
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 42

I stand in front of the captured members of the Shadow Guild as I has Sara and Kate hidden in a room besides this room. I had already informed Sara and Kate that they might hear some screams coming from this room so I gave them ear plugs. I had a fire going in the fireplace and an iron fire poker was glowing red. My captives saw that and their fear grew.

"Not, when is the portal for the Dark Lord's forces going to open?" I asked.

"We know nothing about a portal." said Shadow guild member 1. I saw that he was lying. I lifted up his hood and grabbed the poker and prepare to touch his face with the poker.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he screamed as the poker touched his cheek. the skin on his cheek begins to blister.

"Tell me the truth or it will get painful."

"Ok, ok. A week from now. At HQ. A force of 20,000 is going to go thru the portal." said the female Shadow Guild member.

"Damn it, Zaya. You betrayed us! He wouldn't torture you!" said Shadow Guild member number 2.

"You want to bet?" I quipped back at him. He looked into my eyes and saw that I would torture her if I needed to get the info.

"Shit, he's not bluffing! He really would torture Zaya!" number 2 said with his eyes wide open.

I put the poker back into the fire so it can heat up again and I look at the third member.

"What has the Dark Lord promised your guild?" I asked him.

"The Southern Continent!" the third member said quickly.

"See, I'm a man of my word. I also want to give all 4 of you some infomation. The Dark Lord is working on something that would destroy this world so he was playing you from the beginning."

"WHAT!" 3 of the 4 yelled. The one that got his cheek burned pasted out due to shock from the pain of being burned.

"Yeah. I got my informant spying on the Dark Lord. Just this was worked in secrecy. But thanks to your former boy, Max and his apprentice, Kate, I decided to come here and investigate. And then I run into you four. Now we're here."

I look at the 4 of them and walk over to the I burned and heal him. Then I walk into the room next to their room and get Sara and Kate. As soon as they walk in, all their eyes lock onto Kate.

"You treacherous bitch!" the first one said. I pull out my hunting knife and slit his throat and pull his tongue thru the slit in his throat.

"Now, There's only 3 of you. I feel any animosity towards Kate, you die. You friend is sporting a Colombian neck tie. So, you see how brutal I am towards the enemy of my friends. I'm waiting to see if you have any animosity towards me, I'll show only 2 of you how brutal I am with MY OWN enemies! If you don't do anything. I'll let you join me in my operation against your guild. But if you betray me, I'll blow your fucking head off with my Sledgehammer!" I said and summoned my Sledgehammer..

The second one glared at me and like I said, I shot his "little brother" off and then gave him a Colombian neck tie too. The third one and the female guild member looked relived. I was a bit confused by this.

"You two looked relived. Why is that?"

"Those two has been bullying us since we joined. They pressure us into stuff that we didn't want to do in the first place. The second one tried to rape me and Kate once. Max stopped it before it got too far." said Zaya.

"Funny that you say that the both of you have been bullied. I believe you but your friend was going to kill Max before the Dark Lord's forces comes thru the portal."

I look at Kate.

"Can I trust him Kate?" I asked her.

"I wouldn't. He's a back stabber." Kate replied.

"You bitch! I knew I should have killed your master back when he found out that his niece was killed in Rommol!" the third guild member said before I gave him his very own Colombian neck tie. I look at Zaya.

"So Zaya. What is it going to be? Join me or join them in hell? The choice is yours. I'll tell you this. You help me and you'll be able to survive to live a long life. Get married, have a family. The smell of freedom. So, what's it going to be?"

Zaya thinks about it for a few seconds before she reaches a decision.

"It would be my pleasure to work with you, Your Majesty." Zaya said.

I look at Kate and she nods her head as she knows Zaya better than me. I walk over and cut the ropes binding her to the chair. I lift the hood and remove it from her head. I see that she has pink hair with yellow eyes. I extend my hand.

"Welcome to Team Barnes, Zaya." I said as Zaya shakes my hand. The four of us leave the house and I find a guard and tell him that I killed 3 Shadow Guild members in an abandoned house. He goes and checks it out. We all hear him vomit and run out of there. He comes back up to me with a pale face.

"Y-Your t-the M-Mad D-Dog K-King!" the guard said as he kneed.

"Stand up and get a hold of yourself, man!" I said.

He takes deep breaths and calms down in a few minutes.

"Want an autograph?" I asked.

"Yes, I want 2 for my kids and another for my wife!" he says with stars in his eyes. A fan boy. So I give him 3 autographs. I then shake his hand.

"You might want to tell your comrades about the bodies soon before they start stinking." I tell him. He nods and goes off to find other guards. Nice guy.

"The things I do for my fans." I said while looking at him running around the corner. The 3 girls giggle. I look at them.


"Nothing." Kate said while smiling. I see that the sun is setting soon and my tummy is starting to growl. I hear the 3 lovely ladies' tummies growl too.

"Let's go find something to eat and an inn." I said.