
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 70: The meeting

I start to tour the house with Shuri as we look at all the rooms. I counted 15 rooms that are fairly decent sized and all have their own bathroom and closet. I find the master bedroom and it has one hell of a big bed. The size is the equivalent to having 4 king sized beds put together. I see that there's an elevator.

"Shuri, there's an elevator. Let's see how many floors there is.. I said to her. So in we go. I see 4 buttons with the numbers 1 2 3 and the letter B on them besides the other buttons that you would find in an elevator. 3 floors with a basement? How big is this house? So I pressed 3 and nothing happened.

"I guess we're on the third floor." I said while looking at Shuri. I then press 2 and the elevator doors close. A few seconds later, we're on the second floor and we go back to looking around. Theater room, game room, library, study, office, and a few more bedrooms were there. We go back to the elevator and I press 1. A few seconds later, we're on the ground floor. We find a huge kitchen, dining room, living room, meeting room, war room, and a few bathrooms. We look out back and see a huge pool and yard. I see that there's a garage and look inside it. The garage is big enough to fit 10 cars in it. There's 5 vehicles in the garage, I didn't get up close to what they were as I wanted to check out the basement. We head back to the elevator and I press B. A few seconds later, we're in the basement. It's huge and the heating system was here. Besides the heating system, there was an armory and a training room. I go inside the training room and I see a computer room. I look through the computer and a smirk was on my face. It was for gravity control. I have a gravity room for training.

"I'll check this out a little better later." I said to Shuri. She nodded. We go back to the first floor and walk out the front doors. I can see all of Kuoh City. Plus the front yard is pretty big. I saw a few grounds crew working on the lawn. They waved at me and I waved back. Looks like I'll be brings my battle maids here as well as Luke. I see a gate and in the middle of the gate, there's a big B on it. Looks like God went all out in secret. I turn to Shuri and look at her.

"How do you like your new home?"

"Wait, what?" she said with a shocked face.

"I have to look after my disciple."

"Wow, I don't know what to say but thank you."

I smile at her as she hugs me. After a few seconds, she lets go and I could tell that tears was streaming down her face. I wipe her tears and tell her to prepare as I'm going to call the heads of the three factions. I walk to the front gate and it opens, I walk out and took 15 steps off my grounds before stopping. I raise my power and that's all it took to see a couple of teleportation circles appear in front of me. Then I see a familiar face and another woman appear in front of me. I know the other woman immediately since she looks like her mother.

"Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima, Welcome to Barnes Manor."

Rias looked at me in shock. Akeno was a bit guarded. I motioned them to follow me to my home. As soon as we start walking, 2 more teleportation circles show up and this time, it was Sirzechs and his wife, Greyfia Lucifuge. A flash of light came from behind them and out walks Michael and another angel. A busty one at that. That must be Gabriel. Then the last 2 to show up was Azazel and Baraqiel, I turn around and motioned them to follow. I walk through the gate and they did too. I lead them inside my new home and to the meeting room. I sat down at the head of the table and the rest sat down in their seats.

"I welcome you all to Barnes Manor and my name is Michael Barnes. You all must be wondering why I'm here and where I came from. Let me get one part of this out of my way as I'm not from this world. The world I'm from is right now starting to go through an industrial age. It is also a world of magic. As for why I'm here, that is top secret"

"I knew that you're powerful, I didn't think that you would be tall." Azazel spoke up.

"Yeah, well before we continue this meeting, there's something that needs done. Baraqiel and Akeno, there's someone that has been waiting to see you both." I said before getting out of my seat and walking to the door. I open the door and poke my head out.

"Ok, it's time for you to come in, my disciple." I said to Shuri who was standing beside the door. I walk back to my seat as Shuri walks in. I look at Baraqiel's and Akeno's reactions. Baraqiel was surprised. Akeno was crying.

"What are you 2 waiting for? Go to her!" I said. They both run to her, knocking their chairs over. I choked up a little bit seeing the both of them hug Shuri.

"Mom, I thought you was killed that day!" Akeno said while crying on her mother's shoulder.

"Shuri, I'm sorry I wasn't there to save you." Baraqiel said you her hugging both Shuri and Akeno.

"I would have died if it wasn't for Michael stepping in and passing judgement on Shu and the others that was there that day." Shuri said.

"So, where were you in these 8 years?" Baraqiel asked.

"My world for self defense training." I chimed in as walking over to the newly reunited family. I extended my right hand to Baraqiel for a hand shake. He shakes my hand. He's got a firm hand shake.

"Thank you, Michael. I owe you one." Baraqiel said.

"I also want to tell the 2 of you that you are welcome to live here on the grounds of Barnes Manor. I don't think it would be a good idea to try to fix up your old house since Himejima clan knows where you all live. They could send more clansmen there though Shuri alone could take them out now."

Baraqiel and Akeno look at Shuri for a moment.

"Just how powerful are you now, mom?" Akeno asked.

"Now as powerful as him." Shuri said pointing to me.

Everyone looks at me.

"If I could gage my power, I'm the 4th strongest person at the moment in my base form."

"Base form?" Rias questioned the phrase.

"Yes. I'm in my base form. I have 2 more forms that power me up."

"So you're more powerful than me right now?" Sirzechs asked.

