
The Regius

I charged at him at immense speed passing I spoke aloud: ''Ascendant Enhanced Dexterity and speed.'' I ran at him and then just as I got close it once again teleported away. The same distance of 50 meters. I then made a cat appear besides him with minor illusion magic. He teleported this time nearer to me than the cat I was within the distance at which he would usually teleport but he did not this time. I made the cat move this way but at a pace which just made the cat seem harmless, but when it entered the range the Regius teleported again. I then saw a area of ice spread out from underneath him. And the cat instantly disappeared into nothingness.

I also felt myself become slower, but due to my ascendant enhance dexterity and speed I could not notice the difference as I had quickly passed the speed which it had caused me to lose. From what I noticed it was around a 33 percent decrease in speed. But next to that I also noticed that the appeared freezing sureface started crawling up my legs. I quickly tried getting my legs loose but it failed. I then made the cat appear besides him and as I had guessed the cat stuck around just long enough to make him teleport. Within less than a micro second I used the ability of the dagger of magical movement and teleported behind him and slashed at him twice. I noticed one of my attacks land quite far from him hitting the ice instead of him, my second attack hit him but it did not seem to deal to much damage to him. I did notice some blood gushing out. Then it took him 0.01 seconds from when I appeared behind him for him to teleport.

He then aimed his hands at the ground and from the ground came a rumbling sensation and a earthquake which seemed to originate at his feet covered the area. If I had to clasify this earthquake through earths standards it seemed to be around a catagory 8.4 earthquake. I felt the shaking but I quickly started advancing again. From the ground apeared some spikes which grazed my skin. It was not bad, it even made me more exited. a great wide grin appeared on my always smiling and laughing face. Now wider than ever before. The smile spanned from ear to ear no surface sparred between the mouth and the ear all of it wide open. I charged foreward as I got close I noticed he was not teleporting he seemed to be focussing on the offensive. I became even faster and then even faster. I dodged all spikes with ease which he had set before him as a defence. I jumped over them with my insane dexterity. I made a flip over the steadily rising spike which just barely did not reach me. As I descended my kick landed on his head.

I heard a crack come from his legs which could not handle the force of the kick I had landed on his head. Though unexpectidely he then raised his arms stopping the earthquake and put his arm right below me and cast a fireball. I noticed it rise and said just before it hit: ''Boots of unbreakability, activate shield.'' The fireball hit but did nothing I then. ''Diamond snake hide hidden armor invisibility activate.'' As the invisibility activated I became twice as fast as before hitting him in the stomache but the attack then disappeared and appeared besides the creature. Then I saw him casting 2 fireball spells and fusing them. I noticed that it was not just a fireball spell anymore, more like a meteor I slashed along his side and the attack connected. But as It did I saw a notification telling me. *The boss has gone into a enraged state dealing 100 percent more damage.*

As I read this my normal expression of glee dissapear as did the armor caused by my boots disapearing due to the pieces of lava flying at me. The meteor grew twice as big as what I once saw and then he threw it upwards. In the sky I saw it split apart into multiple smaller meteors, it wasn't just a meteor but a meteor shower. Just as it reached the sky my invisibility period had ended, I was the fastest that I had ever been. I ran to the endge of the area in less speed than it would take me to normally take a step. ''Activate ravenous.'' I felt the light in my skull dim nothing mattered I just had to kill. I felt myself become stronger every stat by 10 points even. I ran toards the boss and slid my blade into him and he fell over and died due to the extreme force. I ripped through his skin and my knife came out on the other side of the Regius.

Then ravenous deactivated everything went back to how it was. Then the meteors were just 1 meter away the skill duration of ascendant enhanced speed and dexterity ended and my speed went down to 1. I ducked down and ripped out the area of him which would make it so I could gain one of his skills. I gulped it down in one bite. *You have gained the skill evasion*