
Mad Hound of Esselgarde

"I'm going to live free as I please! I won't LOSE anyone given this CHANCE." Carseain Esselgarde who lives his life called a "Mad Hound" blindly, fell asleep for five days after getting drunk. During that time, he saw two dreams. One gave him his memories of his past life, struggling through adversities but still staying true to his altruist nature until the day he died. Another one showed him his future as Carseain who lost everything in vain because he couldn't face his past properly. He wakes up at the age of 19 where he can still make amends for his brother Rovenin, sister Carsina, father Johann as well as his soldiers, friends and comrades. Will he be able to protect everything now that he knows?

callow_dream · Fantasy
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240 Chs

The future , Seen and Forging

Carseain was deep in thought gazing outside.

' It seems I also foresaw the future.

I can't say I lived it because it felt like reading a book or to be more precise watching a 'movie'.

Something, I liked as an Earthling. It's like those Operas we have in the City Theatre.

My father passed away due to an unknown cause and soon a war broke out. I became the Marquis hastily and started preparing for the war. After two long years, the war ended. It was a pyrrhic victory.

When I returned the Marquesstate was in complete chaos. While I was away all the powers should have been my sister Carsina's and I made sure it would be hers. But my stepmother and that bitch I got married to conspired together and took control of it.

Ugh, both I and my father had shit-choice in women. I swear I'll die a virgin but won't marry that bitch again.

They forced Carsina into marrying someone I don't know and her whereabouts were forever not found. Their actions shook the centrist faction at its core. The political equilibrium was lost and sparks of civil war were flying in the capital for which the country wasn't prepared after the war with demons.

The commoners who were already suffering fell into utter pathos. I had such a headache that I don't even want to think about it. Although, it was Rovenin again who did most of the work I had to sit through those stupid Royal councils and listen to Noble pigs grunting.

It felt worse than watching parliament debates...

The opposing factions blamed me for being incompetent. My damned stepmother and that bitch did all they could to drag me down from the Marquis title. But they couldn't as I was one of the war heroes. In the end, they colluded with Franz, my cousin and assassinated me. Franz was planning on taking the title by marrying that bitch.

It seems like one hell of a life but for some reason, I can't feel it. It's like I've lived two lives but not quite the same. It's because the regrets I had as an earthling and the pain of losing my mother as Carseain are still vivid but the horror of war doesn't haunt me so much. Although in my memories, it feels horrendous it's more like reading a book or more specifically watching a 'movie-like' those on earth.

Anyway, I don't plan on living that foreseen future but I want to live freely even though I will still remain the Mad Hound. It's the least amount of courtesy towards both selves. '

[ The Kind Earthling ] and [ The Forlorn War Hero ]


Knock knock

"Young Master, It's time for lunch"

'Good, I was just getting hungry. Smiled Carseain.

Carseain went outside and stopped for a moment and he asked Nox

"Hey, Nox what do you think about the Mad Hound showing courtesy?"

Nox was perplexed and it showed on his face. Carseain laughed it off.

"If Rovenin was here he'd say it's a very funny joke, Young Master. If that were the case he wouldn't be called Mad Hound in the first place, with that fox eyes grinning."

'If I said that you'd probably kill me' thought Nox.

"I won't kill you," said Carseain.

'Huh...can he read my mind?'

"I can't read it"

'Liar' Nox pouted.


Rovenin opened his eyes. He found himself in his bed chambers comfortably dressed. He felt more rejuvenated than ever before. He sat up and a maid entered to attend to him.

"Oh, you're awake Sir Rovenin?"

"Much better. How long was I out?"

" It's the next morning, Sir" she replied hesitantly.

"What? How is that possible?" He exclaimed.

Rovenin was a genius but also an excellent butler. He was very well-known and sought after even outside the Marquessate. For a butler to wake up later than his Master was simply outrageous, even more so for Rovenin.

"Actually, the Young Master went to your office and saw the mess. He found out that you hadn't slept for days looking into Young Master's condition. Then he came to your chambers and cast a spell. Sweet-scented yellow and magenta flowers started blooming and glowing. A servant was accompanying him also fell asleep in an instant is what I was told " she explained.

Rovenin heavily sighed. "Why did he go there in the first place?"

"About that ...." she averted her eyes.

Rovenin furrowed his brow.

"Where is Young Master right now?" He asked staunchly.


Rovenin got dressed with admirable celerity and dashed towards Carseain's office.

"About that, he went there in search of documents regarding the matter the Marquis asked him to settle. He went to your office personally since all servants are ranked lower than you and cannot enter without your permission."

