
Mad Dog In Another World

A man wakes up in a white room where he meets God. God gives the man a few options and some wishes. The man is asked by this God to save a world from a dark force.' Ah hell, here we go. Warning: There will be very STRONG language, some blood and gore, and the possibility of some lemons. This is my first novel so if you don't like it, I don't care. And yes, I'm the MC.

Mike_C_Barnes9683 · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Chapter 28

The past couple of days has been peaceful but everyone here has been putting in a lot of work on the repairs to the castle and the city. The troops I asked for from both William and the Evergreen Kingdom have shown up and pitched in on the repairs. I also have received some of the homeless from Rommol. Those homeless had first pick on jobs and homes. Which means the market is starting to come to life though it's just a small amount of stalls that have actual venders with goods to sell and they're selling to soldiers. Every little bit helps.

Lydia came back with a report from Akiha. They have been holding out but they're under siege. The adventurers have been keeping the Dark Lord's forces out of the city but with Akiha surrounded by what Lydia saw was 8,000 orc, ogres, and demons the city will fall soon. Lydia had one more thing that see reported right before she left that area. A small bat like creature flew into and then out of the commander's tent. Must be how the Dark Lord is communicating with his forces. If I get a hold og one of those bat like creatures, I'll give the Dark Lord a message he'll never forget, Hahaha.

I round up the coalition army and my girls and let them know we were moving out to liberate Akiha. A 2 day trip there means battle will be soon and there could be ambushes set up so I warned everyone to be on high alert. Even though I could sense the ambush way before it would matter, the point is that I would rather be prepared than to go in blind. On the morning of 2nd day, i had an idea of using hit and run tactics to draw the attention of the Dark Lord's army away Akiha so I could get Lydia window to get in there and check on the city itself.

So I sent a force of 100 soldiers from the Evergreen kingdom to fire arrows at them to draw aggro on those bastards. And it worked. At first they sent 500 orcs and ogres which they were fucked by the time they realized it. Then they sent another 500 to look for the original group that they sent. Same thing happened to that group as did the first. that is 1,000 down, 7,000 to go.

Looks like they're missing that 1,000 a lot sense they sent a bigger force of 1,000 orcs, ogres, and a few demons. I took care of the demons as the orcs and ogres were easily crushed. So they're down to 6,000 and it looks like they're forming up to march this way to meet us. Since they're not already in formation, this is the best time to charge so I gave the order. The shock on all of those orcs, ogres, and demons faces seeing an army of 10,000 humans and elves to reign death to them must of made them piss their loincloths and shit themselves. The demons saw my as someone with will end them since I was letting out my killing intent at full force. I was a one sided victory for us. Casualties numbers around 800 on our side but nothing fatal. I go in to Akiha to see how the city held up.

The girls and I was walking are, talking with some of the people that live here in Akiha and checking the city out. Nice looking city but there is an area that I won't go. The people here call it the "entertainment" district. I don't have to see it to know that it is a place you go if you need some company. I have always said that if you need to pay to get laid, it's better to get married. At least the woman doesn't leave after taking your money. I would never say that out loud in front of my girls though. I would more likely be denutted if I ever say something like that in front of them. I like to keep my boys, thank you very fucking much! I walk to a couple of adventurers and begin to talk to them when I spotted Kara run up to a young lady and hug her. I observe them talking to each other. Then I see Kara point at me and the young lady looked at me. She had the same look and hair color as Kara but she looked to be in her mid teens. Then Kara calls for me. I walk over.

"Yes Kara, my love?"

"Michael, meet your step daughter, Chrissy." Kara excitedly said.

"Hello Chrissy. I'm Michael Barnes."

"So, I heard a lot of things about my new step dad." Chrissy said.

"Like what?"

"Like how you killed my bastard of a father and a duke and his son. The Marks Kingdom incident, and the liberation of the Jimmu castle and city."

"Yeah, that was me but your mom helped in the last one."

"My mom is quite taken by you, And I see why. You're tall, very strong and you have a presence of a man that takes charge."

"Well, thank you on the compliments."

"Then she mumbled under her breath, "If only I would have met him before he met my mom."

She didn't think I heard her but I did. This girl.

"Well, I would like to get to know my step daughter a little better. How about I take you to dinner tonight and we can talk. Is that ok?"

"Yes! That's ok. I'll hold you to your word father." she said excitedly. But when the word "father" came out of her mouth, she looked down.

"You don't have to call me father if you feel uncomfortable. Michael is fine. Hell, you can call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner!" I said patting my belly.

She laughed. That's good, I needed to make her feel at ease with me.

"Ok Michael. I'll see you later then. I'm going to spend some time with my mom." Chrissy said before walking back to Kara.

I turned and walked away but then I heard a commotion in the "entertainment" district. As much as I didn't want anything to do with that part of town, I knew if I didn't, something bad will happen and I'll be beating myself up for it. I walk towards a crowd of people. Thanks that I'm 6'10". I can see over the crowd. I observe a fat man yelling at a young woman with rabbit ears. This rabbit girl had white hair and the fur on her ears was the same color. I couldn't tell if she had a fluffy tail but she has the curves that would make her and man magnet. I was looking but like I said, any guy would. But what I heard coming out of the fat bastard's mouth was pissing me off. Calling her worthless and poor quality was like throwing stones at her. I heard enough. I pushed my way thru until I was in the center of the crowd.

I looked at the fat man.