"Yes. But I don't want to kill you or anyone in this room. I do reserve the right to use lethal means to end a fight. The brutality I showed Shu was me making a statement. Understand that I want peace between the 3 factions as war could get ugly here and the humans here would be put in the crossfire. If war breaks out, I'll have no choice but to go to war and mark my words, I'll end the war by wiping the troublemakers out!"

I could hear a gulp come from Azazel.

"As I always say, in order to maintain peace, you prepare for war."

"What are you?" Gabriel asked me. I tilted my head towards her with my right eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I feel you're human but also a higher form of human. Same with the one named Shuri."

"Ahh, I see what you asked. Shuri and I are high humans. Humans that have surpassed the limits of normal humans. She will live for another 200- 400 years. I'm immortal for the most part."

"High human, that's the first time I've heard of the term." Sirzechs said.

"Well, you, Azazel, and Michael saw what I'm capable of 8 years ago. That's only a small sample though." I said with a grin.

"Ok, I think we all should sign a peace treaty soon. We all have been talking about it for a while." Michael said.

"I agree. It's about to upgrade the truce." Sirzechs added. Everyone looks over to Azazel.

"I too agree that a peace treaty is long overdue." Azazel said.

"Now that we are all seeing eye to eye. I think we can conclude this me-"

"Can I tour this house?" Gabriel asked.

"I see no problem with that if your bother agrees." I look over to Michael. He nods his head.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"I want to take you up on your offer." Akeno said. She looks over towards Rias. Rias nods.

"Me too." Baraqiel chimed in. Azazel nodded.

"Ok, this meeting is done."

Michael first get up as he walks over to shake my hand. I hand him something. A phone.

"If you need me or I need to contact you, this will come in handy."

I do the same with Sirzechs and Azazel. We all say our goodbyes but before Rias could walk out the door, I tell Rias no to leave.

"We need to talk about something. I know you need more in your group but I have some bad news. I can't take one of your pieces. I want to maintain my humanity." I said.

Rias looked downed.

"But I'm going to join your group as an honorary member. That way I can help you in most things."

Rias looks up and smiles.

"Thank you Michael."

"So you ready for a grand tour with Gabriel?" I asked her.

"Yes." she said.

I walk both ladies through Barnes Manor and showed every room on the first floor, then the second floor. I showed the rooms on the third floor but when we came to portal room, I looked at both of them.

"What's this room?" Gabriel asked.

"This room has a portal to my world." I said looking at her then at Rias.

"Can we go with you?" Gabriel asked me with puppy dog eyes. That in it's self could be a lethal weapon. Damn puppy dog eyes.

"Yes under one condition. You have to stay with me at all times when we're there." I told her. She won.

"Same goes to you too, Rias."


I needed to go back to bring some staff with me. I figured that my fastest wives could help me with recon too. And Michelle would be needed in case something goes wrong with gravity training. So we walk through the portal and head to my throne room where Luke was. I tell Luke to bring all of the battle maids, Lydia, Sara, Kate, Mary, and Michelle to the throne room. I also told him to stay after everyone arrives. It took 15 minutes for everyone mentioned to show as Michelle was the last to show.

"Listen, the older half of the battle maids will be coming with me as well as Luke, Lydia, Sara, Kate, Mary, and Michelle. Pack up and meet me in 30 minutes. Go."

"Wow, I knew you were important but king wasn't what I was expecting." Rias said.

"I'm not just a king but this world's biggest hero." I said.

"What did you do to become this world's hero?" asked Gabriel.

"Killed the Dark Lord. He literally lost his head. I have the whole fight on video."

"Can we see it?" Gabriel asked as she was unaware that she was pressing her large chest around my left arm. I keep thinking to myself that this isn't fair for her to be an angel this beautiful and busty and doing this to me. I start thinking about football to keep my boy down.

"Yes, after we get back."

"I'm looking forward to watching this video." Rias said.

30 minutes later...

We make it back with half of the battle maids, Luke, Sara, Mary, Lydia, Kate, and Michelle. My wives head to the master bedroom to unpack as the battle maids start finding rooms to stay in. Luke begins to explore to see the new place that he's in. I walk with Rias and Gabriel at both sides of me and head to living room that has a 80" 4k LED T.V. mounted on the wall. I hook my phone up to the T.V. and play the video with sound. Once it was done playing, I see the look on their faces. I also saw Shuri, Akeno, and Baraqiel watching the video.

"I see that you have a brutal way to deal with problems." said Baraqiel.

"Well, it's a way I make a statement. It says to not fuck with me and my family."

Baraqiel smiled at me and walks over. He then does something that took me off guard. He hugs me and said, "Thank you for saving Shuri."

"Like I told you, it's no problem."

What happened next completely fucked me up. Akeno walks over and leans in as to want me to kiss her forehead and hug her. So I proceed to do that. All of a sudden, she lifts her head up and our lips meet. Shuri smiles while Baraqiel is doing his best not to laugh. I knew instantly that all 3 were in on this. The kiss lasted for a few seconds but when we parted, I saw the smile that was on Akeno's face.

"Thank you for saving my mom. I use to blame my dad but with this, I think we can be a family together."

"I mean your mom, your dad, and you?" I said.

"Yes." Akeno replied but then came a wink. I look towards the doorway and see the 5 wives that traveled with me. I see them smiling from ear to ear. I know what they're thinking. They will soon have a new sister into the sisterhood. Ah shit.