
Mad Scientist

[TO BE A SCIENTIST IS TO BE A NAIVE, THEY ARE SO FOCUSED TO FIND THE TRUTH, EVEN THOUGH PEOPLE TRY to DENY IT THE CURIOSITY IS THERE, WHETHER WE SEE IT OR NOT THE TRUTH DOES NOT CARE ABOUT MORALS, RELIGIONS, IDEOLOGIES WELCOME TO THE WORLD MAD SCIENTIST ] [ ONE TRUTH I KNOW IS I AN NOT GOOD AT WRITING SYNOPSIS LOL AUTHOR NOTE ] Bai Jie a self-proclaimed evil scientist but not so evil who was researching on getting rid of the trauma he suffered when he was 15 which has changed his whole life. He didn't remember anything which led to this outcome but he became a genius of the century. As the people say no escapes the cycle of time. But something or someone changed his fate; it was no god or demon. It was an anomaly that has changed his life. See Bai Jie( an Old man) as he struggles in this new cruel world where at every corner danger lurks. Where he fought for his life not only from the outside but also from something inside. heavenly God" evil scientist I can't break through nxt realm plz guide" Evil Scientist " You have accumulated Fat in your meridians go exercise alone not with your wife " let's enjoy a journey of an evil scientist who may not be so evil ******* evil scientist " demon god what happens when you break through the god realm" Demon god"it's a heavenly sensation once reach it the more you want it it's like the whole world embrace you with the warmness gentle and destructive at the same time it feels that you are breaking the shackles of the world" Demon god explained with a pride Evil scientist "next time you just tell me you don't know I have no interest in your relationship with your wife. you should keep these confidential not spread it with proud face what a moron" Demon god's head just popped open he died on the spot due to cultivation deviation author here TinyheadXD#2306- Discord. if you have any suggestion please contact. PLEASE GIVE IT A READ!! and a review for people like me which wants to see things differently ( if u like it plz share It give a review)

tinyheadXD · Eastern
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81 Chs

Secrets of cultivation

"Damn that toad want eat swan meat what did that girl even saw in him " white eagle was furious. He thought that big bear was stronger because he was older than him.

" I should recover my spirit energy first tomorrow could be a life and death battle. "

mumbled the white eagle.

" once I breakthrough to 4th stage I will kill that bastard. I will torture him until he calls me milord hahahaha" while while eagle was deep in his fantasy Bai jie looking at him closely. bai jie wanted to know their plans.

white eagle went under the tree and sat cross-legged.

" I should try it on him " Bai jie mumbled and activated his eye of the parasite. He felt like he had wore thermal vision helmet. But it was diffrent he could see the energy flowing through white eagle body. he saw two diffrent types of energy one was light blueish which was trying to rotate through the meridians and

the other energy was in his whole body it was emitting from every cell in his body.

Bai jie thought and looked toward his hand.

just like he thought he could see thin lines of life energy supplying life energy to his parasitic cells. Bai jie also noticed that spirit energy in the white eagle's body was striking at blocked meridians and he was controlling the spirit energy to compress and rotate in such a manner that it will cause the energy from his surroundings to fill it in. The energy which is newly added was forced to follow the same cycle and it started rotation like his energy.


patern recorded.

When bai jie was completely focused he heard a unexpected sound which startled him. a muffled sound escaped from his mouth.

white eagle noticed this he was suddenly awake he looked around and saw the minion standing beside the tree. he expression was that of shock and stupefied.

he asked " What are you looking at where is the black bear and why are you here. " white eagle bombarded bai jie with many question.

Bai jie was thinking but he suddenly overwhelmed by sudden barrage of questions

' I have to use those sacred letters for this prick '. bai jie stoned his heart.

" Milord you look so good. I i like you milord " the white eagle was suddenly overwhelmed hundreds of horses racing in his heart. it was first time he heard something like that he bai jie could see under the mask he would saw this white eagle was blushing.

White eagle felt flowers were blooming in his garden. White eagle replied " Okay I understand. I know how you feel even my mother told me that I am too handsome for my own sake. I know there are so many thoughts racing through within my presence. "

Bai jie was completely stumped by the white eagle's words. Bai jie thought he would be caught and he have to kill him. He already spend 100 spirit energy just to observe him.

he was almost ready to attack him.

Bai jie never thought that it would work he looked towards him closely and thought ' Your mother was just humbling herself you take it too seriously hehe '.

" milord I really like you please have this servant accompany you" said bai jie he saw steam rising from white eagle head. ' this guy as I thought '.

' hahaha it sure is true in desert even a mirage brings a hope to live' bai jie had a evil glint in his eyes.

" no no little minion get up come with me we have to leave here " said white eagle while he stayed on vigilance for black bear.

" yes milord " bai jie changed his expression to a scared looking. ' hahaha little minion he sure know how to talk '.

white eagle lead bai jie along the river deeper in the forest away from the mountain. they found a hidden place covered it to make it blend with surroundings.

" Milord how are you so strong I think that black bear was very weak than you why " bai jie said after thinking for a while. he wanted to know how they differentiate who is stronger.