"What the hell do you want?" the fat bastard asked.

"I want to stomp a mudhole in your ass and run it dry. I don't give a fuck about what she did to you to make you verbally assault her but it stops now."

"What, you care about that beast whore? She doesn't make me money. I would get more money if I had the Duke of Rommol's top girl, Yuna Ever-"He stopped talking. I was letting out my killing intent. Someone is about to find out why you never talk about my girls being a part of this part of Akiha.

"So, you want to talk about my wife?"

"The fat man's face went pale. That's the moment he knew, he fucked up!

"Let me tell you something, you fat piece of shit! I would have let you off with a warning but seeing that you like to run your little fucking cock sucker, I'm going to stomp a nice size mudhole in your ass and run that some bitch dry."

I grab the fat bastard by his shirt and punch him in the face. breaking his nose and he lost some teeth. While he's holding his nose, I upper cut him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. He's laying on his back. I start stomping on him. I did this for a good minute and a half. I help him up only to crab him by the neck. I bring him close to my face.

"Now you fucking tub of lard. You're done in this city. I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear about you being in this city. Hell, I don't want to even smell you. Because if I do, I'll fucking put a bullet in your fat fucking head. You hear me?"

"Yesh my lord."


I walk over the bunny girl who was still on the ground crying. I help her up. She hugs me. I look at the crowd.

"Ok everyone. Go home., Nothing to see here."

The crowd disperses and I start walking back towards the center of Akiha. The bunny girl wasn't letting go. I get to the square and I see Yuna. She looking at me weird. I know why.

"Yuna, can you help me? Please?" I asked her.

She comes over and asks what happened and I told her what I did. She smiled and looked down at the bunny girl.

"Sweetie, come with me and I'll help you." Yuna told the bunny girl. The bunny girl wasn't budging.

"I'll tell you what, I'll give you some carrots if you come with me."

Carrots did the trick. I was free. Thank god for carrots. The bunny girl followed Yuna to a building and they went inside. I can see that the sun was starting to go down. I walk around until I saw Chrissy in front of a restaurant. I walk up to her.

"Hello Chrissy."

"Hello Michael, I heard that you got into a fight in the red light district."

"Some fat bastard was verbally abusing a beast kin and said something to me that he shouldn't have said so I put him in his place and told him to kick rocks out of here and helped the beast kin."

"I see. So you played the hero."

"Yes I did."

"Good job. That area in this city is always hot spot for trouble."

"Figures. Ready to find a seat?"


We walk in. I'm recognized and we're put into a room where no one can disturb us. I order a water. She orders a red wine. I look at her and she really does look like Kara but younger.

"So, is there something you want to talk to me about?"

"Yes, it's about my father."

"The late former viscount."


"Ok, what about him?"

"He wasn't always like that. It started when he was visited by the Duke of Evergreen 5 years ago. To me it was a normal visit at first but when the duke left after a 3 day stay, I sensed a darker energy in my father but he didn't act on it immediately. But for the 2 years after, he started to act out with fits of anger and yelling at the maids and my mother at times. One night, I caught him staring at me. It was like he was staring at my with eyes of a father though. I could feel his eyes undressing me. My mother saw and knew it was time to get me out of there before he acted on his urges. So the next day I was sent to the Jimmu Academy to become an adventurer and an accountant. I graduated last month but went on adventures and quests to earn money to get back home and see my mother. I didn't know you had killed my father but I'm grateful. You showed up at the right time. My mom told me about what my father put Liza thru and the entire time that my mom was telling me about Liza, I was thinking that i could have been me if mom didn't send me away."

"I see. Your father did a lot of bad things that he had to pay for. He became a traitor to the kingdom and a sniveling piece of shit. I'm one not to hold back on what I say so if I offend you, I'm sorry but that's the way I am."

"It's ok. I like that about you. You're so straight forward about stuff from what my mom said. And from what I observed with our conversation earlier today and now, you're someone who will be the top man in this world. You also got the support of 3 kingdoms and about to be king of this kingdom next month. I wish I could be with you romantically and not as your step daughter."

She said it. She has some courage in her after all.

"Have you talked to your mom about how you feel?"

"No. I'm afraid she might freak out."

"Listen. I may be 19 here in this world but I did have a past life where I was 37 years old. If you don't talk to your mother, you're going to kick yourself in the ass later down the road."

"Ok, I'll talk to her tonight when we get back to the inn."

"Ok, let's order!"

I clap my hands twice and we order. While waiting on the food, I tell her a little bit about my past life and she tells me about some of her adventures. The food comes and eat. It was good. Not Gordon Ramsay like but good. We finish up and I asked for the bill. The waiter said it was on the house since we liberated the city. I gave him a tip of 5 gold coins. He looked surprised. Chrissy laughed at the whole situation. We left and headed back to the best and biggest inn in Akiha. I find my room and it's of course the biggest room in the inn. I made sure to let the innkeeper to let my girls know what room to head to. Soon enough, my girls started to show up. I saw Chrissy pull her mom to the side and talk to her. They hugged and then both of them looked at me. I think I know what that means

It soon bedtime as I lay down in the big bed then 8 beautiful ladies join me. After having a little fun. I begin to close my eyes but then there's a knock on the door. I get up and put my boxers on and answer the door. It was the bunny girl from earlier. She walks in and lays down in the bed with the others. What in the fuck! I went and locked the door and went to bed with 9 girls in my bed.