help you getting out of here. " said the guy with the sword.

" who the hell are you calling girl " before she could complete her sentence she noticed something. "how is this "

" Big brother we have to make sure first hey little girl tell me did you saw two men they are named Han Sen and Wei Ren if you tell us about them we will give you 50 copper coins how about it " the guy pulled out two scrolls the pictures of Han Sen and Wei Ren were drawn on it.

the woman was acting very weirdly. She looked like she wanted to rip those clothes but when she heard of names she stopped moving. she looked towards them and smiled. but her smile was twitching like under great stress.

" This girl doesn't know anything she is mine no you go away," said the guy with the sword.

" big brother calm down look at how she looks she may know something. Little girl tell us what do you know, we know that you saw them " said the other guy with a frown on his face.

" Little girl you seem to be lacking in the chest area but in this forest, you will be fine, "said the guy with the sword.

" Yes milord I know where they are, they are just behind that mountain I will take you there," said the girl.

" Look this girl is so sensible you should call me Milord too. ``The guy with the sword said he was feeling on the clouds the whole world was beneath him.

"but big brother," said the other guy.

"so you have an objection why don't we have a little sparring contest," said the guy with a sword he had look ' I will kill you '

" Big brother no milord yes I understand," said the other guy. He was unsure he felt that this woman was suspicious.

" Ok good let's follow her she is just a mortal what could she even do," said the guy with the sword he also noticed the suspiciousness in his eyes.

The other guy also looked closely towards the woman and finally relaxed. He nodded towards the sword guy.

"Good, good, I will give you a chance after I am done with her. Hehe" said the guy with the sword. He had an obscene smile on his face.


Author's note :

Dear readers, thank you all for bearing this novel with me. I hope you would be kind enough to rate it. I want to know what you guys think please give a review every one of your viewpoint is important. Thank you.