" ofcourse I am stronger than him I am only 25 and he is 35 he is 10 years older than me but he is only 4th stage pah " white eagle spat on ground and continued speaking. " and his meridian count is lower than mine once I opened two more meridians I will breakthrough and kill him hehehe" said white eagle.

But bai jie felt a peculiarity " milord you mean you can breakthrough anytime " he really could make sense of this cultivation if he could make a breakthrough why he didn't. from what bai jie knew 4th stage stronger than 3rd stage if he could why he didn't.

" hehe little minion ofcourse you won't know this type of information is kept secret by the organisation even I didn't knew about it before I joined the organisation. " white eagle had look like know it all.

" milord you would tell me don't you" bai jie said in a coy manner. ' this bastard is a sicko '

bai knew what he was trying to do. Bai jie remembered it from the book ' Make them fall for you ' it was very knowledgeable book for bai jie. it was from a supreme author who had transcended the dao. Bai had great admiration for him.

Just as bai jie anticipated after hearing him white eagle felt satisfied and he continued " ofcourse for you little minion what a little organisation mean to me" but he was really scared he heard rumours that true boss was an meridian connecting realm expert.

" a cultivator in a mortal stage can breakthrough as long as he has opened three meridians but we all know there are 81 meridians means that with every breakthrough we can open 9 meridians. "

" milord you want to open all nine meridians " bai jie showed a shocked face but inside he was thinking if this was the case then wouldn't every one want to open up all nine why they settle for lower and isn't there are more meridians why does he think there are only 81.

" little minion don't get ahead of yourself do you think meridian opening is so easy more meridians you want to open more pure spirit energy is required with very high talent.only those rumoured great sects has those cultivation techniques to refine spirit energy and legendary middle tier or even high tier I have opened 4 at every stage mine is already 12 with 3rd stage and that bastard is 4 stage he opened 3 meridian with every stage he only had a 12 meridians that trash. once I breakthrough I will kill him like an ant. "

said white eagle.

" milord then could also refine more spirit energy to open more meridians won't you become the strongest " said bai jie.

white eagle had a depressing look on his face

" opening meridians require not only spirit energy but also talent I was able to open four at every stage is already a miracle only those from powerfull sects has resources and techniques to even they are unable to do it from what I know. it is said in ancient times there were cultivator who could accomplish such feats I am not one of them. "

bai jie thought ' could it be high tier spirit stones are required. ' if his guess was right he just gifted the stone to a bandit. bai jie felt like crying.

" milord is this if you have same meridian count as him why not kill him he may find us I don't want to leave you milord" bai jie probed more he sensed he was hiding something.

" how much I want to but he has inborn strength too he is also stronger than normal forth stage he was a lucky bastard but at higher stages its completely useless. "

Bai jie finally understood the missing piece of the puzzle. but if there are so many variable how could they measure the strength of a individual. could they could also see life force like he did.

when bai jie looked at his own body even he could see using eye of the parasite that his life was far stronger than both big bear and white eagle but his consumption was also far higher than him.

He understood stronger cells meant higher consumption.

" milord I want to ask how would you know who is stronger like my master also was very strong" bai jie asked he really wanted to know how they standardised who is stronger.

" its the assessment test special metal is used which when strength is applied the metal produce white light higher the light is emitted the stronger the force is cultivator uses a beast ape to measure the force strongest attack of the ape beast is a standard mostly used for by mortal stage cultivators the force of that attack is measured in 1 bia. I posses the strength of 4 bia but the black bear posses 8 bia almost double of mine. it shows overall ability of the cultivators. so currently I am no match for him. "

(Author's Note - bia is used from ancient Greek mythology where bia represent power , force , might)

Bai jie felt enlightened he finally understand how power system works. but he also remembered the skill Wei ren used when they first fought according to minion Wei ren was overlapping the energy to increase the strength of the attack.

" milord I have seen a very powerful cutivator once he used some technique to suddenly increase his strength " bai jie asked with hesitation. this question could almost blow his cover. but it went unnoticed to white eagle like it was common knowledge.

" he must have used a martial skill spirit energy used in certain way to unleash power greater than their overall ability. but drains too much spirit energy than normal attacks so I can't use martial skill against black bear our only option is to run only" in white eagle's mind little minion was scared of black bear so she wanted him to get rid of him as soon possible which is totally along with his goals his opinion for bai jie raise alot after hearing her question. he thought she was worrying for him.

" little minion don't worry I am not like that black bear he must have done something awefull to you to scare you like that" white eagle consoled Bai jie.

' what a sicko ' bai jie played along and started sobbing on the ground. At least acting like a weak woman crying.

" I know you want to cultivate too. i was an ordinary man once too but after I joined the organisation my life changed " he tried to console bai jie.

' I think it's time to end it ' bai jie got up he moved towards white eagle just like wife falling in to his husband's embrace. white eagle embraced bai jie in his arms. white eagle only heard some words " thank you you were a great help " before his eyes felt heavy and he literally embraced his death.


Author's note -

You know the supreme author right please leave a comment. thank you for your support.

and sorry for being late