
'Demon' in the village

''I'm just saying if we moved at the speed I wan-'' Dante suddenly turned and leaped from the branch he had landed on. It was such a fluid and fast movement Jiraiya didn't even know he was being folded around Dante's fist before he slammed into the ground and passed out.

Grumbling Dante jumped down to pick him up before he leaped back onto the branch and began to move again.

Orochimaru raised her hands, rubbing at her temples. ''I've always thought about it... But finally, someone knocked him out to shut him up. You've been becoming more of a delicious specimen with each passing moment.''

With the talker silenced they moved a lot faster, bringing their total travel time to only a few more days of continuous travel, only needing to momentarily stop as Dante delivered another knockout hit. It got to the point Tsunade simply started to feed him sleeping medication to keep him under.

As they all landed outside the large gates of the village, they were all waved in easily after some 'Proof' of who they were.

When it got to Dante, at least two of the Sannin let him in without question.

It has been four days since Dante landed in this world, and he has still yet to check his 'system' despite the constant ringing he was hearing.

Dante got a lot of looks as they traveled since he had Jiraiya over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Making their way directly into the Hokage tower, not being stopped by anyone.

By the time they got to the room Dante's enhanced hearing began to pick up on a conversation through the door.

''A mysterious Mercenary shows up at the right time when we need him most? It's suspicious Hiruzen! What if he's an enemy spy, sent to cause chaos in our ranks?!''

''And he would do so... By taking out one of our largest issues at current? Danzo, I have been lenient with you since your root as helped us immensely, but you are pushing your luck. I will be the one to decide if the Mercenary is dangerous.''

They got close enough to the door by this time to make it so both Orochimaru and Tsunade both heard him, the two of them turning to look at Dante.

Despite his handsome appearance, he was intimidating, especially since they knew what he was capable of without chakra...

Orochimaru had to hold herself from licking her lips every time she stared at him, in the few days they'd traveled. His chakra reserves had risen to the level of a graduated Genin, it was almost like he was a Jinchuriki! But no, after a few... With pokes and prods, she learned that the chakra point everyone had were still in a stage of infancy. As if he was just born as a full-grown human... Well, demon.

Tsunade had done multiple medical check-ups, absolutely shocked each time since even now his body was adapting to the world around him. Even without training, his flexibility was exceeding most trained ninjas.

Orochimaru knocked on the door, the conversation coming to a close before the Hokage cleared his throat. ''Enter.''

When he saw his two students walk in, his heart fluttered a bit when he didn't notice the usual spikey white hair of his third student. Only to show some confusion when another man walked in.

He was a big one to, Hokage had to signal his Anbu that were on station to relax, his presence alone made the hair on the back of the Hokage's neck stand a bit. The kid was dangerous.

Danzo looked at him and his face soured, he had the feeling as well, actively feeling suppressed by the man despite him not having even spoken.

Dante pulled something off his shoulder, Hiruzen's brows raising a bit as he tossed Jiraiya across the room onto the couch in his room.

Seeing the look of his other two students he released a soft sigh. Seems someone finally did knock the boy out because of his mouth... It was bound to happen eventually.

Orochimaru and Tsunade gave a slight nod as Dante looked around the room, looking directly at the hidden Anbu which made their breath catch. He held eye contact with each one for only a few moments before he moved to look at Danzo.

He sized the man up for a moment before he chuckled, shaking his head.

''You find something funny, boy?''

''The fact you have blood thirst means you want to fight me, whereas I wouldn't mind, Tsunade promised me a date if I didn't slug you right out your pretty little robes.''

Danzo's face twisted in fury, starting to speak before a sharp tone cut him off. ''Danzo!... You're dismissed.''

Danzo glared at the Hokage for a few moments before he left the room, the door slamming behind him, Hiruzen releasing a soft sigh as he spoke. ''Think with how often he slammed my door, he'd put more effort into his job...''

There was a chuckle from Orochimaru, stepping forward to offer the stasis scroll as well as the mission report to the Hokage.

He gave a glancing look over it before he looked up to Dante. ''Dante, was it? You say you are a hired Mercenary, and you have been invaluable in the protection of Konoha and her people, as well as a large help to the ongoing war efforts. What's your price?''

