
Truth Or Dare

With the help of N and James, the girls settled in perfectly and they asked if the boys want to stay a little longer. "I don't see why not?" James said as he sit on Akila's bed. "So what do you want to do?" N asked as he sits on the floor. "How about Truth or Dare?" Luna asked in a sinister way, which made N and James shiver. "I accept your challenge." Akila agreed and return another sinister look. The sisters giggle together, creating a dark vibe around them. "Girls, stop it, please." The boys begged, which stops the girl's dark vibe. Akila and Luna both sit on their own beds and said, "Let's play!" Excited to play the game. "I'll start! Akila, Truth or Dare?" N asked Akila. "Dare!" Akila said as excited as suger rush. N did a smirk and dared her to smack her sister's head. "What? I won't do that!" Akila deny the Dare, but then N shake his head, side to side with his index finger doing the same act. "It's a dare!" N said. Then, with a heavy heart, Akila smack her own sister. "I'm so sorry, Luna." She apologize with tears running down her face. Luna smiled and said that it's fine. "My turn, Luna, Truth or Dare?" Akila asked with a smile, giving a sign to her sister. "Truth!" Luna replied recognizing the sign. "If James was hit and the person who hits him sits beside you, will you hit that person to avenge James?" Akila asked, peaking on James. "Yes, I will!" Her sister replied, also peaking on James. "Ok, I'll go now!" Luna said, while raising her hand, "N, truth or dare?" She asked with a grin. N feel uncomfortable at first, but then he pick dare. "I dare you to sit on Akila's bed!" Luna dared N. Honestly, N thought of something worst than that, but he was relief, it wasn't anything bad. "Alright, move dark vibe humans!" N teased the siblings with glasses. "What did you say?" The two asked, releasing dark vibes at N, which makes him regret his teasing. "I'm terribly sorry, please forgive me." He said, bowing on the floor before the two scary siblings. Then N sits beside James on Akila's bed. "N, your turn!" Luna said. N think for a moment with his hand on his chin and his eyes closed, concentrating on who he want to ask. "James! Truth or dare?" He finally asked James. With confidence as high as the stars on the sky, he said truth. "Do you enjoy chocolate, strawberry, cheese, blueberry and mixed berries jams, all mixed into a jam on bread?" N asked with a smug face. The girls put on a disgusted face and James got embarrassed and defeated. "Umm, yes, I enjoy it." James replied with a breaking voice and an asshamed face. "Gross!" The sisters shouted, spontaneously, which broke their brother. N let out a laugh and triggers the person beside him. James gets hold on N's head and did a knuckle head on him, with lots of anger flowing through his veins, he asked, "How do like this, N?" In a lot of pain, N cried, "I hate it, please stop." Seeing this the sister smile at their brother and so did the brother. "Thank you for understanding." Both the sisters thank the brother with a pure and noble manner.