
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 8

I wake up with two beautiful princesses on both sides of me smiling. I feel well rested. I wake up both girls and all 3 of us start to get ready. We have a meeting with the 3 wives of the viscount and I have Iris's date to think about. I was lost in thought when Iris walked up to me.

"Michael, you grew again."

I stopped paying attention to my growth since 2 days ago. I'm now 6'7".

"This keeps up, I'm going to be as tall as the Undertaker."

"Who's The Undertaker?" asked Yuna

So I pulled out my phone and looked up The Undertaker and showed the girls. I even showed them some of the matches he had. The last one, when they heard the Graveyard Symphony start, I could see them shiver. I'm not going to lie, it gives me the shivers hearing it every damn time.

We head down to the dining hall where William is, eating his breakfast. I eat and then light a cigarette. II keep thinking 'Soon'.

"Michael, the wives of the viscount has been informed of a tea party luncheon at noon for the girls and I know you'll be there as Yuna's bodyguard."

"Yes but this is also recon. I have a feeling that the viscount has committed a few more crimes that won't show on the record books."

"What do you suspect?"

"Domestic violence, though that might be the tip of the iceberg."

"What is domestic violence?" asked all 3.

I explained what it was and all 3 was shocked by the types of abuse I explained.

"I need to make it a law that those types of abuse will not be tolerated."

"Wow Michael, first The Undertaker and now domestic violence. You know a lot of things from your old world." Iris said.

"I know a lot of info but I don't know everything."

We finish up eating breakfast and I talked to the girls to remind them to act normal during the tea party.

Noon is here already and we all 3 head to the garden. We didn't wait for long as the 3 ladies show up.

The oldest looked to be in her late 50's. The second one looked to be in her late 40's, The youngest looked to be in her late teens and I noticed something else. Something disturbing, her breathing was labored and she looked like she was in pain. After 30 minutes, she excused herself to go the the powder room. I made up an excuse to head to the kitchen to see what was taking the cooks so long. As soon as I was out of sight, I used "Stealth" and followed her until she was in front of the powder room.

"Sssshhhh, follow me." I told her.

She follows me into another room where I asked her to sit and to let me see her injuries. At first she was reluctant to show me until I told her that I was here to help.

Seeing the bruises and scars pissed me off. I heal her and ask her for her story. She explains 9 months ago, the man that she was engaged to died when he was stabbed during a home robbery and then the viscount forced her to marry him. She's been the third wife for the last 6 months and it's been a living hell for her. He has raped her for the past 7 months and beat her once a week for the past 3 months. She even miscarried 2 months ago due to the stress.

I told her that I was sorry that she's had to ender that hell and that tomorrow she will be set free from that hell as I told her that I'm the new Duke of Rommol. She broke a smile when she heard that. She also told me about him beating and raping the maids. Some of the maid were as young as 12 years old. I'm going to make the viscount suffer a painful death. I tell her thank you for the information. I asked one last question.

"How old are you?"


"Stress has made you age a little bit."

We head back, making sure she showed up first. The tea party continued for another hour before the wives leave. As soon as I knew that they were truly gone, I told the girls her story, the scars, the injuries, everything. I can see them getting pissed. Iris even released a little killing intent. I hugged and kissed them both to calm them down.

"I understand how both of you feel and you both have every right to feel this way. However, I will deal with the viscount myself. Just so you girls know, I'll make sure that his death will be slow and painful."

All three of us hurried back to our room as Iris and myself needed to get ready for our date.

! Hour Later.....

"Iris, are you ready?"


Iris comes out of the dressing room. I was stunned. She's very beautiful. We head out into the city and she shows me around to places I haven't been to yet. She takes me to the park where, I feed the ducks some bread with her. Then we head to the cemetery to visit her parents and her uncle. I kneel in front of her parents' grave and told them that I will take care of their daughter and then I kneeled in front of the uncle's grave and told him that I will put things right here in Rommol.

Then we head back to the market place and ahead into a jewelry store. I asked her for Yuna's ring size as she told me. Then I pick out the 2 diamond rings and paid the jeweler. Next stop was a seafood restaurant. I was craving some fish and chips. We sat down and started talking about her parents and her uncle. She told me some funny stories about her brother, I might be able to pick on him after all this blows over. The food comes and I was in heaven. The fish was perfect. We sit for a while after finishing eating.