Orochimaru handed off another scroll, Dante was... unaware of how the ninja world worked, he got the 'Strong Rule' part down to an art, but everything else wasn't something he knew about, so they had already discussed what 'Dante' wanted out of the deal.

Hokage leaned back, taking his time this go around as he read the scroll slowly.

''Citizenship? Granted... A home within the Senju compound? Well, I can agree, but it is not my right to give, that falls on Tsunade.'' Having a quick look up and getting a nod he nodded before he continued down the list.

''Permission to go through Ninja training under both Orochimaru, and Tsunade... I'm assuming this is something the two of you want? To recruit Dante as a Ninja?''

Seeing the both of them nod, Dante just stood there, raising a hand as he scratched at the growing stubble.

''Promotion to Jonin immediately? Well... I can't say no, since even if I did put you through the tests for Chunin and Jonin, you'd definitely surpass it... How about this, until you get to an acceptable level of at least three major ninja arts? The report said despite how crude your martial arts is, you could still easily kill multiple Taijutsu-focused Jonin. So we'll consider you one for three.''

Hokage nodded as he marked a few things down on separate scrolls, before handing it back to Orochimaru who took it. ''Take this to the secretary, she'll get him outfitted with some papers, citizenship, and a base pay from a normal S-rank mission.''

Orochimaru grinned as she noticed the confirmation of their own mission in the stack as well giving an od before she turned and walked out, Tsunade moving to follow and Dante taking up the rear before he was stopped by the Hokage.

''Dante... Would you mind if we talked a bit, alone?''

''Sure man.'' Dante stopped and turned back around, Dante watched as Jiraiya's body disappeared from the couch, and he felt the other presences in the room go away as well, looks like Hiruzen genuinely meant 'Alone'.

''Can I trust you?''Hiruzen bluntly asked, causing Dante to laugh out loud.

Dante took a few moments to collect himself before he spoke bluntly as well. ''You can, I have no reason to go against you or your village, and me attacking you or anyone else here would ruin my chances at those two.''

Hiruzen's brows went up a bit before he chuckled, leaning back to pull out his pipe, taking a slow drag from the tobacco. ''Sex is as good as a motivator as money... Though I'm not sure if even if you did decide to go awol in the middle of town, we'd be able to do much... Dante if Danzo, or root gives you trouble... Feel free to act as you see fit, just don't kill Danzo... That isn't to say breaking a leg or two is out of the question.''

Dante raised a brow, his arms crossing. ''Plan to use the new strong guy to get him to finally fuck up so you can have a public reason to get his ass?''

Hiruzen snickered, shaking his head. ''Shit, you're smart too? Orochi is going to have fun with you... Yes, I know what Danzo is doing, and trying to do... I don't like it any more than the next person, but as of now you have 'Political' protection from me personally, if Danzo openly attacks you, then is grounds for me to begin a public investigation.''

''Sure, I won't mind playing the game, just send me a letter about all the best places to eat and drink around here.''

Hanzo laughed, nodding. ''You already have Tsunade to help you with the best places to drink... All though you might need to deal with some people wanting the tab paid, I'm sure you can handle it.''

Dante then left, the Anbu returning once he did. An Anbu appeared standing next to him, Hiruzen taking a deep hit from his pipe before he spoke.


''He's terrifying to be honest... His guard never dropped, and if the reports are true if he can handle Hanzo like that in a physical confrontation... I can't imagine what he could do with chakra.''

Hiruzen didn't respond, simply taking another hit. The Anbu speaking up once more. ''That's another thing... His chakra is irregular... It's growing and growing at a speed that's noticeable... When he moved to leave, he locked eyes with me through the walls.''

Hiruzen's brows went up a bit before he smiled, taking another deep hit.

''Did I just let a demon into my village?... Here's to hoping it was the right move... We need the help.'' His eyes lowered to look at one of the reports on his desk, it was a supply report... They weren't in the red, but it was starting to get dangerous... If he played it right, he could help it a lot...

His eyes moved to the stasis scroll as he stood up and took it, walking from around the desk to a portion of the wall that opened up. ''Let's move... Time we interrogate Hanzo the Salamander.''


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