"Where is Young Master right now?"

"He's been cooped up in his office working since yesterday. He ate in his office as well"

Rovenin was calm yet worried.

'Young Master has changed, but why so suddenly? Was there perhaps a side effect on his persona? No, Sir Wildhem would have mentioned the possibility. Is it safe to presume that he's changing of his own free will? Whatever the case, I must make sure he's safe.'

Rovenin knocked on the door.

"Come in." said Carseain.

"Good Morning, Young Master."

He saw Carseain handling all pending documents, going through each of them carefully. Other servants aiding him in the work.

"Rovenin! You look like a healthy carrot. Did you like my gift?" He said grinning while reading the documents in his hand.

"I cannot express the depth of my gratitude, Young Master." He replied sarcastically.

'Sir Rovenin looks pissed' thought Nox.

"You must have been moved by the magnanimity of your Master as he works his ass off while his butler was playing around in slumberland," Carseain said slyly trying to egg Rovenin on. Rovenin was ticked.

" I truly am, Young Master. Your office has been gathering dust for SO LONG that it was getting hard to clean." Rovenin replied, trying to smile.

" What a roundabout way of calling your Master a lazy bum."

' Young Master seems to be enjoying this. I thought he'd be annoyed as usual.' thought Nox.

"I didn't mean that in the slightest. You were busy drinking and causing a ruckus while I was busy cleaning up ----"

"You can shut up now, Rovenin," he said, slamming down the papers.

'Ah...he snapped' thought Nox.

" I looked through the reports sent from the estate, it seems that father has been away for a while and mice are running amok. We need to get rid of them. I'll be done with the Academy exams in two weeks. How are the preparations going?" asked Carseain.

"It's going smoothly, Sir" he replied.

"Good. Also, the reports are too suspicious. Too many servants have changed positions. My Cousins are visiting way too often. Also, there's no mention of Sina anywhere." said Carseain.

" Do you mean Young Lady Carsina?" asked Rovenin.

"Yeah, I heard she was frail and sickly but there's no mention of her condition. Progress or Regress... Rovenin, check what's going on in the mansion."

"As you command"

' He was able to get a hold of the atmosphere at the mansion from the reports itself. When I found out the irregularities, I wished to tell him but he didn't seem to care in the slightest. I think he just didn't want to be reminded of the place where the Marchioness passed away' Rovenin sadly thought.

Nox was very surprised, 'This is the first time I've heard Young Master Carseain call out Young Lady Carsina's name. One would believe it if I said he'd forgotten her existence. Even Sir Rovenin had an astonished expression but it went back to normal in a flash.

Hmmm....as expected of an excellent butler. I should learn from him.'

"Also, Nox there's a special programme arranged for children of Carsina's age. Fetch an application form later."

"As you command," said Nox.

"Well, next is the case that father told me to handle. A merchant who is scamming us. It's obvious he's got the backing of a certain someone from the mansion. I went through the report. He must've hidden embezzled documents somewhere. Notify him that we'll visit him today after I come back. Make preparations" he commanded.

" Understood, Sir. Are you going somewhere? " asked Rovenin.

"Yes, the Academy."

"Why though?"

"Did you forget I have an exam today?"

"Yes, I know but it's a written exam, not a practical one."

" Yeah, so?"

"Have you studied?"

" I did. "

' I'm not lying. I did a lot in my past life.'

" Young Master, you've never given one. Are you really going to write them?"

' Exactly my thoughts' exclaimed Nox silently.

" Of course, I've got Mathematics today. A good student should, right?"

"You're not implying you're one, right?" he laughed.

" Shut up Rovenin and get my uniform."

" As you command," he said with a straight face.

' I can't believe he did all that work in just a day. It's like him during childhood. Also, there's Young Lady Sina....' Rovenin sighed deeply.

'Young Master, just what are you thinking?'

Carseain changed into his uniform and looked at the mirror. It consisted of a white shirt and black pants. A black coat with the Academy's symbol embroidered in silver and gold threads. It had 4 golden buttons with the insignia engraved on it. Accessories were not mandatory and students would have freedom of choice. Carseain's choices are to wear a tie or a cravat, a belt with a holder for sword and vest. All enchanted with defensive magic.

" A uniform is a little too tacky for students. But I guess it can't be helped if you're the Empire's best Academy. "

Thus, Carseain left for the academy.

" It's just a small step but it's different from that future. It's towards the one I'll forge myself," he whispered silently to himself.