"You know Iris. This was great date."

"I agree. I loved how you told my parents that you will take care of me."

Tears start forming in her eyes.

"And I mean every word of it. I love you Iris."

"I love you too, Michael."

I get up and walk over to Iris and kiss her. She hugs me, burying her face in my chest. I pet her head.

"Thank you Michael for a wonderful date."

"You're welcome."

We head back to the castle as the sun is going down. We meet Yuna in the bedroom and she tells us that she informed William of the info that I got from the third wife. I asked about his reaction and Yuna tell me that William was really livid. I figured as much. Yawning as it has been a long day. we wash up and head to bed.

The Next Day....

I wake up, The viscount's judgement day is here .Both girls are already out of bed and gone from the room. This is a first. Usually, it's me waking up first. I get out of bed and get ready for the day, making sore my hair looks good to my mustache is perfect. I'm dressed and head down to the dining hall to find William there finishing his breakfast. He tells me the girls already ate and are getting ready for the ceremony. I tell him that there is something I want to do when he announces my name and he said go ahead. He then looks at me in the eyes and tells me to make the viscount death a slow and as painful as possible. I told him that's my plan. He also heard from Iris on what I did at their parents grave and he was really touched. I asked when the ceremony is and he said in a hour. I get a quick bite to eat and then I tell William how I want to introduction to go down. He said that's fine.

Almost An Hour Later....

The Royal Hall is filled with all the nobles in the Hearth Kingdom. William, The King of Hearth walks in followed by Iris Hearth, First Princess of the Hearth Kingdom and Yuna Evergreen, Princess of the Evergreen Kingdom. William sit's down and shouts, "SILENCE!" Everyone goes quiet.

"Now, I'm holding this ceremony to name a new Duke of Rommol. Before I introduce the new Duke, would the Viscount of Rommol come forth?"

The Viscount steps in front of the king.

Viscount, Turn around because I have a feeling that the new Duke would to have a word with you. Now to introduce the new Duke of Rommol, and my sister's fiancé, the Hero of Rommol, MAD DOG BARNES!"

"Warrior" by Disturbed begins to plays as I walk down towards the viscount. as soon as i get in front on the viscount, I punch him in the nose.


The viscount is rolling from side to side, holding his nose, I made sure to break that shit.


I kick him in the ribs. I heard a few of the break. I kneel down and cast Heal. he starts to get up before I grab him by the neck and chokeslam him on the floor. I turn to William.

"What do you think Your Majesty?"

"I find that he's guilty and here by labeled a traitor. Duke Barnes you may sentence him."

"Viscount, you are striped of your title and sentenced to a slow and painful death. I know God won't have any mercy on your rotten soul and neither do I!"

The former viscount finally gets back up on his feet. I throat punch him then summon my Glock and shoot both of his knees, his hands. his elbows. and his groin before I kneel over him.

"This for your third wife, her late fiancé, the maids, the orphans and the people of the region and city of Rommol. BURN IN HELL!"


I shot the piece of shit in the head. MAN THAT FELT GOOD!

The Royal Hall stays silent. as a pool of blood forms under the lifeless body of the form viscount.

I see the horrified look on the nobles' faces.

"I know you all might think he was innocent but I have the evidence to prove other wise was well as his third wife and his maids as witnesses. He got what he deserve. Now my first order of business is to take half of the former viscount assets and split them 50/50 between the orphanage and the guard station. Second order of business is to have active enrollment for the city guard. Anyone is welcome to join as long as they can pass my test. Third order of business is to root out the crime in the city. To the third wife of the former viscount you may live at my residence and work as the new chief of finances for the city. To the first and second wives, you may stay at your current residence, however, the maids will go thru an interview process to see how badly damage their psyche is. I know this wasn't some of you wanted to see but I did this to make a statement. That statement is that I WILL NOT be a push over to any of you. Piss with me and you'll find yourself like him. DO I MAKE MY SELF CLEAR!?"

(Every noble in The Royal Hall) "YES!"

"Good, before this party continues, CLEAN UP, AISLE JACKASS!"